Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 258: Hard to Guard Against

Yes, if the purple cauldron has its own space, it will be separated from the space where he is by a time and space gap, further increasing the barrier between the Fantian Pagoda and the Fortune Heavenly Fang in the storage bag...

So the two are cut off from each other?

But the Fantian Pagoda seems to ignore this kind of space barrier, otherwise how could it sense the Fortune Heavenly Fang in his storage bag before?

But now is not the time to think about these situations.

The Fantian Pagoda that everyone wants to fight for now was actually sucked into the purple cauldron.

It's a crime to hold a treasure!

Neither the Demon Lord Black Shadow nor Qin Minghui will give up the Fantian Pagoda.

Although they didn't see the purple cauldron absorbing the Fantian Pagoda, there was only Ye Han here! They all knew that it was Ye Han's trick.

Ye Han quickly ran towards the stalagmite forest...

At this time.

Boom boom! ! !

The huge hole in the mountain wall that had been blocked, a large piece of rock exploded with a roar, and a giant snake composed of zombie puppets directly broke through the rocks blocking the mountain wall...

The zombie giant snake appeared at the entrance of the double-wall cave, and the golden pupil of the Demon Lord Black Shadow was on the snake head, staring at Ye Han's fleeing back ferociously...

The Demon Lord Black Shadow roared and cursed: "Damn it! Don't even think about escaping!"

The zombie giant snake twisted and slithered directly, chasing Ye Han. Wherever it passed, rocks and soil splashed, and stalagmites were directly smashed...

The speed was really amazing, and the Demon Lord Black Shadow suddenly found that the Fantian Pagoda was gone, and the breath and treasure light were gone.

The Demon Lord Black Shadow roared angrily: "Damn it! The Fantian Pagoda must have been taken away by this damn Ye Han!"

The huge zombie giant snake rushed faster and chased Ye Han...

The Demon Lord Black Shadow was not just horrified, what on earth was going on with this Ye Han?

With thousands of years of practice, he could not see through this damn Ye Han. What level of immortal cultivator was this guy?

The Fantian Pagoda was not an ordinary treasure. How could a small cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage have the ability to obtain this treasure?

It was absolutely impossible if he did not know the treasure-taking method.

Could it be that he had some mysterious treasure?

Or was this Ye Han also an old monster in disguise?

He must catch this damn Ye Han and torture him to find out his secrets.

The Fantian Pagoda was also in his hands! He would not let this damn Ye Han go.

As Ye Han expected, the zombie giant snake controlled by the black shadow of the Demon Lord kept chasing him frantically...

The six-clawed electric dragon monster also rushed out with a trembling sound, and Ye Han kept chasing after it.

Qin Minghui's figure also appeared on the cliff and rushed down. She was also puzzled now, wondering how Ye Han took the Fantian Pagoda away.

Or maybe the Fantian Pagoda ran away due to some accident.

You have to know that treasures of this level have their own spiritual consciousness, and they will escape by themselves if they encounter danger.

But it is unlikely that she did not see the Fantian Pagoda soaring into the sky, or the direction of escaping to somewhere!

Ye Han definitely does not know the control formula of the Fantian Pagoda to take the treasure. After all, the Fantian Pagoda is of great importance. When the Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder asked them to come, they only gave them the treasure-taking formula...

Damn it! She can't see through this Ye Han, what's going on.

But the current situation is that there are so many Demon Lord Black Shadow and his men, and they are also chasing Ye Han...

Now we must not let the Fantian Pagoda fall into the hands of this damn Demon Lord Black Shadow. As long as Ye Han is brought back, there are many ways to make Ye Han hand over the Fantian Pagoda!

Ye Han looked back and saw that the zombie giant controlled by the Demon Lord Black Shadow had turned into a zombie giant snake.

He had been guessing that the zombie puppets controlled by the Demon Lord's shadow could not be useless, otherwise why would the Demon Lord waste his mana and consciousness to control this thing?

Now it seems that these zombie puppets are indeed his strongest killer. After turning into zombie giant snakes, their speed is really terrifying...

How dare Ye Han go head-to-head with the Demon Lord's shadow? Even if Qin Minghui came to help, with their magical powers, they would not be opponents against the Demon Lord's zombie giant snake and the six-clawed electric dragon monster.

So, Ye Han gritted his teeth, the blood light on his hand trembled, and he cast the blood escape talisman again...


Ye Han's figure turned into a blood light, and instantly pulled away from the Demon Lord's shadow by dozens of feet. The blood light burst out again, and it was just a hundred feet away.

Fortunately, Ye Han's blood refining skills had reached the second level, and his flesh was full of blood. After casting the blood escape talisman twice in a row, he still had some spare energy to escape.

After escaping for several hundred feet, the power of the blood escape talisman disappeared. Ye Han also felt a little weak. He activated the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness to continuously replenish his consumed mana, and then performed the ghost step, turning into a gray light afterimage and escaping as fast as a ghost...

Seeing Ye Han's amazing speed, the black shadow of the demon king was shocked!

A cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage actually has such a terrifying speed, and the body movement magic he performed is obviously a spell that consumes a lot of mana. This guy can actually perform it continuously without seeing the mana running out.

The black shadow of the demon king's eyes trembled with golden light ripples, and roared: "Don't even think about escaping!"

While speaking, the zombie puppets that formed the zombie giant snake began to quickly pinch their fingers, and suddenly blood light surged out of the zombie puppets one by one, and the black demonic energy on their bodies continued to surge out, forming black and red runes that surged into their bodies...

As these zombie puppets became black and red, the entire zombie giant snake also burst into red and black flames, and its aura suddenly surged, and it was unknown how much, and its speed also increased a lot.

The speed of chasing Ye Han suddenly surged, and gradually closed the distance with Ye Han.

Seeing this, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and seven or eight talismans flew out, and as his spiritual consciousness and magic power were touched.

These seven or eight talismans turned into lightning, fireballs, and lightning and exploded, bombarding the zombie giant snake.

But hitting the zombie giant snake was like scratching an itch, and after a series of roars and explosions, it had no effect.

Demon Lord Black Shadow shouted disdainfully: "With your limited magical power, you are courting death!"

But he immediately realized that something was wrong!

Many of the puppets of the zombie giant snake he controlled actually bounced off the zombie giant snake, causing the zombie giant snake's impact to be slightly hindered...

"What's going on?" Demon Lord Black Shadow's eyes changed and he was surprised.

Only then did he realize that among the talismans thrown by Ye Han, there was a spell-breaking talisman!

Let some of the zombie puppets be hit, and his controlled consciousness was broken...

This damn Ye Han has so many methods and treasures that he really can't defend himself!

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