Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2231 The Extraordinary Golden Spirit Palace

Ye Han looked at the Golden Spirit Hall and felt the vibration of the Purple Tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness...

Sure enough, this Golden Spirit Hall has treasures that interest the Purple Tripod!

Although he killed most of the magic cultivators and plundered many halls during this period, although he had a lot of gains, he did not get any treasures that would be of much use to the Purple Tripod...

However, this Golden Spirit Hall made Ye Han feel quite daunted!

Because whether it was the mysterious female figure in the small tower or General Lu, they were all guarding near this Golden Spirit Hall, which was definitely not a coincidence.

Obviously, this Golden Spirit Hall has a very mysterious and powerful existence, and there are things in it that they care about very much.

This Golden Spirit Hall is larger than all the halls he has seen, and it should be the largest palace in the underwater palace!

This palace is three times larger than the three-story pharmacy hall he encountered before, but it looks like it should only have one floor.

What is such a vast palace used for? The woman imprisoned on the fourth floor of the small tower also wanted him to come to the Golden Spirit Hall to get some token to rescue her...

However, this Golden Spirit Hall did give him a bad feeling.

Why not ask Zhang Qingshan? !

Ye Han thought about it and wondered whether he should ask Zhang Qingshan about good or bad luck!

But then he thought that if there was any very dangerous situation, Zhang Qingshan would definitely tell him!

In fact, the spiritual energy of the whole underwater temple has dropped several times now. Ye Han can't absorb much spiritual energy from the world even with the magical power of Zi Ding to absorb the spiritual energy of the world.

So Ye Han still patted the storage bag, took out six or seven bottles of pills, opened them all at once, and a refreshing medicinal fragrance surged out, and all of them were poured into his mouth and swallowed into his stomach.

These pills were all looted from the Baibao Pill Room. They were all finished pills. Half of them were used to restore mana, and the other half were used to restore the power of the soul, the power of the Nascent Soul, the power of the consciousness, the power of the stars, blood, etc.

Most of them were absorbed by the purple tripod at once, and fed back to restore Ye Han's breath and mana...

Only a small part was stored for Ye Han to absorb.

And the spoils obtained by killing General Lu were only three pieces, a Fang Tian Hua Ji, the heart of the gods and demons, and a demon god talisman of General Lu. This was something Ye Han had not expected.

This General Lu's Fang Tian Hua Ji was actually a treasure of the same level as the Zhan Yuan Chang Ji, and the properties were very similar. Ye Han considered fusing the Fang Tian Hua Ji with the Zhan Yuan Chang Ji, which should be able to increase the power of the Zhan Yuan Chang Ji.

Although there were only three pieces of spoils, it was not a big loss, after all, none of these three things were ordinary.

Especially after Ye Han used the demon god talisman of the Great Guandao Sword Technique, Ye Han was able to kill the Lu Shenjiang.

In fact, without the demon god talisman of the Great Guandao Sword Technique, he could improve his cultivation and magic power by 30%, otherwise it would be very difficult to kill Lu Shenjiang.

And Lu Shenjiang's demon god talisman is one level higher than the one of the Great Guandao Sword Technique.

It can be another killer for him.

On the other hand, fighting with Lu Shenjiang and killing him, Ye Han also realized a lot of powerful magical powers.

However, after killing Lu Shenjiang, Ye Han felt that something was wrong with this underwater temple!

In addition to the fact that the popularity of the world has decreased so much, there is also a very dangerous feeling lingering in Ye Han's heart, and he always feels that the real danger may have just begun.


Go into the Golden Spirit Palace to get the treasure first! !

Ye Han decided not to hesitate and wait any longer. There must be dangers in the Golden Spirit Hall, but he felt that he would not encounter four magic cultivators or super-powerful magic cultivators like General Lu.

On the one hand, when he met the mysterious woman in the small tower, the mysterious woman asked him to come to the Golden Spirit Hall. At that time, his cultivation and magical powers were not as strong as they are now. The other party must have been sure of it when she asked him to come here.

On the other hand, General Lu had been guarding the Golden Spirit Hall for a while, and he must have been waiting for him to come, and he also had some plans for the things in the Golden Spirit Hall.

After all, these two guys were the ones who were most familiar with the underground palace. They knew more than he did, and they must know what was inside.

The reason why General Lu hadn't gone in was because his golden token was taken away by him.

If General Lu dared to attack the Golden Spirit Hall with his magical powers, he would have killed General Lu, so he would have a greater chance.

And Ye Han also had a very important judgment, that is, the great opportunity of the three heavens might be in this Golden Spirit Hall.

Thinking of this, Ye Han patted his storage bag, released hundreds of array beads, chanted a spell and arranged a teleportation array, then bypassed this place and arranged another teleportation array in two other directions.

Although he didn't know what dangers there were, it was basic to be fully prepared.

There were too many dangers in the three heavens. If something went wrong, his life would be lost, and the thousands of years of hard training and adventure would be in vain.

Just like General Lu and others, they became ashes...

Soon after Ye Han was ready.

He walked towards the Golden Spirit Hall.

The huge palace gate of the Golden Spirit Hall, in front of it was a wide archway gate of ten thousand feet. There was a plaque with three ancient characters of Golden Spirit Hall. The strokes of these three characters were very amazing, rough and manic, giving him a very different feeling...

Hmm? !

"Why am I shocked by these words?"

Ye Han suddenly realized that he was shocked by these words. Obviously, the words above were not written by ordinary cultivators! !

This made him more alert. This Golden Spirit Palace was indeed extraordinary.

And passing through this archway was the huge Golden Spirit Palace. The entire huge palace gave him a majestic and domineering atmosphere.

Ye Han had seen many places over the years, but it was the first time he saw a palace as simple as this Golden Spirit Palace, but it was so impressive.

Thinking of this, Ye Han walked towards the Golden Spirit Palace. In front of the palace was a long three-level staircase. When he walked to the middle of the staircase, a golden light forbidden rune surged and flashed out. The ban appeared!

Ye Han took a deep breath and slapped the storage bag. The golden token spun out. As he injected his mana seal, the golden token released a circle of amazing forbidden runes, surging towards the ban...


Buzz buzz buzz!

Circles of rune auras trembled, and a gap was opened in the golden restriction.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a strong and suffocating aura of gods and demons mixed with amazing power rushed out...

What? !

Ye Han immediately felt an extremely powerful and terrifying aura of gods and demons rushing towards him...

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