Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2737: He was brought in again!!


Boom! !

A series of earth-shaking roars and vibrations, the entire seabed was filled with chaotic and terrifying waves, and boundless tsunami storms continued to impact, forming huge bulges and countless sand and gravel reefs on the seabed. , all of which kept rolling at this time.

Huge pillars like the Optimus Primer struck from the bottom of the sea...

These pillars are all covered with mysterious golden runes, which are extremely mysterious, forming a matrix of strange formation aura! !

not good! !

Ye Han and Tianxuan Star King immediately felt that this terrifying huge pillar formed a boundless and terrifying power of confinement, the power of the formation, and an unspeakably powerful and extremely mysterious power that burst out with the shock!

Immediately, both of them released astonishing bursts of mana light, trying to escape from this dangerous place...



Buzz! !

Ye Han and King Tianxuan felt an extremely powerful force at the same time, directly pulling their figures...

Hoo ho ho! !

Ye Han suddenly felt the terrifying power of this force, which made his body unable to activate his magic power in an instant. He was already attracted by this terrifying breath power and flew towards the side hall of the Immortal Palace...

He saw that Tianxuan Star King could not control his body shape, and rushed forward in the direction of that terrible pulling force...

And with this terrifying vibration, the entire sea area has become extremely turbid, boundless waves and storms are surging, and there are also very terrifying and chaotic auras, fairy energy, and magic. Among them, they can't stabilize their bodies at all. I can only be sucked in by this terrible power...

With the surge of this astonishing storm breath, Ye Han was struck by the boundless water waves like a sharp sword, and the star magic armor on his body made a harsh friction and explosion sound! !

at the same time!

That day, King Xuan Xing's figure was also struck by the terrible storm. He was submerged in the boundless tsunami storm and disappeared! !

Ye Han didn't care what happened to King Xuanxing that day, he couldn't even protect himself! !

He discovered that with this terrifying force of confinement, the direction he rushed towards was exactly where the side hall of the Immortal Palace was...

Are you trying to suck yourself into this side palace of the Immortal Palace?

The situation did not allow Ye Han to think too much. He was sucked into the side hall of the Immortal Palace by the terrifying power of the storm! !

And this time!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The seabed around the side halls of the Immortal Palace was shaken by boundless roars, and huge pillars of Optimus Pillar struck out on the sea...

Boom boom boom! !

A series of terrifying roars, shaking explosions, water waves rising into the sky, huge pillars rushing out of the boundless sea level...

As these huge pillars hit the sea level one after another, the entire sea level was filled with huge pillars, impacting out as far as the eye can see. These huge pillars rushed out of the sea for an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles! !

On top of this boundless Optimus Pillar, boundless waves and water burst out, and huge pillars hit the sea surface tens of thousands of feet high, even reaching the sky, and you can't see how high...

These pillars emitted astonishing and extremely mysterious golden runes one by one, spreading and impacting in all directions, forming a matrix of fairy runes to confine this sea area! !

In an endless expanse of water rushing onto the sea surface! !

Whoops! ! !

A bright golden figure flashed through the air in an instant, and was hundreds of miles away in an instant! !


The golden figure flew away and took a few breaths!

Buzz! !

On the distant sea level, on the horizon, huge pillars of the Optimus Pillar suddenly struck out, and boundless bright golden runes burst out on the sea surface with constant shock, forming a boundless celestial being composed of runes and spiritual light. The matrix...

See this! !

The golden figure suddenly stopped, his pupils full of astonishing golden runes swirling with a ferocious look, and he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! I'm too late!!"

Cursing like this, a circle of terrifying golden runes suddenly appeared on this golden figure...


An astonishing golden spear treasure appeared in the hands of the golden figure.

Buzz! ! ! !

The moment this golden spear treasure appeared in his hand, terrifying ripples appeared in the space, and golden lightning-like arrogance vibrated out of the golden spear!

The golden figure holds the golden spear, and drives terrifying magical power into the golden spear!

Sizzle! !

This golden light spear instantly erupted into a terrifying mana matrix hundreds of miles across, shaking the space for thousands of miles around and creating an endless terrifying storm...

Hoo ho ho!

Boundless immortal energy, like a tide, surged towards the spear and the golden figure! !

but! !

This golden figure didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly, a trace of hesitation appeared in the eyes of this golden figure. He used his magic power to burst out a spear spell, and stopped silent...

"Tsk! Forget it!! Now is not the time!!!"

The golden figure said with great regret, and the amazing brilliant mana on his body burst out. The golden flame in his hand trembled, and the golden spear suddenly surged with flames and disappeared into the air!


"Get the others first, then come here!! Then there will be no problem!"

The golden figure turned into a golden light, a golden arc, and flew in another direction. After several amazing golden lights burst and trembled, it disappeared in the distance...

A ripple of amazing space fluctuations was left in the air...


Bang Bang Bang! ! !

Ye Han's figure was like an iron ball, constantly hitting and exploding in a long passage, and his figure was about to be smashed into pieces in an instant!

It was not easy to stop!!

Ye Han himself didn't know how many times he had hit, even with his powerful cultivation, he felt dizzy!

Ye Han activated the Soul Calming Divine Art to stabilize his soul and spirit, and suddenly felt that this place was a huge and boundless space passage. It was full of rune lights surging and dazzling. This place looked similar to the passage in the side hall of the Immortal Palace he had visited before...

The smooth metal space passage looked very extraordinary!!

However, he also felt that there was a stronger fairy spirit in this space passage...

And the Divine Sea Devouring Heaven Cauldron was also shaking constantly at this time!!

Tsk! He was brought in again!!

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