Outside the mountain gate, the one-eyed girl ran to the blessing tree again and found that there were still spiritual stones on the ground.

She clutched the nine spiritual stones she had picked up earlier and looked left and right at the people on both sides.

On one side was a 20-spirit-stone ticket for the flying boat, and on the other side was a 9-spirit-stone test for joining the sect.

In the years when she grew up, being pitied by others was a luxury. The head of the family would not have it, and the people in front of the ferry would not have it.

She just wanted to live and did not want to be devoured by the beasts in the mountains. She watched the crowd go farther and farther away.

Finally, she gritted her teeth, and with her legs of different lengths, she limped to catch up with the group of young men in gorgeous clothes.

After crossing the white marble bridge, she saw a clear pond. In the pond, there was a huge stone sculpture of a turtle. The turtle opened its mouth and faced the sky, carrying a stone tablet on its back, with the three words"Tianxing Sect" engraved on it in a vigorous and powerful manner. The one-eyed girl followed behind the group of people, but did not get too close.

She just tried to open her only remaining eye and carefully observed the movements of the people in front.

The young man in front walked to the pool, took out a spirit stone and threw it up. The spirit stone turned into a stream of light and drilled into the mouth of the stone turtle.

Then he clasped his fists and bowed, and continued to move forward.

The whole team was in order, and no one dared to make small moves under the gaze of so many monks.

After an hour of waiting, the team soon came to the end. The one-eyed girl smoothed her clothes hard, trying to make it look less wrinkled.

But compared with the embroidered clothes in front, this coarse linen dress, no matter how smooth it was, looked out of place.

Her palms were sweating, holding nine spirit stones, recalling the actions of the people in front, trying to do exactly the same, throwing the spirit stones to the stone turtle.

The throw was not accurate, but fortunately, as soon as the spirit stone left her hand, suction came out of the mouth of the stone turtle, sucking all the spirit stones into its mouth. She also bowed and walked forward.

This level was smooth and peaceful, as if it was just a ceremony, and passed smoothly.

Then they came to the huge gate tower and entered in nine columns one by one.

Every time someone entered, different colors and words jumped on the beams above their heads. Nine beams flashed non-stop.

After about half an incense stick of time, a beam suddenly turned from colorful to gray, and the whole team stopped instantly.

The young man who was taking the test below was sweating all over his face, and he looked at the inner sect disciple beside him with some trembling.

The disciple dropped the jade slip in his hand, walked forward with an impatient look on his face, and then kicked him fiercely, cursing:

"Damn it, do you think this is your small sect? We have to test your spiritual roots."

Then he grabbed the boy by the collar and threw him out, saying angrily

"Everyone listen up, those without spiritual roots, get out of here, stop wasting time here"

"You bunch of rookies made it impossible for me to watch the True Transmission Competition. I'm already annoyed. If anyone dares to do something weird again, fuck you."

He slapped the stone table next to him fiercely, and the stone chips scattered all over the place, turning into rubble on the ground.

If it were an ordinary sect, there might be such a ceremony to test the spiritual roots of a bunch of mortals, and those with spiritual roots could enter.

But this is the Tianxing Sect, one of the three sects and four pavilions in the Tiannan Region. The spiritual roots of the people who came have already been tested and are waiting for the subsequent tests. In other sects, people can enter the sect with spiritual roots, but here, spiritual roots are just the foundation.

The one-eyed girl saw this scene, her throat was dry, and she swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She was just a slave before, and had no qualifications to test spiritual roots. Her body suddenly trembled uncontrollably like sieve chaff

"Brother, bless me, I'm not afraid." She clutched the corner of her clothes tightly and prayed silently in her heart.

Sure enough, the team never stopped after that. Tens of thousands of people, all of whom were spiritual roots, walked through the gate one by one.

The one-eyed girl was also the last one to step into the gate. As she took a step out, her heart was beating violently. In the judgment of life and death, she could feel her breathing stagnant and her hair stood on end.

After waiting for a while, she heard the voices of the inner disciples:

"Okay, okay, now who's next? Who knows? I'm leaving first."

"Wait for me, let's go together"

"Nima, why am I still responsible for the second level?"


The one-eyed girl was not thrown out, and the disciple in charge of this test did not look at her again. He just packed up the jade slips and left impatiently.

She looked up with cold sweat on her back, and saw a touch of earth yellow on the beam, and the word"up" was written in seal script on the earth yellow.

She let out a long breath, tried to calm herself down, and continued to move forward.

In the end, everyone gathered on a broken bridge, and the sky covered the broken bridge.

"The monks ask for the truth from their hearts, and those who succeed in it work hard in their minds and muscles."

""Open the second level of mountains and rivers!"

As the inner sect disciple announced, the sky curtain dissipated, and the rumbling sound of water came.

The disciples who were taking the test saw a rushing Yellow River appear, with nine bends and swirling mud and sand.

""Crossing the nine bends and drinking the bitter water of the Yellow River, one's mind will be clear."

As soon as the words fell, the broken bridge under the feet of the disciples disappeared with a bang, and the disciples standing on it fell down like dumplings in a pot.

However, most of them either had cultivation or had good secular martial arts. As they fell, they instantly took a breath and flew up, stepping on the water and walking quickly.

The one-eyed girl obviously didn't have that strength, and fell into the Yellow River.

"I can't swim! Help!"Several girls who fell down screamed.

The river was extremely turbulent, and the moment they fell in, they were washed back by the river. Fortunately, she knew how to swim and swung her arms vigorously.

However, it was impossible for her disabled body to swim through the nine bends in such a turbulent river.

She observed calmly and found that she was very close to the river bank, just like a drowning person who wanted to get ashore.

Slowly drifting to the shore, the shore was full of long-bearded reeds, and she used her feet to push hard and hold on to the reeds on the shore.

There were many people like her, most of them climbed up directly, but those who climbed ashore were confused. The fog rolled over and disappeared.

The one-eyed girl's heart trembled. She didn't know whether those who disappeared died or were eliminated.

She was born with a disability, with short legs and her left arm bent inward and unable to straighten. She clamped the reeds with her left armpit and grabbed with her right hand, moving forward step by step. She was just too tired. The river was surging and winding. The reeds were like knives. The clothes under her armpits were cut by the reeds, and her right palm was covered with blood.

She climbed past the sixth bend, panting so hard that insect shadows appeared in her eyes. Her weak arm slipped and she fell into the river.

Exhaustion, darkness, and suffocation soon swallowed her up.……

"Sister, promise your brother not to cry out in pain and live on for him"

"My sister, don't cry out in pain, just live on"

"My sister lives."

Just as she was sinking, countless shouts appeared in her mind, suddenly waking her up.


She looked around and saw that she was being washed down by the river again. She quickly struggled to grab the shore.

After reaching the shore, she was surprised to find that her strength had returned.

What happened when she fainted just now? After regaining her strength, she stopped and tried to observe, watching countless disciples begin to fall down exhausted and be washed away by the river.

Looking forward, the roar of the river sounded like a man-eating tiger.

"It is said that there is always a way out. If the Tianxing Sect assessment is like this, then a mortal like me should be eliminated at the first level."

"Since I have come to this level, it means that there is a path for mortals in this river."

The one-eyed girl tried to recall the moment when she fainted, and suddenly touched her lips, licked them and murmured:

"The water here is not river water.

She squatted down suddenly, sank into the water, opened her mouth and drank a mouthful of river water.

The moment the river water entered her mouth, she felt her soul explode. Bitter! A kind of bitterness that went to the soul, as if all the disgust and discomfort in the world gathered on the tip of her tongue.

She twitched for a while before slowly coming back to her senses.

"There is bitter water at the raised part of the Nine Bends. Drinking it can restore your physical strength."

After discovering this secret, she was overjoyed and continued to climb.

At the seventh bend, she squatted down again and drank a mouthful of river water.

The bitter taste hit her, and she retched until the acid in her stomach came out.

Only then did she feel better.

She continued to move forward.

At the eighth bend, her left hand was paralyzed and disabled, so she could only hold the reeds under her armpit.

At this time, her clothes had been torn apart, and every step forward was torn between flesh and reeds.

After drinking another mouthful of bitter water, she could feel her whole body in extreme disgust, and she wanted to vomit uncontrollably. She pressed her right hand tightly on her mouth, mixed with blood, and tried her best to swallow it.

She stared at the front while the world was spinning, and the bitterness had made her numb.

""It's the end."

With every step forward, blood flowed on the reeds, and the wound under her armpit was mixed with mud and sand and turned white.

Finally, she turned the corner and saw a large lawn with a large group of people on it, some meditating or resting, and some using basic spells to dry their bodies. Her confused will was illuminated again, and all the fatigue and pain were thrown behind her when she saw hope.

She reached out to grab the reeds in front of her, stepped forward, clamped the reeds under her armpits, and reached out to grab the front again, repeating countless times.

Until she stretched out her bloody palm, grabbed the tender grass on the grass, and leaned steadily at the end, she did not climb onto the grass, perhaps because the bitter water made her too deep.


She stuck out her tongue and licked her wrist

"We have already reached the end, why is there still bitter water?"

She held her breath and thought for a while, then reached to her waist, took out a small water bag, emptied the water inside, and filled the water bag with bitter water.

Then she grabbed the grass on the shore, struggled to go up, and lay on her back.

She ignored the pointing and criticism of others, just breathing hard, her lungs gasping like a bellows.

At this time, the team of more than 30,000 people on the grass had been eliminated by more than half just by this water barrier.

""Dang" a bell rang, and the rushing Yellow River water suddenly stopped, slowly sinking until it leaked out of the riverbed, and there was no more water.

The one-eyed girl was also startled by the bell and sat up, and heard the disciple in the air speak again.

"Climb a thousand feet and listen to the cold wind, and strengthen your muscles and bones."

A stone staircase appeared, extending from the top of the mountain to the grass in front of you.

Then you can see with your naked eyes that the grass you were standing on began to wither and wither, and the soil below gradually turned into yellow sand.


"It's quicksand, climb the mountain quickly!" Soon, a disciple in front noticed it and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the whole team started running, all running towards the stone steps that extended down, and the one-eyed girl also climbed up in a panic.

The quicksand on the whole ground sank quickly, and they could only run madly. Once they stopped, they would quickly sink into the sand. Fortunately, the group of people selected in front were mostly skilled people.

Although she limped and ran at the end, no one blocked her way and made things difficult for her, so she stepped onto the stairs at the last moment.

After climbing the stone steps, she, who had been running violently and hot, instantly felt the cool breeze on her face, which was very comfortable.

The team in front had already run away, and she hurried to catch up.

Qianzhang Mountain is not very high. She climbed it when she was very young, but this mountain is different. After walking a hundred feet, she felt very comfortable.

""Cold." This was the first reaction from her body.

At first, there was a cool breeze, but now it was obvious that autumn had arrived. When she climbed another hundred feet, the leaves were covered with frost and snow, which was impossible on ordinary mountains.

She was only wearing a thin linen shirt.

She rubbed her arms, which were covered with sweat, and continued to move forward.

She had also endured this kind of cold.

At five hundred feet, the ice on both sides of the stairs was like a waterfall.

Her face was covered with frost, her knuckles were clenched white, and she walked forward with her hands folded across her chest.

At six hundred feet, she was hungry.

She had vomited everything at the Water Gate.

Now, under the long-term cold, her thin body was There was no energy left in her body to help her resist the cold.

Suddenly she felt hot, and she suddenly perked up and looked around, and found that many people had taken off their clothes and were lying on the side with smiles on their faces. The ice was still hard, but the heat was real.

Her brother had told her that if the body was too cold, it would die in the warmth.

When she realized that something was wrong, she hurriedly stopped, pried open her frozen fingers, and tremblingly reached for the water bag at her waist.

The bitter water in the Yellow River was indeed not frozen, which made her feel relieved. She bit open the cork with her teeth and poured it into her mouth.

��When the water went down her throat, the cold and bitterness seemed to compete with each other. Obviously, the"cold" that almost froze her to death was more severe, so the water seemed less bitter.

After drinking it, her body became hot. Unlike the heat that made her lose herself before, this was a kind of heat that made her feel full, which gave her the strength to continue moving forward.

After six hundred feet, more and more people fell down the stairs. Fortunately, those who fell down were soon covered by the mist and then disappeared.

The bitter water of the Yellow River gave her confidence. Every time her body felt the heat that she was obsessed with, she immediately drank a mouthful of bitter water.

But after crossing the nine hundred feet, everything changed. The mountain began to fog up. The fog stuck to her body and turned into water droplets, and then quickly froze. At first, she could still shake it off, but then, as she saw the end was in front of her, the ice on her body became thicker and thicker.

The whole water bag was also frozen in the ice. Without the bitter water, she stopped. Her knee joints were covered with ice and she could no longer move.

Her brain and heart began to slow down, fatigue came, and her body seemed to be going into hibernation.

The platform was right in front of her, and all the memories of the past came flooding back with despair. She was so unwilling to

"Brother, I can’t live any longer."

Her tears quickly condensed into ice, but she didn’t fall.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.....She didn't know how long she stood there like this, clearly without hope. But she still had a firm will, to live, even if it was just one more breath, to live for her brother.

Hallucinations appeared, darkness appeared......

When she was about to die, the wind came.

The wind in the air was full of warmth, like the spring wind after the winter snow.

When the spring wind blew on the one-eyed girl, the ice and snow melted in an instant, and she woke up instantly, and her whole body was steaming.


The inner sect disciple in the air let out a slight"eh".


I thought it was just a legend made up by the elders, but it turned out to be true.

"Drink bitter water from the Nine Bends of the Yellow River, and listen to the wind at the Nine Hundred Cold Mountains. Legend has it that if you can stand on the Nine Hundred Cold Mountains for a quarter of an hour without dying, you can hear the spring wind melting the snow."

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