Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 242 Not really going

Yes, Ye Han pretended to gather everyone to fight the Demon Lord. Gu Changdao was also part of Ye Han's plan and had to act according to Ye Han's words...

This damn Ye Han looks harmless, and is younger than everyone else, but he is so cunning and cunning that he is included in his scheme...

And even though he knew his plan, he really had to act according to Ye Han's words.

Damn it, those old monsters in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul stages are nothing more than this, right?

However, they were facing the Demon Lord. Although he only had a ray of soul, he still controlled many demonic beasts. There were so many demonized monks under his control. Although many of them had been killed, everyone had already I suffered a big loss once.

I really don’t know where Ye Han got the confidence to lead people to open the Five Elements Restriction, and also lead the Demon Lord to a decisive battle?

Does he really have any killer moves that can deal with the Demon King?

But Ye Han shrugged and said, "Who said we were going to open the Five Elements Restriction? We didn't really go!"

Listening to Ye Han's words, Gu Changdao was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly, and asked: "Junior Brother Ye, what do you mean by this?"

Could this damn brat have deceived him?

Ye Han said with a smile but not a smile: "Senior Brother Gu, I'm sorry, I am also trying to save Senior Brother Sun and Senior Sister Lin! I asked Senior Brother to lie to the Demon Lord and say that we are going to activate the Five Elements Restriction. Actually, it is to save Senior Brother and Senior Sister. Even if the senior Qin Minghui is with us, the five of us together will not be the opponent of the Demon Lord!"

Yes, the so-called asking Gu Changdao to tell the Demon Lord that he and Gu Changdao would rescue Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan, and then find Qin Minghui, so that the five of them could open the Five Elements Restriction in the pagoda, was simply Ye Han's plan.

Taking advantage of the Demon Lord's desire for the pagoda and his desire for it, Ye Han seemed to be unable to hold back and wanted to fight the Demon Lord.

In fact, Ye Han wanted to rescue Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan and find Qin Minghui...

He believed that Qin Minghui was indeed the soul of a golden elixir monk. It would be more reliable to find Qin Minghui and ask her to find a way to take everyone out.

On the one hand, Qin Minghui has a teleportation token on her body. On the other hand, Qin Minghui is at least a Golden Core monk and knows more about the Dark Forbidden Land. She may have a way.

The purpose of using Gu Changdao in this way is to make Gu Changdao truly betray the Demon Lord, so that this guy has no way to retreat, so that this guy will not be duplicitous.

Gu Changdao wanted to go out with them and please the Demon Lord, but he didn't know what he was thinking behind the scenes.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Gu Changdao almost burst out of anger. After working on it for a long time, he took such a risk to go to the Demon Lord to tell him about this plan.

This guy actually told me so lightly?

Everything is fake?

He suddenly remembered Ye Han's half-smiling expression when he told him about the plan before. Before, he thought this guy was confident enough.

Now it seems that he actually lied to himself and told the Demon Lord about his plan to open the ban?

hateful! From the very beginning, he was manipulated by Ye Han, who treated him like a monkey.

Looking at Ye Han's harmless face now, I really want to stab him to death with a sword.

He took such a big risk to go back to find the Demon King.

Is this the result?

Fortunately, I still believe that this damn Ye Han really has the means to deal with the Demon King...

After reacting, Gu Changdao was furious, his heart was about to collapse, veins in his temples were pulsing, his hands were shaking with anger, and he couldn't help but have murderous intent...

At this time.

Swish, swish, swish! Sun Houde, who was originally unconscious, Lin Hongyan's body squirmed, her breathing became rapid, she coughed several times, and then she got up from the ground...

The two people's expressions were confused for a while, and they saw Gu Changdao and Ye Han beside them. He suddenly got up from the ground, feeling that his body was weakening.

Sun Houde couldn't help but said to Gu Changdao: "Senior Brother Gu, did you save us?"

Lin Hongyan also looked at Gu Changdao gratefully and said, "Senior Brother Gu! Thank you for saving us."

Gu Changdao, who was so angry that his heart was about to collapse and his face turned green with anger, was stunned after hearing the emotional words between the two. He originally wanted to stab Ye Han to death with a sword, but was distracted and took it back...

This damn Ye Han really planned everything to prevent him from being two-faced and two-faced, so that he had no way to fall to the side of the Demon Lord now.

Just imagine, the Demon Lord will soon know that what Gu Changdao said about Ye Han and others going to seek the Five Elements Forbidden Pagoda was simply a lie to him.

How could the Demon Lord Black Shadow let him go?

I'm afraid that I have thoughts of cutting him into pieces!

He took a deep breath to control his dissatisfaction.

It has happened, and there is no point in thinking about anything else.

At this time, Ye Han said to Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde: "Senior Sister Lin, Senior Brother Sun, you are able to come back alive only because Senior Brother Gu took the risk and persuaded the Demon Lord Black Shadow to rescue you! You should really thank Gu Senior brother!”

Ye Han doesn't covet this credit. Anyway, his goal has been achieved. He can say a few good words without losing a piece of meat. The key is to stabilize this ancient road.

When he just said that this matter was a lie to him, this guy couldn't control his murderous intent. It was not difficult to understand Gu Changdao's thoughts.

For someone like him to live an ignoble existence and beg for mercy in pursuit of immortality, it's nothing. It's also normal to do things like stabbing people in the back and treading two boats.

So Ye Han still had to force Gu Changdao to be completely on their side, forcing him to face the Dark Shadow of the Demon Lord. When he really faced the Dark Shadow of the Demon Lord, that was the time to fight for his life!

After hearing what Ye Han said, Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan looked at each other. Although they were groggy now, their physical condition was actually very good, and they didn't feel injured at all.

The two of them didn't doubt him, and thanked Gu Changdao again in unison.

"Senior Brother Gu! Thank you so much."

"Senior Brother Gu! I don't need to thank you for your kindness. If you need me in the future, I will die for you!"

They had all seen how powerful the Dark Shadow of the Demon Lord was, and they really didn't know how Gu Changdao saved them.

But now seeing that Ye Han and Gu Changdao were both intact, they were relieved.

Gu Changdao was extremely depressed by Ye Han's words, saying that all the credit was given to him and he was flattered. However, he still smiled and said, "It's okay! We are all fellow disciples!"

He paused and said to Ye Han, "Brother Ye, now that the person has been rescued, shall we go find Qin Minghui next?"

After saying this, Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan looked at Ye Han in surprise.

You know, Gu Changdao is quite famous in Qingxuan Sect. He usually doesn't care about anyone, so why is he so polite to Ye Han?

What's even more strange is that Gu Changdao is not a chivalrous person, so why would he risk saving the two of them?

Ye Han said indifferently, "Don't let us go find her ourselves! She has already found us!"


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