The enemy was beaten.


Lu Cang didn't waste time, nor did he talk nonsense with the enemy.

He took out his flintlock and shot the opponent.

He was in a hurry to get points, and it would take a long time for one person to say a word.

[Battle ended - Winner: Cang Qiong]

[Continue to match or leave the arena? ]

"Continue to match."


The prompt popped up again.

[You have been matched with an opponent of equal strength]

Soon, the scene changed.

In a dense jungle, the opponent watched Cang Qiong brushing in front of him.

He uttered a word.



[Yinyuan Guild - Guild Base]

Inside the Yinyuan Guild.

Everyone's face was very ugly.

In the lecture hall, the factor wearing black-framed glasses reported: "In order to deal with Cangkong, we suffered heavy losses."

"At present, Yinkong's level progress is seriously behind. The S-level of other guilds has reached the level of 18 for job transfer, and Yinkong has just returned to level 10."

"And just now in the battle of the world boss, most of the elites of our 10,000-person team lost one or two pieces of equipment."

"We have fallen behind by a large margin."

"And just now, the Xingmen Guild began to squeeze our outdoor leveling area."

"Snatch and kill the wild ones we have injured." Monsters, the leveling progress of our follow-up troops has also been seriously slowed down. "

"Among them, Leng Qingying of the God Killer Guild is suspected to be hunting our guild members in the wild. Yin Kong seemed to have been ambushed by her three minutes ago."

President Yin Chen's face was very ugly: "Seems?"

"Well... I didn't see her actual figure. Yin Kong and his team were killed in seconds shortly after leaving the dungeon."

"But the probability of Leng Qingying is very high."

At this stage, there are only a few players who can kill Yin Kong in seconds, so it is not difficult to guess.

Yin Chen frowned and tutted.

After Yin Su finished the report.

On the other side, Anliu also reported: "It's not just the problem reported by Yinsu, we also encountered great difficulties in recruiting new members."

"More and more newcomers are unwilling to join our Yinyuan Guild, even if the welfare benefits are improved."

"According to the latest survey report, the largest proportion of players who were invited but unwilling to join our guild gave the answer that they were afraid of being enemies with the Shensha Guild."


This proportion is already very high.

After all, there are often many reasons for not wanting to join a guild, and a single reason accounts for nearly one-fifth of the proportion, which is already very telling.

"Also, Andanwuguang has left the guild."

The vice president left the guild...

Everyone present fell into silence.

The vice president and the president have always had some differences in ideas, which is something everyone knows.

However, the two have continued to work together until today.

The sudden departure of the vice president is also a major blow to the Yinyuan Guild.

"I can't interfere with Peng Tao's decision to leave." Yin Chen held his chin and answered calmly.

Peng Tao is a name in the bleak real world.

"President, as you can see, the current situation of the guild is very bad."

"The God Killing Guild has a huge impact on us. If we can't recruit fresh blood, we will be dragged down."

Players are the roots of a guild.

It's just like the relationship between a novel website and its authors.

If more authors run away, the number of new authors will gradually decrease, and the website will also decline.

For example, there is a website that made 4,000 yuan a day from the bottom of the list during its peak period, and it can only make 4,000 yuan a day after it declines to the top of the list.

If the author runs away, there will naturally be fewer good books, and if there are no books to read, readers will naturally run away.

Therefore, every novel website pays great attention to cultivating and absorbing new authors, and absorbing powerful authors from other websites.

The more books that are famous, the more readers will be attracted to the website.

With more readers, the author's income will be higher. It is said that with higher website income, there will be more new authors, which will promote a virtuous circle.

The same is true for guilds.

On the contrary, once a guild cannot attract players, it is equivalent to getting weaker and weaker. The weaker the strength, the less willing other players are to come, and the less willing they are to come, the weaker the strength.

On the other hand, other guilds are on the rise.

Entering a virtuous cycle of development...

For example, Star Gate directly purchased thousands of silver equipment and gave away bronze quality equipment for free.

Using this as a promotion, there is an endless stream of players who want to join the Star Gate Guild.

When the two sides are compared, it can be said that there is a huge gap.

If the Yinyuan Guild does not restore its image and make changes, it will be equivalent to a slow death.

It won't be long before other guilds begin to suppress, erode, and decompose the Yinyuan Guild.

Even the Star Gate Guild has already started to do this.

If this situation continues, within a month, the huge Yinyuan Guild will become a legend that only exists in the past.

Anliu sighed and made his own suggestion: "How about negotiating with the God Killing Guild?"

"Negotiation? Do you want us to bow our heads?"

Yin Chen shook his head and said: "Now all the players in the Fantasy World know that they have killed our S-level to level 1. If we still bow our heads to them for peace, the morale of our guild will drop to the freezing point, and we will not be able to raise our heads in front of outsiders."

"Bowing our heads will not solve the difficulties we are facing."

Yin Chen continued: "The only way to restore our image now is to defeat and defeat the God Killing Guild once."

"The image of the God Killing Guild is not only above us, but also above the other seven guilds."

"If we can defeat them , let them suffer, it means that we are stronger than the other seven guilds. "

"The image of our Yinyuan Guild can also be restored."

"After that, we will immediately cut ties with the Shensha Guild and stop entangled with them, at least temporarily reverse the current bad situation."

"As for the Shensha Guild's request for explanation later, we can consider reconciling with them privately, offering compensation, and never interfering with each other again."

Yinsu pushed his glasses, thought for a while and asked: "Can we pay to contact them and act out a play directly?"

"I have contacted them, but was rejected."

"President, can we use other guilds to cooperate with the Shensha Guild?" Yinsu asked again.

Yin Chen frowned: "At present, the views of each guild in the Eight Guilds Alliance on the God Killer are different."

"Golden Balance admires the God Killer Guild very much and hopes to establish a certain cooperative relationship with the God Killer Guild."

"Because their S-level player was killed by Leng Qingying in a sneak attack, Precision Hub wants to ask the God Killer Guild for an explanation."

"The attitudes of these two guilds are more prominent. As for the other four guilds, they maintain a neutral and friendly attitude. They don't want to make this enemy."

"After all, the world boss is won by those with strength. Interests are the first priority. As for fighting or cooperation, it is completely judged based on interests."

"It's just that they robbed a boss, so they won't become enemies directly. They are probably using us as a reference. With our example, they need to weigh it if they want to move the God Killer Guild." Yin Chen's tone was a little angry, but also revealed some helplessness.

Unexpectedly, I became a stepping stone for others.

"As for the attitude of the Star Gate Guild... Hehe, you know, they have completely surrendered to the God Killer Guild."

"At present, it seems that the only one with whom we can cooperate is the Precision Hub, but I don't know if they are willing to help us. After all, our relationship with the Precision Hub is not that good."

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