Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 204 One-eyed Spider

Ye Han felt the movement of the purple tripod and looked forward. He found that he had come to a place full of huge pillars. Many of the pillars had collapsed. In the distance was a ruined building. The sky was filled with dark demonic energy, and there was a faint smell of blood.

These ruined buildings were covered with black and gray moss and soil, and some traces of weathering. The original appearance could no longer be seen.

However, from the surface of some ruined buildings, some very mysterious and strange patterns could still be vaguely seen.

These mysterious and strange patterns looked quite extraordinary...

Far away, there seemed to be a lot of spider webs, which looked quite large, and some monsters and human bones were hung on them, which was terrifying.

Ye Han felt the trembling of the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly disappeared.

This made Ye Han feel strange. Every time the purple tripod had an abnormal situation, he would find something that was beneficial to the purple tripod or had a reaction, which was generally very extraordinary.

But this time, there was a little vibration and it immediately lost its sensitivity, which was quite strange.

It doesn't mean Ye Han thinks too much.

Roar! A terrifying roar of a monster came from the ruins of this building...

A monster with a black and purple body, like a big spider, is about ten feet long, with black demonic energy surging all over its body. There is a big one-eye on its forehead, emitting bloodthirsty blood light, and two big fangs biting and staring at Ye Han...

Seeing this big spider, Ye Han's heart skipped a beat. This big spider monster should be a one-eyed spider, but it is only a first-level monster.

But the one-eyed spider in this dark forbidden land is so big, and the purple-black demonic energy is surging all over its body. It has obviously broken through the first level and is already a second-level monster.

However, if there are several second-level monsters, Ye Han will not take it seriously, but Ye Han knows from some descriptions in the monster illustrations he has read.

This one-eyed spider is not a solitary monster, but a social monster.

Sure enough, with the appearance of a one-eyed spider, there were tremors from all directions, and the sand and stones were shaking. One-eyed spiders were seen climbing over the pillars of the ruins of the building, staring at Ye Han with their scarlet eyes...

How could Ye Han dare to stay? He moved and ran to one side...

Ahhh! Those one-eyed spiders roared amazingly, and the devilish flames vibrated out. Eight hairy claws ran on the ground.

They rolled up a cloud of mud and chased Ye Han madly.

These one-eyed spiders opened their mouths, with two slender fangs on their mouths, and sprayed fiercely...

Puff puff puff puff puff! ! ! ! A series of violent storms, like a black and gray spider web, covered Ye Han.

Ye Han's ghostly steps swayed continuously, and his figure was like a ghost, transforming into a series of human figures, constantly dodging the attacks of the one-eyed spiders...

However, just after Ye Han flew out for hundreds of feet, a sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he turned around and ran back to these one-eyed spiders...

Because, in front of his left, the dozens of magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets had already surrounded and killed him.

Ye Han found that those one-eyed spiders were not controlled by the demonic figure, but only relied on the instinct of magic beasts to surround and kill him.

Facing so many one-eyed spiders alone, it would be difficult for him to resist.

These magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets that were chasing him were all controlled by the shameful guy behind the six-clawed electric dragon magic beast...

But this guy should not be able to control so many one-eyed spiders, which shows a problem.

That guy did not control the entire dark forbidden land as Ye Han and others thought.

At least he could not control so many one-eyed spiders in front of him.

This means that the number of monsters and demonized monks that this guy can control is limited.

But even if he controlled so many magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets.

It was not something Ye Han and his men could handle.

Ye Han could not care about what would happen next, but these demonized monks, magic beasts, and zombie puppets that were chasing him kept chasing him.

It was useless for him to kill these guys. At most, he could use some magic crystals from the magic beasts...

The magic crystals had to be taken out to be useful. In this situation, it was lucky to be able to get out alive.

He could only take one step at a time. He first lured these one-eyed spiders and let them kill each other with these magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets that were chasing him.

As expected.

As Ye Han turned around and attacked the one-eyed spider, he kept dodging the spider webs that the one-eyed spider had sprayed...

The demonized monks, magic beasts, and zombie puppets that were chasing him all chased Ye Han...

Instead, these guys were constantly covered by the spider webs sprayed by the one-eyed spider...

I saw these spider webs open in the air, covering a range of three or four feet, and one by one the demonized monks, magic beasts, and zombie puppets were caught in the spider webs, and their bodies were immediately stuck together...

These guys became furious, and the demonized monks kept releasing magic weapons to cut the spider silk, and the magic beasts roared and struggled to tear the spider webs apart...

However, after those zombie puppets were caught in the spider webs, although they broke free from the obstruction, they were stained with a lot of it, and their movements were affected one by one, and they got up slowly.

The one-eyed spiders didn't distinguish whether Ye Han was a demonized monk, a monster zombie puppet, or anything else. As long as they entered their range, they would desperately spray spider silk to attack...

Many one-eyed spiders had already surrounded these magic monks and monsters...

Ye Han was very clever. He used the ghost steps to dodge the attacks of the spider webs of the one-eyed spiders. He deliberately led these one-eyed spiders to besiege the magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets sent by the demonic figure...

Under Ye Han's intentional attraction, it turned into a melee on both sides. Hundreds of second-level one-eyed spiders fought with dozens of magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets.

The scene was really spectacular. Ye Han was happy to see this situation and watched the tigers fight.

However, among the many magic beasts, there was a third-level magic beast with two huge furry arms and a head like a giant tiger. It was black all over and swept out crazily. One by one, the one-eyed spiders were directly crushed and blasted away...

This guy roared and rushed towards Ye Han. His eyes were bloody and trembling. There was only Ye Han in his eyes.

In addition to this third-level magic beast, there were two demonized monks who were also rushing towards Ye Han frantically...

After all, the order these guys received from the demonic figure was to capture Ye Han alive. Seeing Ye Han nearby, they attacked Ye Han first!

Seeing this third-level magic beast and two demonized monks rushing towards him...

Ye Han's eyes trembled with cold light: "Looking for death!"

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