Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 56: The Art of Exorcism

The Black Demon Forest is in a pile of rocks.

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, Wang Fulai and Ye Han were sitting in this pile of rocks, eating cooked meat and drinking water...

The cultivation of the four of them has not reached the stage of fasting, and they do not have fasting pills, so they still have to eat when it is time to eat, but the number of meals they eat is much smaller than others.

But that's just one meal a day, but one meal is much more than others.

Also, the food you eat should be the meat of monster beasts as much as possible, and the water is not ordinary water, it is the water of the spiritual spring in Qingxuan Sect.

The water there contains abundant spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and it also has many special effects.

If consumed regularly, it still has certain benefits.

And it’s not an unlimited supply.

Each monk and disciple can only install a few in a month. The specific amount you can install depends on your status.

The water of Linquan is indeed Linquan water. In addition to being very sweet when you drink it, there is also a spiritual energy from heaven and earth. When you drink it, you feel that your cultivation level has been somewhat restored...

While they were eating, they communicated quietly.

Wang Fulai couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Zhang! It's a bit strange that that gib-armed monkey appeared! Isn't this guy from deep in the Black Demon Forest? And he is very cunning and not so easy to deal with."

Li Zongqing on the side also said: "Yes! This kind of lone monster is too difficult to encounter, and it is on the periphery. Did someone lure it out or was it driven out by some powerful monster?"

Zhang Sanlei said with a relaxed expression: "Whatever! This guy actually met us and was killed by us. That was our luck. I hope we can deal with that damn clawed beast smoothly."

After hearing this, the other two people also became happy.

"Yes, yes! It's our luck that we happened upon him."

"It's so lucky to meet such a lonely monster."

But when he said that, he patted Ye Han on the shoulder and said: "Junior brother Ye! You saw it just now. The three of us joined forces and ordinary monsters are no match for us. Although the clawed beast is more powerful, but Don’t worry, we will protect you.”

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately said: "I know! The three senior brothers have great magical powers and have magic weapons in hand. We will definitely succeed this time! We should ask the three senior brothers to give more guidance to the junior brothers in the future. "

As he spoke, he flattered: "Three senior brothers! In order to control the magic weapon, what kind of magic do you need to practice? The three senior brothers are so good at controlling the magic weapon. They must have practiced this magic very deeply."

Of course he knows what spells he needs to practice to control the magic weapon. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has already told him that to control the magic weapon, he needs to practice the art of dispelling objects!

The art of dispelling objects is to use your own magic power and spiritual consciousness to control the magic weapon to attack!

Ye Han hasn't practiced this spell yet, mainly because he doesn't have a magic weapon to control it. On the other hand, his cultivation base and magic power are not enough. Now that he has learned it, he can only barely move some very simple objects...

But the magic weapon is different. It is said that by driving the formation inside the magic weapon, the magic power drives the magic weapon. The attack power is extraordinary, and then the power of the magic weapon itself is released.

The dagger instruments controlled by Zhang Sanlei and the other three seem to be controlled by their magic. In fact, most of them are due to the power of these instruments themselves. For example, when these instruments are refined, they are blessed with attack formations and are sharp. Blessings, special materials...

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary iron weapons...

After hearing Ye Han's flattering words, Zhang Sanlei laughed and said: "This is just a general repelling technique! Junior brother Ye, you don't know it yet? When we kill the monsters and return to the door, I will teach you this technique."

Ye Han said happily: "Then thank you three senior brothers!"

After a pause, he asked again: "Brother, how powerful is the monster we are going to kill? What kind of monster is it? Did you just say that this monster is called a claw beast?"

Yes, even if Ye Han promised Zhang Sanlei and the others to help them lure out the monster and help them.

Zhang Sanlei and the others still didn't tell him how to kill the monster that Ye Han wanted help from?

He seemed very mysterious, afraid that Ye Han would leak it to others.

When you get here, ask, it should be no problem.

The three of them listened to the line of questioning, looked at each other, and Zhang Sanlei said: "Well, we've all fallen here. It doesn't matter if I tell you. I didn't tell you before because I was afraid that you would leak it!"

The voice paused and continued: "The clawed beast we want to kill is just a clawed beast. Don't worry, this clawed beast is only half a level higher than the long-armed monkey. It is not particularly powerful! But this guy is very cunning. As long as he encounters For monks with a higher level of cultivation, or if there are more people, it will hide in the cave and not come out! It will be very dangerous for us to attack directly. After all, his lair is in all directions, so we don’t know what danger it is!”

At this point, he saw Ye Han say: "All monsters like to eat monks, because after our monks have been trained, their flesh and blood are completely different from those of mortals. For monsters, they are a great tonic. Junior brother, you If your cultivation level is not high, you can use it as bait to lure it out, and then we will block the entrance of the cave to prevent him from going back, so that we can fight back and kill this guy. "

After hearing what Zhang Sanlei said, Ye Han's heart skipped a beat.

These three damn guys said that the clawed beast is only half a level higher than the long-armed monkey monster.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that even ordinary monsters of the same level have differences in strength, and the difference is not a little bit.

This sharp claw beast is already half a head taller than the long-armed monkey monster, and it is so cunning that it feels like it is definitely not an ordinary monster.

He felt that it was not a good idea for Zhang Sanlei and the other two to attack that guy.

If he continued, he must be careful. In fact, he vaguely regretted agreeing to these three guys.

He could wait until his cultivation level was higher, and let Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan take him out to hunt monsters, accumulate some combat experience, fighting experience, etc.

However, these three guys came to his door, and they also tortured Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan so much...

On the other hand, he felt that these three guys came to deal with him because of the request of the fifth elder.

This matter must be resolved sooner or later.

He did not dare to tell Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan about the fifth elder, after all, the fifth elder was a Jindan stage cultivator.

His status in Qingxuan Sect is not comparable to theirs, so there is no point in telling him...

Fortunately, the Fifth Elder is still a little reserved and did not come to deal with him personally.

Before Ye Han could say anything...

Zhang Sanlei stood up and said, "Okay, don't say it. We will set off immediately after we pass this pile of rocks! We can reach our destination."


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