Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2023: The Power of the Divine Fire Pool

Originally, Ye Han had long since lost pursuit of the Blood Soul King Beast.

But he was not in a hurry to use the Immortal Soul Altar to deal with the Blood Soul King Beast.

Rather, he believed that the Blood Soul King Beast must escape further away and find a place to heal after escaping the disaster, and he would definitely be eager to use the chance treasures on the Green Eyed King Beast.

So he flew all the way here. After arriving in this area, he felt that this area should be a good place to hide.

So Ye Han sacrificed a trace of his soul nearby, activated the Immortal Soul Altar, and tried to locate the blood soul king beast to try the effect first.

But he didn't expect that the hiding place of the Blood Soul King Beast was exactly as he thought, in an underground cave thousands of miles away.

When Ye Han came to this area, he had already observed it. On one side was the way he came, and on the other side was the Youshen Demon Land...

He judged that the Blood Soul King Beast would not go back, nor would it go in the direction of Youshen Demon Land. It would most likely go in those two directions.

So Ye Han quickly deployed formations in these two directions.

It can be considered that the Blood Soul King Beast was unlucky, and it was suddenly attacked!

Seeing Ye Han appear, the Blood Soul King Beast's face turned pale, and a sense of danger that he had never experienced before came to his heart. It was even greater than the danger he faced when he obtained the huge resource.

Immediately, the Blood Soul King Beast roared: "Boy! Do you think you are my opponent? I will die with you."

As he said this, the Blood Soul King Beast felt the red cold energy erupting from Ye Han's body, containing a terrifying aura that made him tremble...

What kind of treasure is this guy? To make yourself feel so intimidated?

Feeling this way, the Blood Soul King Beast gritted its teeth and chanted a spell quickly. The suffocating blood-red flames on its body burst out, and a terrifying and dangerous feeling of destruction surged up...

Is this guy going to blow himself up?

Ye Han flipped his palm, and circles of extremely red flames burst out, and the pseudo-immortal treasure of the Divine Fire Pool appeared in his hand...

Although this divine fire pool is a pseudo-immortal treasure, it is very easy for Ye Han to refine it. Because of the special nature of this treasure, it is very easy to identify the owner by dripping blood, and it is also relatively easy to refine...

The divine fire contained in this divine fire pool is actually a treasure that has an amazing restraint effect on monsters, and can directly devour living monsters.

According to what Ye Han learned about the origin of the Divine Fire Pool from the Blood Demon Remnant Soul, it is said that it was refined to burn and imprison monsters, and it has a special restraint effect on monsters...

Ye Han has also been refining this divine fire pool with treasure refining techniques, and it has been refined by more than 30%. This power is as powerful as the Heaven-shaking Pagoda or the Abyss-cutting Halberd...

Because the refining of those treasures is much slower than the Spiritual Fire Pool, only a little more than 10%...

Moreover, Ye Han turned the remnant soul of the Blood Demon that was originally sealed in the Divine Fire Pool into the weapon spirit of the Divine Fire Pool, making the power control of the Divine Fire Pool even more amazing.


As Ye Han kneaded and chanted the mantra to release the divine fire pool, countless icy red light flame runes suddenly burst out from it! !

Ye Han had also wondered before why the flames emitted by this divine fire pool were red, but cold and cold. In fact, it was not a breath of ice attribute, but a breath of Yin attribute. The cold red flame was actually the breath of blood. dyed red...

It can be seen that this divine fire pool has burned to death many powerful monsters before it can accumulate such a strong bloody aura and Yin attribute aura.

As Ye Han chanted the incantation, the cold flames of the divine fire pool continued to rush out, and the weapon spirit blood demon Hidden Soul also continued to chant the incantation and recite the incantation, releasing an astonishing seven.

Boom boom boom, the blood-red cold flames formed the shadows of the huge flame monsters. They roared and roared, rolling up the boundless terrifying red flames, shocking the incomparably shocking and terrifying storm, and went crazy towards the Blood Soul King Beast. The siege hit the past...

Looking at the shadows of the cold flame monsters that were besieging him, the Blood Soul King Beast showed fear, because these shadows of the cold flame monsters carried an aura that suppressed the mana of his bloodline...

Suddenly his face turned green, his hands quickly formed a seal, and the bloody sword light exploded. The sword light turned into thousands of bloody sword lights, crushing and bombarding the shadows of those cold flame monsters...

BANG BANG BANG The boundless sword light of blood rushed out violently, and the demonic beasts of cold flames were cut off and exploded one by one!

However, the exploding flame monsters did not look the same at all. Instead, they merged together and turned into more flame monsters, attacking the blood soul king beast...

not good!

The Blood Soul King Beast suddenly felt as if his mana and demonic energy were being continuously devoured by invisible vampires. In an instant, he felt that his demonic energy and mana were plummeting!

If you continue, you will definitely be doomed! !

Damn it! No wonder this boy was able to kill the Immortal Clan’s Right Protector back then! The methods are really terrifying!

wrong! Isn't this fire pool the same one in the Blood Soul Cave that trapped the remnant soul of the Blood Demon?

The Blood Soul King Beast reacted immediately and knew the truth. It turned out that this damn ancient human race boy was much more powerful than he had imagined.

escape! ! !

The blood soul king beast suddenly had the idea of ​​​​escape in his mind. He was not afraid of not becoming an immortal if he kept his life alive! !

Immediately, the Blood Soul King Beast roared and roared, bursting out a circle of suffocating blood-red sword light, bombarding the sky and the earth crazily, and suffocating blood-red sword light burst out one after another.

The extremely terrifying sword light shook off the extremely cold flames one by one...

At the same time!

With a bang, a blood storm erupted on the Blood Soul King Beast. This guy turned into a blood light escape light and rushed directly out of the attack range of the flame monster beast in the God Fire Pool, and drilled out from a gap in it...

The next moment, the body burst out with amazing blood-red arrogance again, and the Blood Soul King Beast turned into a blood light and flew away!


Whoosh! A dazzling golden figure appeared in front of the Blood Soul King Beast.

Seeing the figure appear, the Blood Soul King Beast was so frightened that he cried out: "Right Protector?!"

The Blood Soul King Beast had never thought that the Right Protector, the female immortal cultivator who had cooperated with him in the past, would appear again? Wasn't this woman killed by Ye Han?

How could she appear in front of him again?

No! Is this woman a puppet?

This bastard is so bold! He actually dared to refine the immortal cultivator into a puppet. Will the immortals chase him to the ends of the earth?

That's not right either. This kid was originally the target of the immortals! ! !

Without waiting for the Blood Soul King Beast to think more.

The White Fairy slapped her body fiercely, and the white light runes all over her body exploded. A huge white light dragon flew out and turned into a terrible storm, sweeping towards the Blood Soul King Beast! !

No! ! This time it's over! !

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