43-4. Is belief stronger than will?


There is a reason I want to check the imperial power like this. Because in a dream, the concept of time in reality feels different.

Emperor Locke puts down the knife he was holding and looks troubled. Looking at it now, there is no damage to the eye. I feel more and more discordant.

“Imperial power.. This year was the 10th year.”

The emperor said the wrong year. The current imperial calendar is 18 years old, and the empire was established two years after Fine’s birth.

Thus, Fine is the same age as me who entered the academy. Contradicting facts.

This is probably what I want.

If she did not lose her Empress Belin to her magic hat, her fine hair became her black hair, and there would be no problem in marrying her.

“By the way, when are you going to eat?”

Emperor Locke spoke of marriage. Since it’s set up as a fiancé, it’s only natural that this story will come out.

A arrogant frown appeared on his face, as if it was difficult to even say a single word.

“I’ll think about it some more.”

I almost liked the unconventional setting of the fiancé, but if I could, I would like to get permission to marry Fine.

At least I hate love that I didn’t get with my own hands.

“Licht, what are you doing..? You weren’t like that when you talked to me yesterday…”

She tried to stroke my thigh under her table. She immediately caught her hand and stopped her movement.

Unlike the Fines I know, this one is aggressive. It is not an empty glass knight as if emotions have worn off.

“Couldn’t it be that you don’t like a pretty fiancé like me..?”

“It can’t be.”

Even though she bounced once, she is the one who expresses her affection by clasping her hand that I hold her. Black wolf ears prick up cutely.

It must be nice to marry a pretty and beautiful princess.

Fine Grancia is beautiful even if you look at it objectively. Even within her academy, there were men looking for her.

Money? Honor? There are too many to count on one hand. Her exact identity is the Crown Princess, who has the right to succeed to the throne.

But what I liked about Fine Grancia was not her status, but her naivety.

“Or has love changed? Richt?”

“No, not even that.”

Even if I chewed the meat, it didn’t go over well. No matter how fake it is, it hurts a part of my heart to see Fine who is sad because her marriage with me has been delayed.

“Cold like everyone else..”

The black wolf ears and tail droop and do not rise. As I put her fork in her mouth and looked at Fine, someone opened her mouth.



“You and Fine have been engaged since childhood. Why are you putting off getting married all of a sudden?”

I didn’t know how to hear my name from that person.

Empress Bellin said while drinking soft milk tea. The woman in the black dress grinned as she did the faux Fine.

A person trapped in the Magic Hat’s Queen of Hearts card. I never met her normally in the game. Hearing these words gives me a new feeling.

“When each other dies and cannot live…. What’s the problem? Her face is also perfectly handsome.”

There was no burn on my face when I checked in the mirror earlier. As Cainell said, the clumsy looking top.

I’m fed up with the ambiguous boundary between dreams and reality already being the third.

“..Just marry Fine here and live happily ever after.”

Aren’t you going to hide it now? As soon as the empress noticed that this was not the real world, she said straight-up.

I got a feel for the temple in Tardun. A place that breaks the will of the opponent by making them settle for happiness.

It is said that it was used in the coming-of-age ceremony of the Inrang tribe in the past, so it looks relaxed.

“Isn’t that what you were hoping for? Richt?”

“I want Fine’s happiness, not mine.”

I spoke respectfully to Empress Bellin. It is an established fact that Fine cannot be happy unless the Grand Route is completed.

Because the status window warned me every time I tried to catch the demon lords related to the nameless saint one by one.

Her death is inevitable even when considering past and present information as abilities.

“..Because that is what I think love is.”

I got up from the seat angry at the fake three-chi tongue. Perhaps the real Empress Belin would not have even mentioned such a thing.

It’s ridiculous that she asked me to marry her for the sake of her daughter’s happiness.

“Licht..! Wait..!”

Fine in black chased after me. She jumps holding her long dress with both hands so it doesn’t drag on her floor. Oftentimes the sound of her footsteps on the street starts to gargle in her ears.

“What did I do wrong..? Are you in a bad mood?”

My favorite person is Fine, a glass knight. She’s not like everything she’s fine.

Although I fell in love with her when she was a nameless saint, it feels like her first love.

‘Because I fell in love with her Mardol, her her, again.’

Even though we didn’t know each other well, we became close by taking care of burn marks or teaching swordsmanship, and he was the one who always looked for me first while worrying about me.

I owed my life a total of two times, including once when I was the Apostle of Gluttony and when I was fighting Head. I even got shot to get me out of my dreams.

“I want real love, not fake love.”

In addition, the real Fine was strong. She is a character who continues to challenge me even when I run away from my emotions. She was in the North, and she is now.

Love that overcomes everything. I had already fallen in love with the gray-haired princess.

As soon as he realizes that it is an illusion and wants to escape, the space around him begins to turn black. A landscape that changes like a black-and-white Polaroid.


Everything froze like a still screen.

Fake Fine can no longer approach me and is frozen. She guilted me with a single tear from her eye.

‘To test the will. It sure is dangerous.’

Is it so colorful because the world in the game is no different from the real world, like the apostles’ abilities or Akasha’s temple?

I wiped away the tears shining like jewels. I felt the cold temperature at the tips of my fingers, and I felt mixed feelings.

[As expected, Mr. Lee Suhyun, you can’t go beyond this! ( ̄3 ̄]

It was then. A status window suddenly popped up in front of my eyes.

As usual, the light pink status window that popped up while giving out hearts began to obscure the surroundings.

Was this guy working here too?

[Even though she is like a black knight who sacrifices everything for her own purity…. You don’t even care about the sincerity of the person who made it?]

As the producer of , Can you extend your power to the world in the game? The status window was evaluating my actions.

From noble mtl dot com

[Tardun must have paid special attention to make it into a Fine Grancia with a maximum level of seduction.]

Looking at it again, it was a dress with a clear back and a garter belt. A black dress that reveals Fine’s soft curves.

I don’t think it’s obscene, but it looks like it’s beautiful.

I don’t know if the real Fine is turning black and imprisoning me, but this is an illusion.

[This is the coming-of-age ceremony of the old Inrang clan…. It may have been too easy for you.]

[Well, congratulations. Passed this test! But let’s see if Miss Fine can do that.]

[Because you need the will to get out of a happy situation!]

After that, I checked my vision and the white door opened with a squeaking sound.


Fine Grancia came to her senses when she heard the chirping of birds.

“..Where is this?”

Looking around her while raising her sulky body, I saw a different scenery.

A place with several large white structures. The black floor looked like a stone road, but it was rough.

“How was your midterm exam today?”

“Don’t even ask. Totally ruined.”

“Then, do you want to go to a picnic today? Or karaoke?”

Boys and girls dressed in black, in stark contrast to the Grand Hearts Academy outfit, pass the street. Fine was familiar with the group of students.

‘A person similar to the one I saw last time in Licht’s nightmare..’

Unlike Fine, who has wolf ears and a tail, humans with black hair like Licht.

Afraid of being looked at strangely, Fine covered her wolf ears with her hands.

“Let’s go get some cup-bokki over there.”

But she didn’t notice that she wasn’t paying attention. As she watched the people passing by, Fine questioned her.

When she saw people eating something red in front of a store that sold something, Fine felt a sense of dread.

“Licht..!! Where are you…!”

It’s like a foreign country where you don’t know anything. At least the last time I had a goal to save Licht.

Fine, who was used to being alone, was now anxious without him. Her worry, rising in her mind, continued to eat away at her.


The princess of the Grancia Empire was relying on Licht.


She is said to be a temple that tests the will, so as always, she attacked the dungeon together and knew how to overcome it.

Licht was always like that to Fine. It was like a black knight who came running to me when I was in danger. An undisputed knight who does not know defeat.

But now I don’t even have the usual heartbeat. Perhaps because the magic circuit was cut off, the heart that had become cold again felt savage.

“Where are you..?”

It hurts like a shard of glass stuck in my heart. Gradually, the voice that could not be reached changed into a weeping cry, and before long, Fine sat down in her seat.


No one is looking for Fine. In a situation similar to when she was shut up in her imperial palace in her childhood and crying, she became endlessly desolate.

“Nuna, why are you crying..? Are you lost…?”

How long has it been since Fine had her weeping? Someone appeared in front of her. When she looked up, her face was familiar to her.


“My name is Lee Soo-hyun?”

A boy with black hair and brown eyes like the night sky seen in a white building that was on fire.

“Your sister is a foreigner..? Your hair color is pretty!”

The young Licht smiled brightly and sat next to Fine.

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