The sword was broken, and the sword was cut off.


Lu Cang appeared in front of Ruga again.

The sickle swung, and slashed Ruga's body with black blade wind.


This attack only dealt 7000 damage.

A sneer of contempt appeared on Ruga's face.

He completely ignored Lu Cang's attack.

But at the same time, a phantom of Lu Cang was summoned again.

Destructive earthquake.


Boom boom boom boom boom——

Five earthquake shock waves erupted!

Lu Cang's phantoms in different directions used destructive earthquakes at the same time.

The land of the entire valley was completely shattered.

The entire valley was torn into pieces.

There were only a few standing plots of land left.

"Give me, die!"

Ruga grinned and raised his hand to swing [Phantom] towards Lu Cang!

Almost in an instant, seven different phantoms of Ruga appeared from all directions, and they came to Lu Cang from eight different directions!

The speed was extremely fast.


There was no chance to react at all.

In just a moment, Lu Cang's body was chopped into pieces by several sword energies that extended infinitely into the distance.

And it was at this time that the brave and fearless came behind Ruga.

"Eight-Gathering Thunder - Cage."


Thunder exploded!

The cage appeared again.

This time, four cages surrounded Ruga.

Lu Cang's phantom also completed the chant again.

Lu Cang once again used a phantom to die instead of himself.

The [Phantom] slash just now.

It was completely impossible to block it.

It could only be avoided by changing positions.

As early as when Bai Lu released the first Eight-Gathering Thunder, the four phantoms had already started to chant.

The Fearless Warrior finally seized the opportunity!

[Closed Forbidden Circle Slash]


A dark light flashed on the heavy sword.

The area within a radius of 100 meters with the Fearless Warrior as the center was divided by an invisible black line.


Draw the sword!

Almost at the same time as the Fearless Warrior drew his sword.

Leng Qingying also appeared again.

Her speed was much faster than the Fearless Warrior, and even faster than Lu Cang in absolute speed!

Closed Forbidden Circle Slash!

Dance of Death!



[Closed Forbidden Circle Slash (LV: 5) (Five Stars) - Charge for 1~5 seconds. During the charging process, you will gradually create an area with a radius of 10~100 meters with yourself as the center. During the charging process, a huge suction force will be generated to pull all enemies within the range]

[Not fully charged: Slash with a sword, causing 10~100X strength damage to all enemies in the area]

[Full charge: Slash with a sword, causing 150x strength damage, and immediately apply super heavy pressure, causing 100X strength damage again]

[LV5 skill enhancement: Closed Ring - After completing the slash, this range will form a closed cage. Within five seconds, the target in the cage can only cause damage to you and cannot leave the ring. (Can be canceled by yourself)]

[Cooling time: 15 seconds, mana consumption: none]


A light black column completely enveloped Ruga.


-4,492,959 (4.49 million)

-2,925,156 (2.92 million)

After completing the job change, the strength of the Fearless Warrior has been greatly improved.

Now his strength has reached 45,000.

Under the terrifying pressure!

Leng Qingying and Phantom also turned into countless black shadows and shuttled around, outputing crazily!


Huge cracks appeared on the ground under Ruga's feet.

However, facing the attacks of these two.

It just stood proudly in the venue, standing upright, staring at the Fearless Warrior in the distance like a sculpture.

"Is this your tactic?"

The effect of the Fearless Warrior's [Closed Forbidden Circle Slash] has been activated.

Now he can only cause damage to the Fearless Warrior.

But if he does this, he will break his promise at the beginning to only attack Lu Cang.

"It's obvious that if I kill you, your plan will fail completely."

"The way the weak win is really pitiful."

"It takes the strong to show mercy to the weak in order to win.

. "

After saying that, Ruga looked at Lu Cang who was out of the range in the distance.

It raised its four arms and stood calmly.

It looked completely motionless.

With Ruga's personality, he would only continue to attack Lu Cang, regardless of others.

After all, he is "arrogant"

If he took the initiative to attack the Brave and Fearless at this time, he would not be "arrogant".

Leng Qingying also benefited from this and took the opportunity to attack crazily.

[Windless Stab]

[Shadow Piercing Strike]

[Swift Shadow Slash]

[Phantom Dance Stab]

The real main output player is not Bai Lu, nor Fearless Warrior.

But Leng Qingying.

The damage increase effect brought by the twelve [Mortal] daggers is extremely terrifying.

Each slash is 400,000 damage.

Although compared with the millions of damages of Fearless Warrior and Bai Lu, it seems a little bit less.

Even a little bit of scraping.

But Leng Qingying's attack frequency is not ordinary fast.

She is the one who has learned the second most skills among all the people present, second only to Lu Cang.

This means that she At this level, you can use the most skills and deal the most damage!

For the target standing still in front of you.

Leng Qingying's damage has reached the maximum!

The damage is arranged in a row.








Hundreds of damage numbers floated out from Ruga's body.

The fearless can only see countless The afterimages danced around Ruga.

Continuously slashing at the BOSS, the BOSS's health dropped at an alarming rate.

Under Leng Qingying's violent attack, part of Ruga's skin had been torn.

The scars on his body became more and more.

The blood volume had also dropped to 200 million.

In a short period of time, its health value had exceeded half.

But in the face of such an attack.

Ruga still stood there and ignored it, just showing a more pleasant smile.

"Good, very good! "

Leng Qingying has done her best.

This is the limit of her output!

The black beam of light slashed by the Fearless Warrior gradually dissipated.

Lu Cang did not make up for the damage, but watched.

Just watched quietly like a bystander.

If he went to attack, he could indeed take this opportunity to directly empty Lujia's blood volume.

But the premise is that Lujia does not fight back at all.

Arrogant is arrogant, but if he is forced into a real desperate situation, he will still jump off the wall.

At that time, in order not to be killed.

He will directly kill the Fearless Warrior.

Lu Cang can feel that as long as he joins the battlefield just now, the opponent will take action immediately.

Letting Leng Qingying and the Fearless Warrior attack is to make the opponent have some Under the condition of restraint, the best way to wear down the opponent's health.

First wear down the health.

Then find an opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

This tactic is also called boiling a frog in warm water.

When the opponent realizes that he has reached the killing line, it is too late.

This is also the most suitable tactic to deal with arrogant enemies.

At the same time, Lu Cang was still paying attention to the purple-white sword in Ruga's hand, with countless spider web patterns woven on the sword.

[Baji Liuzhi]

This should be the strongest of the four swords.

I don't know how much Ruga will have to pay if he wants to swing this sword.

It seems that the greater the price it has to pay.

Baji Liuzhi, it can only be swung once at most.

"Oh? Are you tired already? "Ruga followed Leng Qingying with his eyes.

Leng Qingying stopped the attack, frowned and pulled back a distance.

The effect of the closed forbidden circle slash has ended.

And at the moment when the fearless closed forbidden circle slash blockade ended.

Ruga spread his arms, holding the left hand of [Baji Liuzhi] and raised it to the sky.

"I'm tired, it's my turn."

"Now, everything ends."

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