Ye Han has scolded Zhang Sanlei and the other three in his heart now, and his ancestors have sent greetings to them all over the eighteenth generation...

I agreed to lure out this damn clawed beast myself!

The three of them team up to attack this guy.

He was almost fucked to death, but the other party hadn't appeared yet.

However, Ye Han had already been on guard. Zhang Sanlei and the others might not take action. Instead, they would wait for him to be killed before taking action.

Ye Han quickly rushed towards the direction where Zhang Sanlei and the others were hiding.

If something happened to him, the three of them wouldn't be able to run away.

This monster's aura is so powerful that it will definitely discover their existence.

The claw beast roared and rolled up from the ground. His eyes were full of anger. A weak human monk actually threw himself!

What a shame.

The clawed beast roared angrily, accelerated crazily, and chased Ye Han...

Seeing that the pursuit was getting closer and closer, there was a small hillside ahead.

Ye Han shouted loudly: "Brother! Save me!!"

The clawed beast was only a dozen feet away from him at this time. If it attacked with that terrifying gray light claw again, he wouldn't be able to resist it at all.

At this time.

A roar came from the hillside: "Go!!"

Whoosh! !

Three red rays of light flew down from the hillside and turned into shocking wind sounds.

He blasted towards the pursuing claw beast...

Roar! ! The clawed beast looked at the rapidly coming dagger, let out a roar, and clawed out with its huge claws in front of it...

Clang, clang, clang! !

There was a burst of sparks flying, and the flying dagger was actually bounced away by the Claw Beast's claws...

At this time.

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai rushed out from the hillside. Each of them quickly chanted the incantation...

As they pinched their fingers and recited the incantation, an astonishing surge of mana erupted from their bodies, and they used the object-repelling technique to control the daggers to continuously attack the charging clawed beast.

I saw the dagger weapon spinning continuously, and under the control of the three people's thoughts and magic, they changed directions and continuously attacked the figure of the clawed beast...

The dagger struck the clawed beast, making a harsh sound of metal collision, and sparks flying...

The clawed beast was instantly beaten and howled wildly. It roared in great pain and looked like it wanted to fight back.

However, the three people's attacks became more and more ferocious, and the flying dagger attacks were so fast that they were suffocating, and the clawed beasts were defeated step by step.

But Ye Han could see clearly that although the three people's dagger attacks were very fierce, the clawed beasts howled and howled...

But each attack only left a shallow mark on his body, which did not penetrate the defense of his scales.

This guy is really thick-skinned and tough to deal with.

At the same time, Ye Han did not dare to get too close. He quietly backed away and looked around to see where Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was hiding. It was safer to hide with him.

Unfortunately, he didn't find out where Zhang Qingshan was hiding...

So he quietly ran towards the mountain. He didn't want to be the target of the clawed beast here.

Zhang Sanlei saw that the attacking claw beasts of the three people did not pose much of a threat, his eyes showed solemnity, and he shouted: "Three Talents Formation."

As he shouted, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai moved and flew down from Zhang Sanlei's side. The three of them instantly formed a three-person encirclement, surrounding the clawed beast...

The breaths of the three people were connected together instantly, and the whole breath instantly rose...


Zhang Sanlei saw the three people forming their formation and roared angrily. He quickly made hand gestures and recited the incantation. The other two people also quickly made the gestures and recited the incantation. The aura they emitted became more and more amazing. They kept swirling around the three people, suffocating the mana in an astonishing way. surge.

The three of them struck a point together, and the power of the daggers controlled by the three of them instantly increased. The daggers controlled by the three of them actually split into nine blood-red rays of light...

Shoot towards the claw beast!

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!

The nine-blood red light bombarded the clawed beast, leaving scars on the clawed beast, and ripples of blood spurted out...

The sharp-clawed beast screamed in pain, opened its huge bloody mouth, roared, and roared, waving its claws continuously, blasting out a series of terrifying gray claw lights...

Hoo ho ho!

Suddenly, an astonishing gray blade struck at the figures of Zhang Sanlei and three people surrounding it.

"Get away!" Zhang Sanlei shouted!

The gray light claw light bombarded Zhang Sanlei and the three of them. The three of them spun around and actually avoided these gray light claw marks!

Roar! The clawed beast took advantage of this gap and rushed towards Wang Fulai! He swung his claws and charged towards him.

The faces of Zhang Sanlei and the others changed, their feet shook continuously, and all the auras on their bodies surged towards Wang Fulai.

When Wang Fulai saw the clawed beast charging towards him, he slapped his waist and roared: "Han Tie Dun!"

Buzz! !

A gray light surged, and an iron shield with spiritual runes surging in front of him appeared in front of him, and he instantly turned into a half-man to block it in front of him...

Bang! ! ! !

The claw beast's claws hit the iron shield hard, and the matrix on it collided violently. Wang Fulai's expression shook violently, and the mana in his body surged and was continuously input into the iron shield.

Han Tiedun was captured, and there was a ditch mark...

Li Zongqing quickly made hand gestures and chanted spells, and shouted at the claw beast's feet: "Go! Earth Sinking Technique!"

As his magic power surged out.

Under the claw beast's feet, a piece of earth-type spiritual light suddenly surged, and the runes swirled, and the ground it stepped on instantly sank and collapsed.

The claw beast was caught off guard, and most of its body was instantly swallowed by the ground. The claw beast wanted to rush out...

"Go down!" Wang Fulai roared, controlling the cold iron shield in front of him, and hit the claw beast's head heavily...

A shocking roar...

The claw beast's body was smashed into the earth sinking technique.

Li Zongqing quickly made hand gestures and chanted spells again, and pointed at the claw beast's body: "Fossilization Technique!"

Hua La La! ! !

The mud around the claw beast's sunken body surged with runes, and instantly turned into stone...

The claw beast was trapped in it, roaring and trying to struggle out but couldn't.

Ye Han, who was far away, saw the process of Zhang Sanlei and the other two fighting with the claw beast, which opened his eyes.

The spells, treasures, and exquisite coordination used by the three people were indeed beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

No wonder when the three of them joined forces, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, who was much more advanced than them, could only avoid their sharp edge.

This method of fighting the enemy together is really beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

Looking at the claw beast trapped by the petrification technique!

Zhang Sanlei shouted excitedly: "Kill him! Three swords merge into one!"

Before he finished speaking...


From the claw beast's cave nearby, another roar of the claw beast came!

A huge figure rushed out!

Another claw beast!

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