Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 808: , I want to give birth to you to give birth to him!

The big chapter is sincere to update the duck!

At noon, Ryan had lunch with Surya, Morgiana, Teresa, and Aurora in the wizard tower of ice, and Teresa arranged for Ryan to rest in the guest room of the wizard tower. I also wanted to take the opportunity to find Ryan to be kind, but Morgiana stayed in Ryan's room and refused to leave. The witch of the lake **** said that you were not allowed to do ulterior transactions without the lady's surveillance, which made Ryan and Teresa very uncomfortable. Embarrassed, in the end, Ryan simply took Teresa out of the wizard's tower half-invited and half-forced, and called it a way to help the sorceress find a way to attack the sanctuary.

It is not unreasonable to mention what Ryan mentioned. Among the treasures of the Eight Peaks presented by Bellegar, there are many things that the dwarves obtained when they explored the northern Chaos Wasteland, including the relics of the elf empire and the ancient saints. There are 20 boxes of treasures still in existence. It was piled up in Ryan's warehouse and didn't count. This was because there were too many things. Ryan also offered to let Teresa pick one or two things from it. Both Veronica and Teresa were his female courtiers. , at least a bowl of water should be level on the surface.

Of course, Teresa is very happy. Although she has grown a lot compared to her previous adventures in Nord, the sorceress is still not a deep person who knows how to hide her own thoughts. When Ryan paid attention to herself, she was in high spirits along the way, packed two boxes of clothes and some books, and the sorceress planned to follow Ryan back to the Duke's Castle in such a beautiful way.

Of course, Aurora was very unhappy about this, and the witch of the sanctuary thought well, I don't share the spoils, you just took my daughter away from me, what about me? !

This dead man! I am the only daughter! The witch of the sanctuary looked at her daughter happily packing her things, and she was extremely upset. Aurora secretly scolded Ryan in her heart. Since she wanted me to work under him, her attitude was not good, really.

But she can't do without his protection now. Don't look at Aurora's mouth saying that she still has to think about it, but in fact this is just a way for her to raise her value chips. There is still nearly a month before the Green Grass Festival. Time, Teresa went to live with Ryan for two weeks, and she had no reason to object.

Before Teresa sat in her closet, the sorceress had her own cloakroom with five cabinets of clothing, jewelry, shoes and socks. She replaced her leg-fitting trousers with a gray opaque matte bag. I took out a pair of ultra-thin color pantyhose and put it on. After thinking about it, I also replaced the high-heeled leather boots with a pair of black high-heeled shoes.

Aurora, who was standing at the door, looked straight and shook her head. Ryan went on an expedition for a year. Teresa has always been dressed in shirts and trousers, which is different from her stockings. Teresa doesn't like wearing stockings, but Ryan is a A man with magic power, um, quite magic power. It seems that every time he returns from a battle, his masculinity will improve a lot on the basis of the original. .

"Teresa, you still have to seize the opportunity and find a way to give him a child." Aurora stood at the door of the cloakroom and said to Teresa who was changing her clothes: "A child is to you, to me, to me. Our position in the Lane family is very important, and only in this way will you become irreplaceable."

"Hey... Mother, you're talking about this again, didn't we agree that we shouldn't talk about it?" Teresa was annoyed and put a pair of her silky feet into the high heels, and then took it out from Surya. The white jade jewelry she got, she tied the white jade anklet with a golden halo around her small ankle wrapped in colored stockings, and then complained, "Mother, I have known Ryan for twenty years, and I have been with him for 20 years. We've been together for more than ten years, if we could have given birth long ago, why do you keep forcing me?"

"I'm in a hurry!" Aurora thought that only in matters related to Ryan would Teresa clearly oppose her, so the mother said repeatedly: "Daughter, do you know why Ryan came here specially? Come here?"

"Isn't Ryan asking you about things?" Teresa asked strangely, and the sorceress vaguely thought of something: "Did he come to me?"

"It must have come to you!" Aurora looked at Teresa's thoughtful look, with a smile on her mature and beautiful face: "Do you think he really came to ask me if I have made up my mind? ? If that's true, why didn't he send a messenger?"

"You mean..." Teresa raised her head.

"Lian, this stinky boy, is very dark in his heart, but he still feels a bit heavy. He came here specially to express his position and to send a strong signal that he trusts you and cares about you. He did this. The purpose is to let everyone know that he has not alienated you, and you are still his important female courtier." Aurora said with some displeasure.

"But I... you mean, the Great Expedition to Eight Peaks?" Teresa finally reacted, and the sorceress was shocked.

"Now that guy Veronica is arrogant, daughter, you should follow her for a while." Aurora pointed to it: "Now we are in a weak position, and we need to accumulate strength."

"Well." Teresa listened to Aurora's words. Thinking of this, Teresa's thread couldn't help but feel low. Orica, Veronica, and Morgiana who came today. They are all sanctuary strengths, and she has always been stuck at the peak of legend. If she can't go further in the future, no matter how old Ryan is, she will be gradually marginalized.

"Of course, the most important thing is to have a child, Teresa, this is your task, you must have a child with him." Aurora said a circle, and then returned the topic to this: "This is for us It's very important, very important, daughter, whatever Ryan wants, you can agree to it, quickly conceive a child, and we can officially enter his system and get the approval of those knights and nobles."

"Mother!!!" Teresa finally became impatient. The sorceress had been told about this by Aurora every day for two years. Don't talk about it anymore? I think it's so good now, and I don't believe Ryan will abandon me!"

"But you don't even know how complicated the situation we are facing now!" Aurora was also anxious, she said to Teresa: "Theresa, the situation we are facing now is how to preserve our independence. Guarantee that we will not be completely swallowed up by Margarita or Ryan and become their vassals, how can you do this? Do you know how important it is for a spellcaster to retain his independence? Not mother bī ) you, but you should do something for us and the whole Coven after us!"


"Daughter, I'm doing this for your own good!"

"Enough! If you want to give birth to you, go give birth to him! Why do you have to bī) me like this! Mother!!!" Teresa finally couldn't bear it anymore, she roared angrily at Aurora, and was stuck. Years of depression at the peak of the legend and coercion from her mother, as well as the loss of not being able to participate in the Great Crusade, and Veronica's rising status now made the sorceress unable to control herself, and she lost control.

"I..." The ice witch was still colder after all. Teresa calmed down for a long time. She bowed her head and apologized to Aurora: "Sorry, mother, I'm a little excited, I'll go first."

God, what did I just say to my mother? !

Teresa, whose face turned red, hurried away with her luggage, leaving behind the Sanctuary Witch with an uncertain face and erratic eyes.

"This daughter is becoming more and more disobedient, really..."

…………I am the dividing line that is becoming more and more disobedient…………

While Brittany was rejoicing and basking in the triumph of the Great Crusade, the Old World, Kislev, Erlengrad.

Kislev in February was still plagued by blizzards, and when the blizzards came, the whole land was frozen hard. The temperature dropped sharply below freezing point, the earth was covered in silver, and the boundless and monotonous white filled everyone's sight. Mrs. Keisler had a special word to describe this empty environment, that is, "no way to go" , For this snow-like country, the snow begins to melt gradually in April and May every year, and the roads become muddy. People here can temporarily enjoy relatively warmer weather for two or three months. Climate, nomadic tribes traveled across the country in search of fresh pasture, raiders searched for new prey, caravans transported large quantities of goods non-stop to markets there, and in September, households slaughtered livestock, Get your firewood ready for the long winter until the next day.

Erlengrad is a great port city, second only to the trading port of Marienburg in the north of the old world. The city is located on the bay of Kislev, and a large number of imperial troops can be seen on the dock. The red bull flag with the special collar is flying high, and the bull knights are walking on the streets with great swords in both hands, showing their trophies-big bags of high-quality iron ore copper ore, various gold ore. The leaders of the silver and barbarians, the people of Ostland were celebrating their victory, shouting a name.




This is a great imperial nobleman wearing all-steel Mithril plate armor and colorful helmet feathers on his head. He shouted and displayed his victory, holding a large number of Norscan barbarian heads in his hands. Among them are the heads of the Chaos Champions, whose name is Oleg von Zhukov, Baron Wolfen, Norscan Destroyer, and Barbarian Cleaner.

Beginning in January last year, Oleg von Zhukov led the 20,000-strong Osterland army, with the help of the Kislev army and the navy of the Satusha pirate Irinaza-Brine Hate. Oleg launched an unprecedented all-out war on the Norsca Icefields, he did not follow the advice of the Elector of Osterland, Vamil von Zhukov, and only attacked the port of Norsca and the villages along the coast" Warned" the Norscan barbarians not to plunder and invade the South, but to take the most daring move - he wants to utterly rout and break down the backbone of the Norscans, as Charlemagne did.

As he said, Oleg relied on the "Wolf Bloodline" and "Wolf Gene" he got from his mentor, and then passed the "Moka Trial" and the "Gene Surgery" personally performed by the mentor, the son of the elector. Having become a very powerful Sanctuary warrior, with an unparalleled hatred and hatred of the Norscans, he has destroyed more than twenty-five Norscan settlements along the southern shores of Norscan, slaughtered more than The 50,000 Norscans also burned the prosperous coastal towns to ashes, the two most important Norscan southern ports, Ice Dragon Fjord and Longship Graveyard.

This is not the end. Then, Oleg went deep into the Norsca Mountains. He personally led the army to break through the Norsca Dragon Fort, which was mainly built by the ancient elf dragon ship. No more ancient villages that the Imperials had arrived at were destroyed. Eight thousand Norsca people were slaughtered. Oleg, who personally killed several Chaos champions, was finally satisfied. Because it was too deep inland, it was difficult for the army to supply supplies. Coupled with the cold weather, the Austerian army announced the completion of their greatest achievement since Charlemagne, "The Horror of Norsca" and the division.

The armies of Ostland return to Erlengrad, leaving ruin and ruin to the Norsca, bringing looted wealth and untold glory back to Kislev Bay, Oleg-von - Zhukov's name is now resounding throughout the Empire and the Old World with the total victory of the Great Crusade, and his exploits are hailed as the greatest barbarian destroyer since Charlemagne, and his glory is enough to be compared with Charlemagne The series of wars against the barbarians at the time of the founding of the Great Emperor Mann are comparable.

One south and one north, in the badlands of the south, the king of knights Ryan-Makado's expedition to the Eight Peaks, in the northern wasteland, the great expedition of Oleg Baron Wolfen, the great expedition of the Norsca Mountains, their victory brought a needle to the old world. A powerful booster, although many people think that Oleg's Great Crusade achievements are obviously not comparable to the achievements of Knight King Ryan, under the official propaganda of the Empire, the two are still compared.

Now, after an unimaginably rich capture, this expedition force is showing off its trophies and harvests in Erlengrad, and their exploits make the Imperials proud, the Bretons agree, and Keisler The lady is envious and jealous.

At the street corner of the parade army, a few soldiers in bearskin coats and Brittanian army uniforms were hidden in the shadows. They were a few Ugor people. They looked at the ostentatious appearance of the Oster-led army. He shook his head disdainfully: "Tsk, General, if you want me to say, although these Oster leaders have done a good job, they are really far from the Eight Peaks Mountain Expedition."

Beria-Gulag with a pair of frameless round eyes, the handsome General Ugor nodded slightly, and then shook his head: "Maybe, but what does this have to do with us? Shelepin, I asked you to investigate. Has the investigation been made clear?"

"The investigation is clear, General." Shelepin, the deputy appointed by Beria, nodded, and he said to Beria: "General, Kislev is in a very bad situation, very, very bad."

"Go on." Beria nodded, and behind him was a large group of Ugor cavalry archers who had gone through the Great Expedition to Eight Peaks and wore Breton uniforms. The new envoy of the King of Knights frowned.

"Since the end of the Winter War two years ago, the financial situation of Kislev's kingdom has been declining. Although the trade channel with Dulong City has been barely opened, it has also attracted the attention of the northern barbarians. The front-line war has never stopped. The required front-line supplies are seriously insufficient, and the food can only be supplied to the army according to the predetermined 60%, and many wounded soldiers and front-line soldiers fighting the barbarians have not even received any food and bandages for several days." Shelepin's watch is very ugly: " Since the Winter War, there has been a shortage of food, sugar and other daily necessities on the market in Kislev, the price of large Leba has increased by 2-3 times, and a large number of citizens have lost their jobs, but those big nobles, generals, Boyers and The wealthy businessmen have a lot of necessities in their hands.”

"Food keeps disappearing from stores, but appears on the black market at higher Many people are hungry, sugar and salt are especially expensive, and according to our newspaper, basic The vast majority of Slov's troops belonged directly to the Tsar's army, and they have owed more than half a year of military salaries and supplies." Shelepin was worried about the bad situation of his motherland, and he asked in a low voice: "General, what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Beria sneered: "Of course, we can do what we want to do? Thanksgiving is coming, we must rush to Kislev City as soon as possible and wait for a good show."

"General?" Xie Lepin was a little puzzled: "We have materials handed over to us by His Majesty Ryan, should we do something?"

"What to do?" Beria turned his head and glanced at his lieutenant, he smiled meaningfully: "Okay, let's do something, yes, Kislev's situation is very difficult now, I pay attention There are a lot of beautiful girls who are facing hardships, and some girls can't even wear clothes."

"As the Ugol people who came out of Kislev, it's time to lend a helping hand to them. After all, we are all good people with good guts." Beria raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I believe these girls Will be willing to accept our help, and go with the soldiers to find a new life, what is more attractive than a bowl of porridge and a new dress, what do you think, Shelepin?"

"You're right, General! What a great idea!"

"Tell the soldiers, I'll give them two days, and after two days, we will immediately set off from Erlengrad and head to Kislev City! Remember to tell the soldiers, don't use force, you must be willing, otherwise you will be on the spot. kill!"


"If I'm not mistaken, with the arrival of Thanksgiving and the departure of this Osterling army, the troops of Kislev, who have been owed for more than half a year, are going to have a big problem."

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