
The world of seeking demons, the world of holy ruins, the world of supergods, and the world of eternity have also sounded various discussions.

There are those who support Shi Feng, and there are those who support Shi Yi.

After all, there are too many creatures in the heavens and realms, and everyone’s subjective consciousness is different, so their respective comments are also different.

But at this time.

The scene on the mysterious light curtain has also been updated again.

The final clip was also played.


Shiziling was completely suppressed.

The whole thing almost became a bloody man and fell to the ground.

And Qin Yining on the side was the same, he was hit hard and lost the power of the first battle.

“Shi Ziling, obsessed and unrealized, rebellious offenders, should be dealt with by family law!”

At this moment,

Above the Hall of King Wu.

The old ancestor of the Shi Clan spoke again.

He looked at Shi Ziling, who had been suppressed, and his eyes were still so indifferent.

Shi Yi, on the other hand, stood on the side, silently watching all this.

“I don’t need you to enforce the family law, I will leave with Hao’er.” Shi Ziling spoke.

His voice was extremely weak, and then he stood up slowly.

But speaking of this, his gaze instantly sharpened, and then looked at Shi Yi and said, ”

“If I Hao’er doesn’t die, I will definitely kill you in the future!”

The voice just fell

The screen pauses at this point.

But then suddenly it turned and the scene changed.

This is already a month later.

In the depths of a great wilderness.

The figures of Shi Ziling and Qin Yining emerged.

They came to a village and handed Shi Hao over to the village chief here, asking him to take care of him in trouble.

But after this scene appeared, everyone in the Martial King Mansion, who was originally immersed in the Supreme Bone and the heavy pupil, was instantly stunned.

“This… This is my Stone Clan ancestral land?! An elder couldn’t help but gasp.

Not because of anything else

It is because this village is almost exactly the same as the ancestral land recorded in some codex of King Wu’s Mansion!

And according to rumors,

The Stone Clan Ancestral Land has long since disappeared.

But how could Shi Ziling find it?!

For a while,

The entire Wuwang Mansion was a little agitated.

Because there are many supreme treasures in the ancestral land of the Shi Clan

Even according to the information in the codex, it is very likely that there are divine magic weapons hidden in the ancestral land!

This is epic news.

Even King Wu himself became a little short of breath for a while.

If only they could find the ancestral land at this time, and find those silent divine magic weapons.

Then even if Shi Zhongtian returns, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He didn’t even need Lao Zu’s hand to suppress it.

But suddenly, the camera on the screen brought the inside of the stone village closer, and everything in the stone village was presented on the camera.

Then the picture on the entire mysterious light curtain stopped and completely calmed down.

The incident of comparison with Shi Yi is completely over.

But at this moment,

In the chat group of the heavens and realms, it was directly fried.

“Nope… No, I just saw something…” [by Immortal King, An Lan].

“Is that the willow tree?!” [by the Immortal King, Yuda].

“The breath is very similar, but the camera flashes and I don’t look closely at it.” [By the Immortal King, the Red King].

“This can’t be!” [by the King of Immortality, King of Swords].

At this moment,

The whole exotic land is not calm anymore.

The major immortal kings became serious.

In the picture that flashed on the mysterious light curtain just now, they actually found the willow god of the Immortal Ancient Era!

But the lens on the light curtain flashed too fast.

They also failed to perceive it carefully.

But the breath and appearance are so similar, almost identical.

If it was really that willow god, then the matter would be big.

That willow tree back then went in and out seven times, almost killing the entire foreign land.

If she hadn’t died

That would be an extremely serious consequence for the entire foreign land.

“It shouldn’t be, back then, I joined forces to surround and kill her, even if she was strong, she couldn’t survive, she must have died in the battle of Immortal Gu.” The Immortal King spoke, and his voice was very confirming.

As soon as these words came out, the other Immortal Kings present also nodded one after another.


The willow tree that was beaten back then was almost destroyed, and how could it survive, it should be that they thought too much.

Think of that

These immortal kings present also breathed a sigh of relief.


And at the same time.

One of the most important sessions is about to begin.

That’s where the scoring comes in.


A reminder sounded in the hearts of everyone in the heavens and realms.

[This comparison event: Blood town dear relatives, crush all kinds of strong people! ] 】

[Comparison character: Shi Yi! ] 】

[Tip: Please use your subjective consciousness to make a decision and evaluate Shi Feng’s behavior, with the highest score of 10 and the lowest score of 0. ] 】

[Please make a comment within three minutes, otherwise it will be regarded as 0 points.] 】

“Is it finally time for scoring?”

At this moment,

Someone couldn’t help but smile.

After all, this link is the happiest, and it can perfectly give the evaluation you want to give the most.

“In other words, how many points do you plan to give Shi Yi this time?” [By Fox Demon World, Yaya Tushan].

“Give it a 6 points, although Shi Yi has been playing soy sauce the whole time, he has also shown the divine power of the supreme bone and heavy pupil.” [By Fighting the World, Soul Heavenly Emperor].

“I dare not agree with the idea upstairs, this Shi Yi can watch his mother being killed, I will directly give a 0 point.” [by greedy and afraid of death, Bai Xiaochun].

“Actually, I think it’s okay, after all, Shi Yi is still young now, and as the realm improves in the future, his strength will definitely exceed all of our imagination, so I’ll give a 10 points.” [by Douluo World, Tang San].


One after another, barrages kept popping up in the chat group of the heavens and realms.

Everyone is giving their most truthful evaluation.

And the worlds are also sounding related to it.

The world of the Xianming multiverse.

“Dad, how many points do we give this time?” Zhu Gaoxu and the others looked directly over.

“Your rating this time is all based on your own subjective judgment, I don’t participate.” When Zhu Di heard this, he turned around directly and did not give Zhu Gaoxu the three answers.



PS: Ask for data every day, and you guys should cast some data.

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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