
The dagger collided with its long sword!

At this moment, why wasn't Taitian surprised?

It actually didn't notice that the enemy was approaching. perform

After this fantasy world update.

The intelligence of all NPCs in the fantasy world has been correspondingly improved.

They now look more like real creatures.

rather than a fixed procedure that follows a set path.

While the weapons of both sides were clashing, Leng Qingying had also transformed into a new clone.

As long as damage is caused, the phantom can be triggered even if the damage is low.


Transposition, cutting.

Round-blade Hua Wu!

Leng Qingying appeared elegantly behind the fox orc.

The nearby fox orc was taken away in an instant.

The order given by Lu Cang was to kill them all without mercy.

No matter how innocent or pitiful the other party looks, just do it.

In times of war, to pity others is to be cruel to oneself.

Leave your excess kindness to be vented in times of peace.

After Leng Qingying killed the fox orc, she looked back at the fox orc's body.

"No matter how you look at it, they are all innocent children."

"Tsk, tsk, you are really a tyrant, President."

Having said that, Leng Qingying didn't hesitate at all when she took action.

Leng Qingying knew what would happen to this fox orc.

He was buried by Bai Lu and removed from the fantasy world.


The huge sword blade fell.

Leng Qingying blocked the blow with her phantom double blades, but she was still killed instantly by Tai Tian.

The assassin's block can't block much damage.

If you are hit head-on by a level 60 monster, this is indeed what will happen.

But in the next moment, black shadows intertwined, and the dance of death bloomed in the small space.

The phantom's double blades cut into Taitian's body.





Taitian twisted his body.

But he didn't catch Leng Qingying's figure.

What followed was an attack pressing towards it from different directions!







Leng Qingying's mortal double daggers can do more than 600,000 damage with each cut.

more importantly.

Leng Qingying shaved very quickly.

Even though Taitian has 45 million blood.

He couldn't stand Leng Qingying's crazy attack speed.


"Smelly bitch!"


Tai Tian suddenly swung his sword to attack, but it still hit the air.

Suddenly, he felt murderous intent coming from behind!

He turned his head sharply again, thinking that an attack was about to arrive from behind.

But when I turned around, I found that there was nothing behind me.

And the next moment, I felt my legs being crossed by two figures!

It leaves a feeling of pain!

Life dropped quite a bit again.



Wait until it turns its body around.

Leng Qingying, who should have been near her legs, disappeared again.

This bitch has always been in the blind spot of her vision!

So fast! It’s so fast that I can’t even imagine it!

After Leng Qingying opened the phantom, there was an extra speed bonus.

Leng Qingying without a phantom has a 100% speed bonus at the beginning. Every time a phantom appears, there will be an additional 100% full speed increase. Full phantom is 6 times the speed.

Taitian could still keep up with Leng Qingying's speed at the beginning when there was no phantom.

But when he faced five phantoms, six times the speed.

It’s completely impossible to capture Leng Qingying!


"Damn, damn, damn, damn!"

Hoo ho ho!

Streams of sword energy slashed out in all directions!

There were even large-scale sword winds spreading in all directions from time to time.

But Leng Qingying was like a ghost.

Intangible, invisible, untouchable.

When the sword wind of indiscriminate attacks dissipates, Leng Qingying will come back again like a ghost.

It's like his shadow.

Can't get rid of it.

Taitian could only feel that every part of his body was being attacked by Leng Qingying.

And when he looked at the position where he was attacked, Leng Qingying disappeared again.

Taitian could only swing the knife randomly.

There was never a single hair that could hurt Leng Qingying.

The blood volume is continuously declining.




twenty one%



There was a muffled sound.

Taitian's last bit of blood was drained by Leng Qingying.

Until his death, he never touched a hair of Leng Qingying.

"It takes 1 minute and 14 seconds."

"The skills taught by that guy are indeed very powerful..."

Lu Cang not only taught the brave and fearless warrior the basic skills, but also taught Leng Qingying the basic skills of the assassin.

He looked at the body that fell beside him.

Combined with the experience of the battle just now.

Leng Qingying could fully feel that she had become stronger.

Not numerically strong.

It’s about the sublimation of skills.

Leng Qingying could clearly feel that she could completely abuse herself before meeting Cangqiong yesterday.

As long as the attributes and abilities are exactly the same.

Use your skills to win.

"In this way, the wealth can be regarded as preserved."


Leng Qingying: I have killed Taitian.

Lu Cang received the good news from Leng Qingying.

On the other side, the Brave and Fearless also captured three strongholds.

Sure enough, after the release of the white deer, everyone extinguished the sea of ​​​​fire.

Not many orcs dared to stand in front of the brave warrior.

As for the previously occupied strongholds.

The orcs didn't dare to snatch it back.

Who knows if the human race will hide in the middle of the road and ambush them?

The humans who broke through the city gate were four people.

But I didn’t say there would only be four.

What if more humans enter the city later and help them guard the place?

The orcs know very well that if the human race dies, the best they can do is go back and resurrect.

Drop a few pieces of equipment at most.

But if they die, they will forever lose the opportunity to return to the fantasy world.

The cost of death on both sides is not equal at all.

If I die, I will delete my account. If you die and resurrect safely, you are the devil!

Even if they can suppress the human race in terms of strength, it is impossible to take this risk.

Not to mention...

Is there really any strength to suppress it?

The people of the God Kill Guild have already shaken the psychological shadow of these orcs.

The first reaction of these orcs in Shillong City when they saw the humans was not to use them as food rations.

Instead, he turned around and ran away immediately.

Human race! That's a human race where four people can kill their thousands of troops!

This is a human race that can guard their resurrection points!

The Brave and the Fearless continued to occupy points according to the route drawn by Lu Cang.

Along the way, if you see the fleeing orcs, you will kill them directly.

Because of the brave man's fearless, brutal and merciless actions, the orcs were even more frightened.

Coupled with the news that the resurrection point had been occupied, the orcs in the entire Shillong City were aware of the risk of death.

The orcs in Shillong City were all running away from the city.

Any thought of fighting has been completely lost.

If this continues, the entire city will be completely occupied before long.

At this point, most of the siege has been completed.

Lu Cang himself came to the city lord's palace.

"Lord City Lord."

"This city is under attack from the enemy..."

"We are almost unable to defend it. Please send troops to fight."


Several orc NPCs knelt on one knee and asked the city lord for instructions.

From the time the city gate was breached to now, no more than fifteen minutes had passed.

The city lord had no time to react.

And just when the city lord was about to make a decision.

A heavy sword penetrated the city lord's body directly from the back of the city lord's chair.

Lu Cang didn't know when he had appeared behind the city lord.

If you want to capture a city, in addition to capturing points, there is another problem that must be overcome.

That is to deal with the current city lord.

Kill the Shillong City Lord in the heavily guarded City Lord's Mansion.

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