Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 50: Hibi, yo, parallel to the daily routine of the male waste of the world! (10)

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& # 160; Blonde hair, simply tied into a ponytail, always a cold expression that never changes, as if nobody cares about anyone, nobody cares.

The only emotion that fluctuates is when Allen learns martial arts from her.

This reminds her of her father, and of her fighting skills taught by her father.

Then, recall her mission.

This will make her heart sink even more.

Ye Shenyue leaned against the tree, and then in the distance, under the moonlight, she saw a girl with blond hair walking here without any hassle.


He waved at Ani.

Ani did not respond, and even looked at him very coldly.


Night God Moon asked Umir to send a love letter, she should not read it, and then directly refused.

The reason for refusal was aroused by the words that Umir said that she would not come and his life was ruined.

this means.

Ani, her heart is not very bad.

There is no real bad guy, otherwise you will deceive Christa, and Yumier becomes embarrassed, and then confuse Mikasa together, or even deceive Ani to come over, then they are all bad guys.

and so.

It's a different position.

If that is the case, why not talk?

At the end of the fight, there is also a need to talk.

and so.

Conversation is very important.

"What's the matter, hurry up."

Ani put her hands in her pockets.

"I like you." Ye Shenyue said simply.

This made Ani's eyes slightly wider. Sure enough, even if she knew it, she would still be touched by the girl of her age.

Only, it was just surprised and touched.

Accepting is completely impossible.

After all, the two of them didn't know each other. How could they all know about the 100 training corps? Not to mention that they still feel each other.

"I always feel that you are carrying a lot of thoughts. So I think I can help you a little."


Is it.

This guy, although he hasn't seen it, is unexpectedly a good person.

"No need."

Ani refused coldly.


This level of warmth is impossible to impress Ani.

and so.

Ye Shenyue raised her hand, "Do it!"

He touched his waist with the other hand, and then he took out a barrel gun from there.

This is a very backward gun. But the gendarmerie will match.

This was discovered by Umir when he sneaked into the wall after stealing chickens and dogs.

So Ye Shenyue borrowed it.

Aim at Ani.

"This is ... a trap ..." Ani looked very angry.

Although she didn't devote her emotions, she hadn't thought that she needed to be alert.

But two figures immediately appeared in the trees hidden on both sides.

One came directly from her right side and kicked her calf first, while the other grabbed her hand.

The two stopped her one by one.

And these two people.

Their figure appeared in the moonlight.

Black medium long hair. This is Mikasa.

With cute freckles on his face, this is Yumir.

Not just Mikasa. Umir also participated.

Or, is this a conspiracy against her?

Ani finally understood that she had made a fortune.

"You guys--"

Her hand was restrained, but the palm of her left hand was still movable.

In the original book, she has a ring, and a needle will pop up when turned, so that she can hurt herself and then become a giant.


How could she have this opportunity?

"Um--" Her mouth was stuffed into the cloth.

Then Ye Shenyue broke her palm and took off her ring.

Ani lost her ability to become giant.

"It's a tiring job." Ymir said. "This guy is really difficult to deal with, right, since I want to draw her, then Night God Moon, here, how about going directly to her?"

"She was threatened by her family in Malais, and how about we also create her new family here?"

"Do not……"

Although Umir's proposal made him very emotional, but.

Since giantization is a wound plus faith.

A bite wound is fine, as is a stab wound.

and so.

That is to say.

The following wounds are also possible.

Not to mention having a baby, just to break her membrane first.

After tearing, then Ani held the heart of killing him and changed into a giant, he must be GG.

Then you can choose ... there really is only one.

Ye Shenyue's fingers slipped across her cheeks.

"If you want to kill the giants of wisdom, you can cut off their back neck, and like Ani, stop her from becoming giant. If you hurt her without dying, then she will recover. One thing is to break her cervical spine directly. "


Ani's mouth was blocked. But her complexion has turned pale.

No, it's impossible, their identity shouldn't yet ...

But Night God Moon shattered her fantasy.

"You know your ending, Ani. You and Liner and Bertot are all awakened."

He pointed out her team's name one by one.

Hometown trio.

Storm exposed.

"But I decided to give you a chance and let you go." However.

Ye Shenyue's topic changed again, making Ani almost stunned.

Let her go? ..

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