Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2315: Battle with the God Emperor (Part 3)

Boom boom boom!!

The treasures of the Ten Thousand Treasures Array that bombarded the Emperor of God bombarded the huge black and red space vortex, constantly self-destructing and destroying, and the terrible destructive power exploded in a chain.

The entire black and red space vortex was constantly twisted and exploded under such crazy self-explosion and explosion, and the space was rippling with terrible explosions.

However, the self-destruction and destruction of each treasure, the terrible destructive power and the mana light explosion, were confined within a certain range by this space vortex. The terrible sword energy directly divided the power of the self-explosion of these treasures into countless fragments...

Finally, as these separated storm fragments continued to twist, vibrate and explode in space, more than half of the power was swallowed by the power of space.

The remaining power can be almost ignored. The storm that exploded directly in space looks like a sign of thunder and rain.

The Wanbao Formation lost so many treasures at once, and thousands of treasures exploded, which made Ye Han feel painful. These treasures were powerful treasures that he carefully selected, and each of them was valuable. How could Ye Han not feel heartbroken when thousands of treasures were lost at once?


Now is not the time to feel heartbroken!

Although this God Emperor blocked the self-explosion attack of thousands of treasures in his Wanbao Formation, the use of the space law and time law supernatural power consumed a lot.

He understood that although he brought this damn God Emperor in, it was very suppressive to him. The Golden Spirit Palace restriction also blocked the Wanbao Formation from sucking the heaven and earth spiritual energy in the air.

But the divine power of this God Emperor is really terrible, especially after he used a set of armor and the swords in both hands, the divine power that burst out is definitely not so easy to defeat...

What's more, his plan has been discovered by the God Emperor, and the God Emperor also wants to restrain himself, break his Wanbao formation first, and then deal with himself. In that case, he can also absorb a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth and can withstand a lot of attacks...

And the divine power displayed by this God Emperor is not ordinary terrible, so that he is also affected by the laws of space and time! !


Ye Han did not hold back either! !

This God Emperor is too powerful. If he cannot be defeated in this Golden Spirit Palace. He will only have a dead end. He found that not only the God Emperor was trapped here, but he was also trapped here and could not get out.

Instantly! !

Whirl! !

An extremely amazing purple-gold arc burst out, forming a strange purple-gold arc that rushed over...

Boom! !

Ye Han's figure instantly hit the side of the God Emperor with the terrifying light explosion of purple-gold arcs.

At the same time!!

The Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop in Ye Han's hand shocked out countless purple-gold arcs, which burst open with a sizzling sound...

It turned into an extremely amazing stick shadow and slammed towards the waist of the God Emperor...


Hmm? ! No!!

Ye Han immediately felt an extremely dangerous feeling, which made him shudder...


The Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop that Ye Han swung out instantly burst out circles of purple-gold arcs. His figure trembled violently, and the stick that attacked the God Emperor suddenly changed and slammed down to the ground...


A terrible muffled explosion cracked, and the ground was shaken by a circle of strong winds and purple-gold arcs. Ye Han's figure bounced back and flew up with the bombardment of the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop!!

At the moment when Ye Han's figure bounced up!

Buzz !!!

A circle of black light with a terrible black hole burst out at the position where Ye Han rushed, forming a huge weird demon-like head, with a huge and extremely terrifying mouth full of sharp and extremely sharp mouths, biting directly into the air...

Boom !!!

A circle of torn space ripples and waves burst out, and the space was instantly torn and bitten open one by one, bursting out circles of twisted space cracks and black holes...

Whoosh whoosh !!!

And Ye Han's figure bounced up, rolling continuously in the air, the Vajra Fire God Art burst out with terrible power, and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop in his hand suddenly surged a thousand feet long...

Turned over in the air and bombarded with a stick!

Boom !!!

The Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop burst out a circle of twisted stick shadow storms, crushing and bombarding the head of the God Emperor!


Boom! ! !

A terrifying and largest skull of gods and demons rushed out of thin air and blocked the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop directly! !

Bang! ! !

A terrifying roar that shook the earth exploded, and the skull was instantly smashed into powder by a stick and exploded. A violent storm impact broke out, shocking countless space ripples, and the entire Golden Spirit Palace was shaking violently! !

"Hmph! You dare to disrespect this emperor with this little cultivation?!"

The Emperor of God snorted with disdain, and a space ring in his hand trembled with light, and the Qiankun God and Demon Circle flew out! !

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

As the Emperor of God pinched his fingers and chanted the spell, the shock burst out and a terrible spiritual light exploded...

Go! !

The Emperor's eyes suddenly glowed red and bloodshot, and with a flick of his finger, the Qiankun God and Demon Circle burst out with circles of God and Demon energy that turned into an amazing ripple vortex, blocking Ye Han's Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel that was bombarding down!


A terrifying sound that shook the earth and the sky, the metal and iron exploded, sparks flew everywhere, and the purple-gold arc exploded! !

Bang, bang, bang! !

Countless Mars storms continued to impact and ripple out, causing the space to impact with circles of terrifying Mars storms at this time, the arrogance of gods and demons...

Just relying on a treasure to block Ye Han's Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop?

Ye Han's face became solemn. The cultivation of this damn God Emperor was even more terrifying than he imagined! ! !

It's not that the power of this God Emperor's Qiankun God and Demon Circle exceeds the power of his life-saving magic weapon, the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop, but that this God Emperor's Qiankun God and Demon Circle has been completely refined and can bring out the ultimate magical power and hidden power of this treasure!

To be precise, it can fully exert the power of the Qiankun God and Demon Circle, which is not something that ordinary cultivators can do! !

Even if Ye Han had fully refined the Tongtian Lingbao-level treasure, he could only have the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror!!!

At the same time!!!

The Divine Emperor's figure exploded with a terrible storm, and the Dragon Slaying Divine Sword in both hands suddenly swung out a terrible sword energy, slashing towards Ye Han's figure...

Not good! This Divine Emperor deliberately showed weakness!!!

Ye Han immediately saw that the Divine Emperor's mana sword energy actually surged at this moment...

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