52-4. Spirits respond to people’s emotions.


Fine Grancia felt uncomfortable looking at her own spirit.

“Stop it, Hayang.. Stop it.”

A man and a white wolf who were completely lying on the floor.

With Licht’s helmet lifted, Hayang focused on licking only the burned part.

“Heh, heh.”

Hayangi makes a sound of rough breathing.

She has already crushed Licht and smeared the smell of stretching from above.

‘..It’s mine.’

Fine lay down beside him and bit her lip.

Two men and women forced to stick together due to the short distance of the handcuffs.

Fine was happy just to be by Richt’s side.

When she was by his side, time passed quickly and she felt comfortable.

One side of her chest started to throb because of the unexpected guest.

Isn’t Hayang a woman too? Does the popular belief that even animals like handsome men hold true?

Her own spirit that follows Licht remarkably well.

Why is the arrogant wolf like that who would not give a glance to other people?

‘Hayang-ah.. Please.. Stop it..’

Fine felt that her territory had been invaded.

Licht’s face was already glistening with saliva, because another woman had stolen the area he applied the ointment to every day.

“It tickles me. You can stop. Hayang-ah.”

If you think about it, even spirits are strange.

Until just now, you put Richt’s legs or hands in your mouth and played with them, acting like you were playing pranks all the time.

Hayang stared at his face for a long time, and then, like the moment she was summoned for the first time, she rushed.

It makes sense if it’s nice.

‘I feel strange….’

She had a strange feeling of déjà vu, as if she were licking Licht with her tongue.

A spirit that responds to the owner’s emotions. Perhaps he was worried about Richt’s burn marks.

Dogs tend to heal wounds by licking them with their tongues.

“Stop licking.. Hayang.. Are you an anteater..?”


She doesn’t listen to my orders.

I wonder if this was how Richt felt while watching Kkamangi.

His face is getting hotter, and he wants to hide in a rat hole.

Just as Kamangi resembles Licht, White resembles Fine himself.

“Your eyes are pretty. Hayang-ah.”

When he praised his spirit, the weight in his chest thud ─. And fell

The pressure of not being able to get up from this floor.

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Golden eyes. White fur and tail like snow in winter.

“I just woke up.”


I ended up imagining that I wish I had been on that position, not Hayang.

At that moment, Hayang came down from the top of the man, perhaps in response to Fine’s emotions.


Thanks to that, Licht finally got up. I hate him for saying sticky things to other women.

“..Was it good?”

The words that are different from your true intentions come out like thorns. Why do you keep doing this

This is all because of a man named Rich. It’s not because of you.

“Yes, because I like dogs.”

Fine bit her lower lip.

As he gently stroked his head, White waggled his tail vigorously and panted with his ears flattened.

“That’s not what I meant. Licht.”

Why are you so careless? As if responding, Fine touched the choker around his neck with his fingers.


I hated it. She put on a choker on herself, and if you invited her as a partner at a social event, shouldn’t she do something about it?

I was even worried that Licht would be dangerous in the academy.

Fine’s eyes grew colder.

She guesses who isn’t Roque Grancia’s daughter, that she feels the same way when he’s around.

“Then, can I do the same for you?”

With a bang, a man’s large, rough hand touches her head.

It is bumpy and hard to the touch. It is certain that he bought the sword holding the sword for a long time.

Stronger than anyone, but kinder than anyone else.

“I’m sorry..”

She was right that she wanted to be stroked, but his touch was always too irritating for her.

It smells good. She may feel the same because she did the marking herself meticulously until a while ago.

The smell of a seductive man comes from the back.

It paralyzed her reason. With her ears dropping behind her and her wagging tail, Fine swallowed her saliva.

“Pine, you can be jealous of the spirit, can’t you?”

“I… Didn’t do well. Therefore. I don’t like the ears….”

Even when I close her eyes tight, her voice pierces through my ears.

Why is this? Is it an epidemic or something? Or is it because of the closeness of her handcuffs?

She felt that if she kept being treated like this, she would cross her line without realizing it.

I tried to hide her expression with her arms, but her cheeks kept burning.

“..If you’re satisfied, now let’s really find a way to leave the room.”

Stroking me some more.

Instead of her frank words, she let out a wistful sigh as soon as Licht’s hand dropped.


Fine’s reaction is strange.

“14:11…. Is it okay if I set the clock like this?”

There is no response even when I am correcting the hands of the watch. She acts like her broken wind-up doll.



She has her head down, her wolf ears folded like paper corners.


Holding my arms tightly with both hands, I didn’t think to let go.

I wouldn’t have been surprised by the hair stroking.

It’s something I’ve done many times before. It wouldn’t change anything now.

‘Is it because I touched my ears too much..?’

It was so soft and pliable that I couldn’t help it. That it was irresistible.

It’s neat and pretty to look at, and I don’t know if it feels that way because it’s Fine.

I felt that it was different from the ears of other Inrang tribes.

“Licht.. This is the time when the clocks.. Overlap.”

With a cute hiccup, Fine barely opened her mouth.

14:11. It is the time when the hour and minute hands overlap.

Come to think of it, why didn’t I write down 2:11?

It even contradicts what is called a night with a blue moon.

No way, it’s strange if it’s 02:11.

In case you didn’t know, I aimed for a different time where the hands and the second hand overlap.

I turned the clock hands. The time gradually goes into the night.

19:37, 21:49, Finally….

“..It opens at midnight.”


The bottom part of the wall clock that opens with a click.

[Thanks for taking my hint, it would be a big deal if Kate found out. Boy.]

As expected. I wondered if it was a conversation I had seen a lot.

[If she sees this, she’ll notice right away.]

This is the tone between the Heavenly Demon and Dennis.

The two of them might have planned an escape room game.

“Licht… Is this a piece of cloth?”

What came out of the watch was a small piece of cloth. While I was looking at the note, Phine snatched the item first.

“Let’s leave it to Hayang.”

A wolf’s sense of smell is more sensitive than a human’s.

Fine has a good nose, but there must be a reason to use spirits.

I don’t want to ask her to take care of her clothes of unknown origin.


Whitey poked his nose into the piece of cloth a few times, then he growled toward the curtain next to us.

“I think the source of this piece is the curtain over there.”

The color is similar, the pattern is almost the same, and above all, there are traces of cutting with scissors.

The moment I stretched out my arms toward the curtain right next to me.

“Ugh! Chu, slowly….”

The sound of clicking and clicking echoed through the room.

I forgot. Right now I’m tied up with Fine.

The curtain I tried to move was the back wall of the space where Fine was standing.

My hand placed next to her head because of this.


Within a distance of her breath, Fine was biting her lower lip nervously.

I was just trying to remove the curtains.

A plentiful presence felt from below. I couldn’t stop talking about the balance of my gaze and body that was pulled like a magnet.


Every time they hiccupped, Fine’s body fluctuated greatly, and their faces reflected in each other’s eyes were equally hot, with no need to say which one was first.


Fine bit her lower lip. Was it because I didn’t like the body touching me?

If not, is this situation unsatisfactory?

My heart beats at the thinly trembling breath.

I brought her face close to her. Fine’s golden eyes that grow like balloons.

No one is watching anyway.

If I could just steal those little purring lips like this.

..What kind of expression would the Fine I used to have?

That moment when her breath and mine were about to blend into one.

[Students there!]

[Excessive acts of affection are disqualified! Focus on escaping the room!]

An intruder came in again.

Perhaps he was watching from somewhere, a playful male voice resounded in the room.

I don’t want it to end like this.

I wanted to appease Fine, who has been getting more jealous lately.

“Pine, trust me with this.”

As she walked in front of her, she turned her head upward and bit her wolf ear lightly with her lips.

Even if I can’t kiss you, I’ll be fine with this.

Only the soft texture remained on my lips.

A strange tactile feeling that tickles and the corners of your mouth keep going up.


After a short but eternity, Fine, her legs weak, covered her face with her hands and sat down.

With an uncharacteristic scream she had never heard before.


As time passed, Fine and I escaped from inside the room.

“Richt-kun, what did you do in your room that got you eliminated?”

I will. Why did you get eliminated

To be precise, I was taken out for violating the rules. No more broadcasting or something.

“Laplace is watching, so it would have been fine if he hadn’t done anything particularly weird…” .”

A man with blue hair sighs as he watches us.

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Dennis came out with the master key and released the handcuffs on Fine, adding a story.

“..Hick, suck.”

Fine seemed to have been suffering from hiccups since earlier, and she was drinking water to soothe her stomach.

“Drink slowly..”

It’s always like this. When she approaches her, she says, without much surprise or embarrassment.

“As expected, Licht-kun didn’t take off his handcuffs on purpose. It’s a good time.”


Dennis looked at the two of us blankly and smiled broadly.

I didn’t solve it on purpose, what the hell is that about….

“What? Could it be that you haven’t solved the clock puzzle?”

“I solved it..?”

I frowned at the strange feeling.

The only thing that came out after tampering with the watch was a piece of curtain.

“..Ah, sorry. It seems I forgot to put the key in your room.”

It can’t be. I don’t know if it’s someone else.

There’s no way Dennis, the original protagonist, would make such a mistake.

“Mardol, have you seen the key?”

Wearing her master piece and drinking water, he asked her a question.

“I-I’ve never seen a key with a star on it….”

Pine, wear a glass helmet and don’t drink water. You’re spilling it all

Her culprit was her. I must be lying for reasons I don’t know.

“I understand.”

Since I also committed the atrocities of coveting Fine’s ears, I decided to shut her mouth.

“Oh, that’s right. Richt.”

When her mind is tangled up like a skein of thread on how to relieve her mood.

“Locke is at the academy right now.”

I got some bad news.

The wolf king who bites the sun and devours the moon.

“Your Majesty the Emperor…?”

The news that he is frantic to find me.

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