Eunice, who had finished most of her chores, walked into a room, where she was mainly responsible for checking to see if the other servants were cleaning properly. The second she stepped over the threshold of this study, Eunice trembled.

The witch’s instinct can give her the feeling of seeing her natural enemy.

Eunice reacted instantly and quickly walked in.

She saw the familiar figure.

Weiya is like a statue made of white jade, standing there quietly.

“I want to know her, what’s going on?”

The Empress’s unique voice was heard in the air.

A trace of gloom crossed Eunice’s eyes: “Her Highness Nya’s mood ups and downs are too great, causing her condition to relapse, or even more serious, because I just gave her medicine not long ago, so I dare not use it a second time in a short time, so I can only let Her Highness Nya rest on her own.”

Suddenly, the air seemed to stand still for a few seconds.

The terrifying pressure was released in this room and immediately withdrawn.

“I see.”

By the time Eunice, who could not feel the pressure, raised her head, the figure of the empress had disappeared.


There was a slight movement in the empty room.

On a large, soft bed, a pale-faced girl lay quietly, breathing steadily.

Looking at Nya’s pale face, Weiya felt inexplicably more sentimental.

She is not ignorant of Nya’s illness, because in their family, there is a similar situation.

But that man didn’t matter much, because he wasn’t a witch.

This strange disease, in the case of too much magic, will make the sensitive body feel unprecedented pressure, resulting in organ weakness and body pain.

Weiya slowly walked to the bed, did not make a little movement, she sat on the head of Nya’s bed.

The cold voice echoed, revealing a little loneliness: “It was like this when I was a child, you lay here quietly, I sat next to you, and I couldn’t say anything.”

“Actually, you don’t know at all, your sister who can’t see people all day will think about nagging you who is asleep, I haven’t done this for a long time.”

Feelings appeared on Via’s expressionless face, and her right hand touched Nya’s face at an unknown time.

Soft and cold.

“I still remember when you were born, you had no teeth on my smile, and your red gums were tickling.”

“At that time, it was my happiest moment.”

“But ah, witch, when you became a witch, pain crushed your smile and destroyed your body, and since then, you haven’t laughed for a long time, my sister.”

Via’s beautiful face showed a slight loss.

There are very few things in the world that can touch her emotionally.

But in the face of her only relative, the empress finally showed a trace of weakness.

“You know what, I actually don’t believe that the witch doctor can cure you at all, that doctor is a very special little guy, quite interesting, I don’t expect her to cure you, I just hope that she can let you stay with me for a while.”

As if she was very unhappy, she began to talk to herself again.

“Your accompanying me will give me a native motivation, and it is precisely for thousands of witches like you that I will become the so-called empress.”

“Originally, I didn’t think there was any chance in this life, until, Kahn came.”

“I rescued the stunned brat from under a nobleman, he is three years younger than me, obviously he is already an age that should understand a lot of things, but it gives me the feeling that I have never survived in this world.”

“Ignorant, curious, he is like a newborn baby, I like children, their innocence can make me forget the harshness and cruelty of reality, and the special Kahn makes me interested.”

The corners of Weiya’s mouth rose slightly: “I really didn’t expect that he would please children so much, simple words, sweet candy, let you bloom a smile that I haven’t seen for almost two years.”

“He gave you joy for me.”

“He helped me fulfill my wish.”

“He became the captain of the Sword Saint Army, and I became the Witch Queen.”

Weiya closed her eyes: “You know, he secretly promised me in private that as long as he can still swing his sword, he will fight for me without hesitation.”

“But yes, people change, and he finally gave up this promise…” Weiya

couldn’t tell what she felt in her heart.

Sadness, sadness, even anger, seems to have a little, and seems to feel normal.

Presumably, Kahn began to separate from the prisoners.

Her heart was also in favor of killing the useless captives.

But it was a war, a game between countries, and if she was still free, without the position of this empress, she could easily kill them.

But if you want to carry a crown, you will do it.

A very delicate balance has been formed between countries, which is an excellent time for development, although the civilians are very stupid, but the Witch Empire must not be without them if it wants to develop.

No nobleman felt that the commoners were important, they just looked for fun day after day, ordinary people could not see the lord of their place all year round, and the biggest official they saw in their lives was the steward who collected taxes.

Keviya is different.

She knew very well that all luxury, all the foundation of affluence, was provided by that group of stupid commoners.

The fool provides the foundation.

The vast majority of this continent is only using extraordinary power to suppress civilians and take the fruits of their labor from their hands.

If the Witch Empire wants to develop, it must gain the hearts and minds of the people in order to have a sufficient number of people.

She is beloved enough as a queen to motivate them to be autonomous.

In Kahn’s words, they must be motivated.

The simplest and best way to use this is to use contrast.

Contrast is a good thing, ordinary people and ugly people contrast to become beautiful, mediocre people and more mediocre people contrast become excellent, normal people and selfish people contrast become generous.

Because of the contrast, she has become the object of people’s love.

She doesn’t blame Kahn for not keeping his promise.

After all, the human heart is constantly changing.

Human beings themselves cannot be characterized by any single word.

Weiya opened her eyes again, like a cloudless starry sky in late autumn, blooming with luster.

“There are still a hundred years to go, this world, our country, I will make her more prosperous, Kahn will also see, so you must also live well and break the curse of the witch.”

A firm voice fell.

After a long time of venting her feelings, Wei Ya’s always tense face rarely showed a trace of ease.

The constant depression made her actually a little breathless.

Even if her strength is terrifying, it cannot be alleviated.

Originally, the object of her catharsis was Kahn.

When Via was not yet empress, she and Kahn were often able to talk late into the night.

It’s just that…… It’s all changed.

Witches should not have love.

Before she left, she took a deep look at Nya.

Only a trace of residual temperature remains on the edge of the bed.

Nya, who was asleep, moved slightly, as if she felt something, and I don’t know when, some crystalline was already hanging in the corner of her eye.

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