Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 54 Long-armed Monkey Monster

Ye Han looked at this scene in surprise, and his body reacted quickly, and he immediately hid behind Zhang Sanlei.

Even if this strange hand wanted to catch, it would first kill Zhang Sanlei!

Zhang Sanlei reacted very quickly, and growled: "It's a monster! Go!"

With his roar, his hands quickly pinched the seal, and he muttered something in his mouth! !

He slapped the storage bag on his waist, and his fingers snapped.

Whoosh! !

A red light instantly flew out of Zhang Sanli's storage bag, turning into a red cold light, with an astonishing speed.

It shot towards the strange hand that was grabbing, like lightning and fire.

The red cold light directly hit the strange hand!

Clang! ! There was a loud bang of metal collision, and sparks flew everywhere.

When the two collided, there was a loud bang of fine iron collision? Could it be that the monster's strange hand was made of iron?

Ye Han was also surprised to see this scene, and his body shrank into a ball, hiding behind Zhang Sanlei.

He finally saw the true face of the monster.

This beast had a head with sharp teeth and cheeks, black and red, colorful fur, a pair of slender arms, one of which was bloody, slender and strong hind legs, and a big tail.

It looked like a big macaque, but almost as tall as a person, very ferocious and terrifying. The aura emitted from it made Ye Han quite horrified, and he felt that he would definitely not be its opponent if he fought alone.

Wang Fulai behind him exclaimed: "Long-armed monkey monster!!!"

He was also a little surprised to hear his voice.

Li Zongqing shouted in a deep voice: "Let's go together!"

After saying that, he slapped the storage bag and released a cold light, which was actually golden cold light, and shot towards the long-armed monkey monster...

The long-armed monkey monster's eyes emitted a bloodthirsty red light, roared at everyone, and suddenly a bloody wind rushed over, and its body moved, and it killed everyone as fast as the wind.

Li Zongqing and the other two shouted in unison: "Go!"

They quickly made hand gestures with their hands, at an astonishing speed, chanting something in their mouths, and their magic power surged out.

Ye Han saw it clearly from the side. In the cold light released by the three of them, there was actually an extremely sharp dagger. It seemed that this was the magic weapon of the immortal cultivator that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan had told them about.

These three guys are really rich. They actually have a magic weapon each.

You should know that such a magic weapon is a very precious treasure for ordinary cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage.

And these three guys all have one at once.

It made Ye Han alert all of a sudden. If he and Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan deal with these three people together, how would he deal with others who released this dagger magic weapon?

After all, he didn't have much experience in fighting with cultivators, let alone any magic weapons.

However, it can be seen that the coordinated attack of Zhang Sanlei and the other two was indeed very powerful. The three of them kept making hand gestures and chanting spells, and the daggers they released contained the magic power of the three people, and attacked the long-armed monkey monster dazzlingly!

The long-armed monkey monster roared and rushed over, and was stabbed several times by the dagger. Although it was made of steel, there were many bloodstains on its body.

As soon as it rushed in front of the three people, the three people retreated very quickly. Zhang Sanlei looked at Ye Han who was sticking to him, grabbed him and retreated with him.

This kid is still very useful, he can't die here.

Besides, the long-armed monkey monster is just an ordinary first-level monster.

It is quite common in the dark forest!

Every time the long-armed monkey monster grabbed, it shocked out a terrible strong wind...

But it couldn't do anything to the three people.

Seeing that it was not good, the long-armed monkey monster's eyes flashed with a trace of fear, and turned around and ran away.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes showed surprise. This long-armed monkey monster is really smart. It lurked here to attack them just now, and now that it can't beat them, it immediately turned around and ran away.

It seems that these monsters can't be treated as ordinary wild beasts. Their intelligence and defense capabilities are far beyond the reach of ordinary wild beasts.

And when the three people attacked the long-armed monkey monster, the magic weapon hit the long-armed monkey monster, and it actually made a sound of metal colliding, and sparks flew everywhere!

That is to say, the defense of the monster's bones and fur is comparable to fine iron armor.

No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that with his current cultivation, he can deal with some so-called master warriors of mortals.

But it is very difficult to deal with first-level monsters, so at their current level, it is best to honestly find a place with abundant spiritual energy in the world to practice, and wait until the cultivation reaches the late stage of Qi Refining before killing some monsters.

And you can't go alone, it's safer to go with some high-level cultivators or a team of multiple cultivators.

As for the long-armed monkey monster in front of Ye Han, it is not something that can be dealt with by a single team.

What's more, this monster is much smarter than ordinary beasts, and the higher the level of the monster, the smarter it is.

According to some high-level cultivators in the sect, there are many monsters with extremely high cultivation levels, and they can also cultivate and use magic weapons by themselves, which is very terrifying.

Of course, there are very few monsters that can reach that level of cultivation. At that time, they are not considered monsters, but are called monster cultivators.

The long-armed monkey monster that escaped in front of us is smarter than ordinary beasts, but it can't be called a monster cultivator at all.

Seeing the long-armed monkey monster trying to escape, Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked at each other and burst out with amazing magic power.

The three of them quickly made hand gestures. Ye Han, who was beside them, clearly felt the mana gathering on them, forming a mana aura that spun around them...

Sure enough.

The three of them said in unison: "Three swords merge into one!"

As the three of them pointed forward in unison, the cold daggers they released instantly spun together, and the speed soared, like a flash of cold light.

A suffocating light was drawn in the air, and it instantly crossed the void, with an extremely fast speed.

It instantly hit the back of the long-armed monkey monster.

With a muffled sound of "Puff!", a blood hole was directly pierced in the back of the long-armed monkey monster, and blood spurted out...


The light that pierced the long-armed monkey monster, and as the three of them pointed their hands, the cold daggers of the three drew an arc in the distance, and instantly flew back, directly piercing the throat of the long-armed monkey monster...

The long-armed monkey monster rushed forward, and crashed into a big tree for several feet before stopping.

The cold light split in the air and turned into three cold lights, flying back to Zhang Sanlei and the other two.

Looking at the corpse of the long-armed monkey monster, Ye Han's eyes were solemn. The long-armed monkey monster was killed so easily by three people.

It seems that the three people are indeed not easy to deal with, especially when the three of them join forces to perform the three swords in one, the power is more than three times greater than that of one person.

It seems that it will not be easy for him and Zhang Qingshan to plot against the three of them this time! If things go wrong, it is not certain that they will be plotted against by the three of them.

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