Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2054 Can’t use magic power? !

Seeing this situation, Ye Han came to his senses. He was able to use magic when he was running all the way...

The immortal cultivator who took action with huge golden light showed no sign of using magic power!

This made Ye Han realize the subtleties.

The reason why Youshen Demon Lord valued him before was partly because he was an immortal cultivator of the ancient human race.

On the other hand, it is because he has a physical body and cultivation that far exceed those of monks at the same level. Later, after using the water of the fairy land to transform his blood into the blood of the fairy clan, he was also asked to practice the Vajra Fire Divine Art with dual cultivation of fire and magic. For his fire attribute The improvement in spells and physical body is astonishing.

It wasn't at that time that his physical body's strength exceeded its limit, making it far superior to that of ordinary immortal cultivators in the early stages of spiritual training.

These circumstances show that in order to complete this matter, the physical requirements for the immortal cultivator are not low.

The body of the cultivator in front of him is also very strong. In simple comparison, he is almost the same as Ye Han before he practiced the Vajra Fire Divine Art. In terms of the earthly realm, he is already the top among the top.

However, with so many secret techniques and treasures of heaven and earth in the heavenly spirit world, it is very normal to have immortal cultivators who are more powerful than his physical body.

Ye Han looked at the map and understood where he was. There was a simple symbol of a black puppet with four arms on the map. Doesn't that mean that he was the two sides fighting?

You can't use magic when fighting that guy?

Just at this time.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The four-armed puppet spun wildly. The four huge terrifying arms pushed the thick black metal rods, and continuously bombarded them with terrifying storm explosions. They turned into countless shadows and followed in turn towards the bright golden light. The attack passed! !

not good! !

The immortal cultivator exclaimed, and the bright golden light burst out from his body, and he kept retreating. While waving the long knife in his hand to resist, he kept retreating...


There was a terrifying roar that shook the earth. The huge black metal rod bombarded the world with incomparable terrifying power. The entire space was shocked. The boundless ripples of the storm bombarded the long knife, emitting a deafening light. Rod and Mars...

The immortal cultivator finally couldn't resist anymore and kept retreating. The ground was trampled into a storm of huge cracks and grooves...

"Damn it!! This puppet is so scary!!"

The immortal cultivator cursed angrily, and suddenly a circle of golden light erupted from his body. He quickly shrank in size, turned around and ran away.


The terrifying roaring roar erupted from the metal puppet, and it chased after the guy while waving four huge black metal rods...

Ye Han hid on the side and watched coldly, but had no intention of taking action.

After all, he didn’t know what the test was going to be...

However, an amazing scene appeared!

The cultivator who had escaped for dozens of miles suddenly had a circle of space runes surging out of his body and disappeared instantly.

at the same time.

With a trembling sound of ripples of space runes, the figure of the immortal cultivator actually reappeared in front of the four-armed puppet...

This guy had already run so far away, and yet he was teleported back again?

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes moved, and he was a little surprised by this situation. Obviously, in this man-made desolate land, it seems impossible to escape!

This is a bit interesting. Obviously this test is not so easy to pass.

No! ! !

The cultivator who ran out and was teleported back was directly teleported to the center of the four-armed puppet's attack! But there was no way to avoid the guy who teleported back.

A series of continuous stick shadows bombarded me. The immortal cultivator released seven or eight defensive treasures, and his body trembled with brilliance...


There was a roar like a violent storm, and countless stick shadows bombarded the immortal cultivator's defensive treasure, the sword light...

The immortal cultivator only blocked a few hundred blows, but the treasures on his body were constantly smashed to pieces, and his entire body was constantly cracking and exploding at this moment.

Ye Han saw that the guy tried to use his escape magic many times, but failed to escape successfully. Either he couldn't use it inexplicably, or he was finally sucked back by the weird space teleportation.

Seeing this, Ye Han didn't know that in this trial, there was only success and no possibility of failure.

Bang bang bang, a series of suffocating explosions, the immortal cultivator was directly shattered by the four-armed puppet's violent black stick attack, and the body continued to break and explode...


A blood-red escaping light made the soul of the immortal cultivator want to escape!


call! ! A piece of white runes trembled, and a crystal clear skull appeared in front of the bloody soul escaping light. It opened a large mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

No! ! ! The miserable scream of the immortal cultivator came from the bloody light...

at the same time.

A big hand with gray rune light swirling in the air grabbed it and grabbed it towards the bloody light and skull.

The white light trembled with a whir, and the skull disappeared instantly.

There was a loud explosion of light, and the gray aura rune was lifted out of the air with his big hand, and a twisted storm hole came out of the space! ! !


Um? !

A voice sounded, and it was the voice of the person in the cave in the valley.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and a swirling silver rune swirled in front of him. The Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror appeared in his hand, and he put it into his storage bag with a backhand.

Yes, it was Ye Han who made the move.

After all, the cultivator's body was destroyed, but the escaped soul was a good thing. If it was directly absorbed into the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror, it could absorb a lot of breath again and release more powerful power.

Because Ye Han had discovered that after the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror was upgraded to the pseudo-immortal treasure level, each time it was used, it would consume a lot of soul energy absorbed by the cultivator, demon cultivator, etc....

That is to say, although the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror consumes the least mana when it is used, it also consumes soul energy. If there is not enough soul energy, the explosive power is also very limited!

So when Ye Han saw the opportunity, he directly released the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror and took away the escaped soul of the cultivator!

I didn't expect that the owner of this place also wanted to capture this guy's soul...

Sure enough, they thought of the same thing.

However, when Ye Han made this move.

With a buzzing sound, a terrible gray light ripple burst out from the four-armed puppet and rushed towards Ye Han...

At this moment, Ye Han felt that his magic power was imprisoned by a strange restriction!

He couldn't use his magic power? !

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