Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2373 Breaking out of the boundless sea of ​​stars

Ye Han had to pay attention. The magical power released by this weird snow-white figure was really terrifying. It seemed that the attack range was very small, but the power contained was very terrifying. It seemed that the mana of the wild energy was directly compressed. Extreme, explosive.

Ye Han felt terrified every time. If he hadn't had many methods to deal with it, he would have been a corpse by now! !

If this guy keeps chasing him, he will be in big trouble! !

Ye Han hesitated a little, should he enter the tomb of the ancient gods?

The opponent is too powerful, and I may not be able to fully cope with it!

But at this moment! !

Boom! !

When the strange snow-white figure with the water attribute rushed halfway, a ring of earth-shaking roar exploded under his feet, and a large terrifying black light storm exploded. The place where the snow-white figure passed by suddenly exploded. A huge pit tens of thousands of feet in size came, and a terrifying black beam of barbaric energy struck out...

boom! !

The snow-white figure was immediately swept up and flew up thousands of feet...


The snow-white figure trembled, and like a meteorite, it flew into the big hole of the light pillar! ! !

What happened?

What's happening here?

When Ye Han saw this scene, his face was shocked.

Just then! !

Buzz! !

Ye Han felt the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrate very strongly, and the vibration was unprecedentedly strong. Among the reactions of the purple tripod he had sensed, this time was at least the top three vibrations! !

"There is a treasure that interests Zi Ding!!"

Ye Han's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise. A treasure that could make Ziding react so strongly was absolutely extraordinary. What he hadn't felt just now suddenly appeared like this?

And Ye Han also saw that the snow-white figure that fell into the deep sky of the huge barbaric energy did not appear again, and seemed to have encountered some trouble!


Buzz! !

The purple tripod in Ye Han's sea of ​​divine consciousness strongly urged Ye Han to get up, and seemed to be asking Ye Han to quickly enter the tomb of the ancient god!

Get in!

Ye Han is a decisive person and immediately decided to go in! !

Whoops! !

Ye Han's figure suddenly erupted into an astonishing golden storm, and his figure suddenly erupted into an astonishing golden aura, forming a huge golden aura wing behind his back...

Boom boom boom! !

Continuous storms of Gang Qi exploded, and the golden Gang Qi wings on Ye Han's back continuously flapped and shook out a shocking storm that was visible to the naked eye. A turbulent storm was blasted out, and it rushed into the huge ice pit...

Ye Han took over the body shape, and his body continued to condense into ice. Fortunately, Ye Han had fairy fire protection and ice attribute spiritual roots. The cold air that had hit him came back, making Ye Han feel chilled!

The power of the ice-attribute laws attacked by this snow-white figure is only weaker than the power of the ice-attribute laws of the Absolute Cold Divine Sword. If he hadn't been practicing to resist the backlash of the metallic laws, he might not be able to withstand the coldness of this ice. .

However, Ye Han also knows that the wild energy here is very terrifying, and he can only use the physical power of the Vajra Fire Divine Art to form the power of the law of Gangqi to prevent his magic matrix from being disrupted...

Boom boom boom! !

Continuous storms of strong energy exploded, and Ye Han's figure turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the ice pit.

When his body just got into this big pit of ice! !

Boom boom boom! ! ! A series of earth-shattering storms were caused by the shock in the space. Ye Han looked back and saw that the huge holes bombarded by snow-white bombs had disappeared, replaced by a ferocious rune mask of wild energy.

There's no going back now! !

Not long after Ye Han came out of the Third Heaven, he fell into the tomb of the ancient gods again. There was nothing he could do about it...

The moment Ye Han entered the tomb of the ancient god, he immediately felt the terrifying barbaric energy contained in this space. The constant stirring and impact caused his mana to disappear.

Buzz! !

However, the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness was still trembling violently.


Ye Han felt that the treasure Ziding encountered was moving rapidly, making the purple tripod's sense in his sea of ​​consciousness become weaker and weaker.

That thing is moving! !

Ye Han's expression changed and became serious, and after he entered the tomb of the ancient god, he found himself in a wall abyss. This wall was covered with mysterious rune patterns, and it looked bottomless. , there is a dark and barbaric atmosphere below...

And there is another wall on the other side. The two walls are thousands of feet apart, which means that he is now in the middle of the two walls.

Fortunately, there is no air restriction here, and Ye Han can still stay in mid-air!

Boom! !

The entire Tomb of Ancient Gods was really shaken at this time! !

Ye Han feels that in this ancient god's tomb, the mana has been disappearing. Although the speed is not very fast, it is obvious that Ye Han has no way to absorb the aura of heaven and earth here and restore the mana...

This place is not simple! Can't stay long! !

Ye Han has experienced hundreds of battles and has extremely rich experience, so he can naturally sense the danger here.

The most deadly threat here does not come from the dangers of the external environment, but from the continuous consumption of the mana in the body of the cultivator. Not only that, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here contains an extremely strong wild aura, which makes it impossible for the cultivator to absorb the essence to restore his mana and cultivation.

This situation is undoubtedly a huge challenge and even a fatal crisis for most cultivators. Once the mana support is lost, the cultivators will be helpless like losing their arms. Countless exquisite magic skills will become a bubble and difficult to perform.

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a terrifying enemy like the snow-white figure, I am afraid there is no other way but to wait for death, and the ending is destined to be a dead end.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but secretly thankful that he had the purple tripod space to restore his mana.

However, at this moment, he was more concerned about the treasure sensed by the purple tripod. For some reason, this treasure was moving at an astonishing speed, causing the purple tripod in his hand to become increasingly weaker and weaker induction...

Over there! ! !

Ye Han looked behind the huge high wall, and didn't care about that anymore. He moved and flew quickly along the wall in that direction...

Since I'm here, I have to get this thing! !

However, this ancient god's tomb flew so high in the wild ancient land that it directly broke through the interface of the heavenly spirit world and entered the boundless sea of ​​stars. Where is it going?

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