Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 327 [Rising to the Sky]

Strictly speaking, it is not too far from Qingyuan County to Chunming County.

Just leave Qingyuan and cross one county to reach Chunming.

The total length is more than two thousand miles. If you sit on Lapis Lazuli and turn on the anti-gravity engine at full power, you can get there in less than an hour.

However, this is a bit too ignorant.

The true meaning of "reaching pure brightness" as Wang Chenlie said.

"——Of course, I want to beat Chunming."

Song Shi looked around at Lapis Lazuli and Ai Lu, his pupils filled with high fire: "In front of everyone, suppressing most of the masters of Beiting's defense front, and stepping onto Chunming step by step, what can be more interesting in this world than this?" I’m afraid there won’t be much left.”


Song Shi signaled Lapis Lazuli to use some anti-gravity, and an invisible force field rose. Bedding, an electric kettle, a tissue box, a plastic stool, and fine dust made the hotel room suddenly filled with objects.

Song Shi floated in the air, flicking the unopened soft drink can that was floating beside him, and flicked it towards Ai Lu who was clinging to the ceiling: "Even if there is no big gift, you can let me complete the ritual of 'rising to the sky' so quickly. . I should really thank Wang Chenlie.”

——Psychic skills·【Soaring into the sky】.

Normally, a third-level psyker can inscribe seven psychic skills.

[Huo Yan], [Suishi], [Practical Heart], and the next spiritual skill selected by Song Shi [Chongxiao], if the naming convention here in the Eastern Continent is used, it can be counted as an "escape method" A category.

In a sense, the ceremony of [Chongxiao] is very simple, only containing the four words "Qi Chongxiao Han".

——The momentum is so grand that it can penetrate even the clouds and the Milky Way.

As for the general trend of accumulation, what can be compared to the current situation, facing the torrent of mountain and tsunami set off from the Beiting Defense Front, and defeating it head-on?

"Are you too arrogant?" Ai Lu caught the soft drink can, thought for a moment, and pushed it to Lapis Lazuli: "Your Excellency, although you are very strong, Beiting's defense front has always been filled with masters."

"Defeat them all." Ai Lu questioned: "Don't you consider the possibility of a draw?"


Song Shi hugged his knees with his hands and slowly turned his body. Hearing this, he laughed: "Then I'll wait for them."

"——I have a question, Song Shi."

At this moment, Lapis Lazuli suddenly spoke.

It swung its robotic arm and pinched the beverage can accurately.

Immediately afterwards, the upper right corner of its fuselage rotated, and a screen was projected. A waterfall-like data flow washed down, and then quickly turned into a visual multi-dimensional table, which was clear at a glance.

"I searched the Beiting Defense Front and found that the criminal records of the counties under its jurisdiction in the past five years are too low." Lapis Lazuli paused: "No, it should be said that compared to the social atmosphere and recommended program here, the crime rate is too low. The number of records is too low."

"There is so much respect for force here, and it is believed that the powerful should have privileges - yes, I understand that there are some powerful people who are unwilling to abuse their privileges and do anything that violates public order and good customs. But based on the information I have collected, this part Only a minority, anywhere.”

"But here." Lapis Lazuli looked at Song Shi, as if he was considering his words: "These officers are a bit too..."

It came up with a fairly appropriate word: "——'noble'."

In addition to their own military ranks, most officers also hold government positions, and most of these officers still perform their corresponding duties decently and complete their tasks more or less.

They use force to oppress the people, treat the weak as livestock, despise the incompetent, trample on the law, and do whatever they want.

According to the records retrieved by Lapis Lazuli, these things have indeed happened, but compared to the social atmosphere and the number of officers here, the frequency of these things is simply low to the point of conscience.

It's as if these armed officers believed from the bottom of their hearts that these things were wrong, so they didn't.

"Stop, stop, stop." Song Shi interrupted the omnic: "Is this the beginning of pure speculation?"

"Come on, let me ask you a few questions first."

Before Lapis Shi could speak, Song Shi raised his index finger: "Am I better than you?"

"Yes." Lapis replied.

Song Shi nodded and said, "The evening moon in the sky will shine."

"Huh?" Lapis Lazuli was confused for a moment, and found that the other party had no intention of explaining, so he had to say: "This is."

"I said, the setting moon in the sky will shine." Song Shi stared at the omnic and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Otherwise, how could it be bright?"

"Wrong." Ai Lu heard this and calmly interjected: "The sunset itself does not emit light, but its surface is composed of rocks, dust and materials with high reflectivity. They reflect part of the sun's light, so it appears "Shine".

"Correct answer!"

Song Shi snapped his fingers: "Even people with my level of education know that Xiyue doesn't shine at all. By the way, I remember that Ai Lu's education level is lower than mine. Did you drop out of a vocational high school?"

"Anyway, if you find a lieutenant, I will repeat what I just said."

"——Then, he will definitely first suspect that there is something wrong with his own cognition."

Lapis Lazuli was startled for a moment, and then he suddenly understood something: "Wait! What do you mean-"

"Yes, because I am stronger than him, I must be more 'correct' than him, so he chooses to believe me." Song Shi spread his hands: "Or, in fact, he doesn't believe it at all, but because he is weaker than me, he will still admit this 'mistake' and take it as a guideline until he becomes stronger than me."

"This is the rule of the Beiting Defense Line, so wonderful, isn't it?" Song Shi pointed his index finger at his temple: "Of course, if you want me to make a personal evaluation, I think these people have some problems here."

"Just because they are 'strong', they are willing to give up their own "Is it possible that you should give up your own insistence and follow the other party? Humph, that's too weak."

"Lapis Lazuli, you just asked me, these officers are so "noble"? "

Song Shi laughed and shook his head: "How is it possible? At least more than half of the officers advocate the creed of "the strong are respected", but the degree is nothing more than that. Now the so-called responsibility, restraint and self-discipline, and do not commit evil desires."

"This is just the request of the great marshal."

He stared at the ceiling, but his sight seemed to penetrate the past, until he went north and arrived at the area known as "pure and bright".

In a trance, there seemed to be a divine outline that was connected to the sky and the sun, standing silently.

Song Shi slowly retracted his sight and looked at Lapis Lazuli again.

He raised his index finger and stood straight up.

"——They are not as strong as the great marshal. "

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