39-1. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like an alter ego.

From noble mtl dot com


Your reputation within the academy has changed.

“Am I him? Wearing that black knight helmet….”

“I heard you saved the 2nd year cadets too? Even the assistant won.”

I could see a crowd of people whispering in the hallway.

After the practice sparring, rumors about me spread out of control.

A freshman who grabbed the head, or an idiot who knocked out an assistant.

“He said he also captured the demon king, isn’t it the newly chosen hero?”

Drake knew this and said to break it with his own skills. There was a reason why it wasn’t sanctioned.

Because it’s better to show it directly to those who doubt your skills. I don’t think he even thought he would lose in the first place.

“There are a lot of helmets! Mardol..!”

“That one is different..”

It is said that a horse without feet can travel a thousand miles, and there were male students who bought and wore knight helmets from somewhere. Some are just medieval.

Click. As usual, I opened the locker to take out the books for my major.


When you open the door, letters pour out with a gurgling sound.

“Licht, do you think you became famous?”

“When was it not famous? Mr. Cainell.”

Looking at the seals of the nobles, it seems that the fact that I subdued the head has spread throughout the empire.

If you pretend, you pretend. It’s obvious that he’s a hero, so he’s trying to use the marriage relationship to tie him down.

‘Love is the means to attract talented people.’

I remembered where the damn game company was. I’m sorry, but I have no intention of flirting with any other girl besides my blood.

“..A letter from a social church.”

Still, it was polite to read the letter addressed to me. When I opened a letter, Fine next to me let out an ‘ah’ sigh.

“The daughter of the Mirgeta family… Sogaju of the Harvester family….”

These are the names of the main heroines from the game.

One was a villainous young lady, and the other was a sickly beautiful girl. It would be better if I took the elixir, but I did that on purpose.

You have to show a weak side to keep your opponent off guard. The lines in the PV were like that.

All of them are connected with the player without any official coupling. If I attend social gatherings with this letter, I will take the harem route.

An event where special CGs appear when you dance with your partner.

The guy from the Pillar West boasted so much that the Grand Duchess came out pretty. Because of her low reputation, she couldn’t go with Fine when she was a saint.

“The content is fine.”

I sorted out the papers and pushed them into the corner of the locker. I have to secretly throw this away again.

“I will take your heart, thank you.”

If I immediately throw it in the trash, another heroine might appear saying, “Don’t treat love carelessly!” It is one of the common clichés.

A heroine who tries to tell her about true love but falls for it in reverse. I glanced at Fine.

There is also a letter sent in Blanc’s name mixed in. It’s creepy because it has a red kiss mark on it. I shouldn’t read that

“Even if it’s your heart, don’t accept it.”

At that moment, Fine reached out her arm to my locker.

“Mardol? What are you doing now….”

Fine took out all her letters and put them together. The papers that clump together like soccer balls with tremendous grip are bang! I went straight to the trash can with a shout.

“..All of these things can be done.”

At the tremendous sound, all the students around me came out and looked at the glass knight. Despite the focused gaze, Fine had something to say.

If you do, there will be no problem.

I felt comfortable watching the horribly broken love flags.

Still, I have to go to a social church.

In order to get permission to marry Nex and Chartines, a three-way meeting is also essential.

I think it would be better to have them talk at social gatherings. Maybe Asha couldn’t get out of her place there either.

“Mr. Mardol, would you like to go to the next social gathering?”

I opened my mouth to propose to Fine. If taking a partner is a problem, can’t we take our princess with us?

Because I am the black knight who protects her. It could also stop bad boys from flirting.

“What..? Sleep, hold on…. Me, just me..?”

“With Miss Ariel and Mr. Cainel, of course.”

In the first place, these are invitations to social gatherings that came to me, so it doesn’t matter if I bring a few people I know. Fine’s golden eyes quivered in her helm.

“I like it. But can a commoner come?”

Kinel put his arm around my shoulder and asked me a question. I can see that she wants to make more progress between her and Ariel.

The love level of these guys will go up as well. It’s a win-win

“The 10 girls have different identities. What.”

“Too, Mr. Tugu…. Are you just dancing there wearing a dress? I don’t have anything like that…”

Ariel gripped her blush like a blush.

Are you delusional about dancing under the moonlight with the blonde haired hero? As if it soon became hot, he even fanned it with his hand.

“Miss Ariel, there is a pretty wolf I know.”


“If you tell him, he will solve the dress problem…. Sick. Mr. Mardol.”

Flinch. Fine’s body shakes violently, elbowing my side with his armor. Even just one compliment can make such a big difference.

Why didn’t I know that it was Fine before?

“Stupid. Transformation. Beast.”

Fine talked badly about me without giving me a chance to reply. It was to the point of making an expression that Kynell understood my feelings.

He looks like a tsundere elf.


The next class was Beatrice’s Lecture.

“Lambs, what do you think of miracles?”

The blonde-haired professor asked a question. It was surprising that he wasn’t a villain.

A miracle, a miracle.

Don’t you call luck that is hard to happen in real life a miracle? Are you using divine power here?

Healing magic such as the Savior Sword must be of a similar type. Because it is a miraculous sword that heals all nearby allies.

“It is a kind of skill created by gathering strong human reason.”

I raised my hand and said. In fact, I saw high-ranking priests using such skills a lot in the game.

An example would be Munch who split the sky with his fist, or a paladin who conquered the world with one faith. The sight of annihilating the demons all at once was amazing.

Ultimate is a means to counter the demon king.

Since it can be done with magic, swordsmanship, or even spirit art, there is no possibility that it is not possible to say that it is divine power.

“That is correct. Mr. Lamb.”

Hearing my answer, Beatrice smiled slightly, and while drawing a human-like figure on the blackboard, Beatrice began to explain.

“It was before the imperial power was established.”

I drew a star in white in the center. It was written in the book that it was a painting that expressed the reason that is inside a person.

“The defeat in the war was deep. There were many people who forgot everything due to ignorance, and there were many knights and wizards who barely survived after their limbs were cut off.”

A star flickered on the blackboard. It seems to contain divine power. Is that a miracle?

“But then, after seeing the first saintess healing the sick, the word ‘miracle’ spread throughout the world.”

Are you referring to one of the 10 girls, the saintess? She now thinks she’s dead. She remembered the statue of her standing in front of the academy.

“The temple raised the soldiers very neatly, as if they hadn’t been hurt in the first place.”

When Beatrice opened her mouth, the surroundings became as dark as night. In the suddenly dark environment, some students made a loud noise.

“Even in hopeless situations….”

At that moment, a ray of light began to appear before my eyes. The lights that lit up the surroundings were stars.

“Human reason that can change the world.”

Took. The star that fell off the blackboard like a sticker floated up in Beatrice’s hand. The fake floating in the air shone like a real star twinkling in the night sky.

“That is a miracle.”

Beatrice made her hand into a fist and wrapped it around the star, then crispy. And there was a popping sound. As she finished her actions, the light returned around her.

“Now, you lambs can do this too, right?”

A professor carefully looking around at the students in front of him. How do you do this I think the progress is too fast for a first grader.

“Draw a picture just like me, and let it shine.”

Professor Beatrice is also a practitioner. Last semester I couldn’t use my divine power, but this time there’s a way.

“Let me hold your hand. Mr. Mardol.”

“Ah, ah…. Huh. Yeah..”

I put on my handcuffs under the desk. Only in this way can the magic circuit be shared and the use of divine power possible. Fine was startled and hiccupped.

As she drew the stars with her other hand, Fine struggled with her fingers.

Now that you’re doing this, it feels strange that you’re doing something bad in class.

Fine puts her head on her desk and draws something. She shakes her hands too much to be called a star.

“…That’s it.”

I quickly drew a star so that she wouldn’t be surprised anymore. A star that shines golden in my major. It is the color of Fine’s eyes.

Because my reason that doesn’t waver in the harem is thanks to Fine Grancia. Is this part reflected?

I was resting with the satisfaction of having just done one thing. Now, just holding my hand makes my heart beat.

“Licht. Look at this.”

“This is..?”

After a while, Fine pushed her own book. What did she draw so her hands were busy….

“Damn. Luminous Black..”


Fine boasted of his paintings. What she showed me was a Pomeranian shining green.

I drew a cute spirit that looks more like a hairball than a puppy.

“Whoops, how are you? Pretty.”

“It’s pretty. Very.”

It must have been liked by Fine, who likes cute things. It is also directly related to my emotions, so I even follow it well.

Should I go somewhere and learn how to awaken the spirit? When you’re thinking about it.

“..Then I’ll do it for you too. Licht.”

Fine looked satisfied with her reaction. She grabbed my wrist and pulled it.

“Wait a minute. Suddenly?”

“You have to stay still.. Doggie..”

From noble mtl dot com

It tickles me. Every time Fine’s little fingers write on the back of my hand, I feel a tingling sensation.

The glowing letters that are written one letter at a time as many times as the face gets hot.

‘Alter Magic. Can you help me Licht.’

The sentence written on the back of the hand was an invitation. I looked at Fine with surprised eyes, and she just circled her finger around her without answering.

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