Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 467: , Legion Resurrection

Around the beacon-fired Skokie Harbor, the artillery from the Tyrell Institute of Engineers was carrying out a brutal shelling on the barely resisting barbarians. The cannons roared and the mortars were carefully aimed, tearing the last ridiculous resistance of the barbarians to shreds.

The soldiers of the Ash Legion pushed forward as a whole, forming a solid formation and attacking through a tight array, while the musketeers and crossbowmen used a dense barrage to eliminate those recalcitrant forces. Due to the lack of cavalry, the army commander Under the order of , the flanks were protected by a large number of sword and shield soldiers, and at the same time, these human expeditions also received the support of a Lizardman Cold Lizard Rider Legion.

At the same time, a group of pterosaur riders were soaring above the sky, and the lizards above used boulders and bloodthirsty charges to deal a huge blow to the recalcitrant barbarian warriors, when the barbarians from the northern wasteland were broken one by one. After that, the last remaining strongholds of the barbarians were only a few taverns and some corner streets.

In the depths of the forest visible to the naked eye, Lord Shilan, the Demon Toad Master Mazda Moody is sitting on the high throne of the triceratops Zeragh, it looks like it is asleep, He lowered his head and said nothing, only the black cobra scepter in his hand exuded terrifying magic.

"Great lord, our hot-blooded alliance is advancing steadily. At present, it seems that the group of enemy believers is about to be irreversibly destroyed. The astrology shows that this will be our great victory." Just in Mazda Mu Beside Di, surrounded by hundreds of temple guards, the Skink Priest "Maintainer" Isis whispered: "That Chaos Champion has been headed by Fulgrim."

"Very good, order the hot-blooded to move on." It seemed that Mazda Moody took a long time to react, and the Demon Toad Lord looked at the fierce battle on the beach with satisfaction: "The coast must also be purified. ."

After that, Mazda Moody seemed to realize what he should do.

Lord Demon Toad extended his hand towards the sky.

The stars twinkled, and the light of order shone across the universe.

When the incantation moves, the mighty power of the universe suppresses the evil.

A holy light as pure as the sun penetrated from above and down into the warring Skogee.

The last position of the barbarians was completely destroyed by this terrifying beam. Thousands of barbarians did not survive. After the beam dissipated, their fortress became a large open space, and there was nothing left on the beach.

"Boom~" The earth was shaking, and a 20-meter-high tsunami was summoned under the will of the Demon Toad Lord. All the barbarian ships that tried to retreat were all involved in the turbulent tide and twisted into pieces. .

On the ground, an earthquake crack tens of meters wide engulfed more than 300 barbarian predators who wanted to flee to the forest, and then the crack closed instantly, and the sound of crushing flesh and blood came from the ground.

The Battle of Skogee came to an end. The Skogee tribe, which was attacked by the Ash Legion and the Lizardmen, was wiped out, and none of the barbarians managed to escape.

Seeing the end of the war, the Lizardmen didn't say a word, the Demon Lord Mazda Moody just nodded at Legion Commander Fugan from a distance, then turned around, and disappeared into the rainforest with hundreds of temple guards , the remaining lizard people also retreated in turn.

"Brilliant victory, Legion Commander." Fernando Pilazzo, the deputy commander of the Ash Legion, smiled happily: "We finally eliminated this group of damned barbarians! From now on, this is our land!"

His long white hair fluttered in the smoke, and Fulgan, the Legion Commander, clenched the golden power sword "Glory" in his hand. He looked at the head of Chaos Champion Roster Linkson-Kur with no interest, not even a little bit. The desire to collect, the duel opponent is too weak, which makes him unhappy, but after more than a year of hard work, he finally solved this difficult barbarian tribe.

Yes, tough. Fulgan seldom used this word to describe an enemy. He rarely encountered an opponent that made him feel tough during the Great Crusade.

But the Skogi tribe is really too difficult to deal with. The army of this tribe is composed of a large number of fast predator cavalry, with extremely high mobility, supplemented by a large number of Chaos warriors. These barbarians in chaotic armor are extremely powerful. It is extremely difficult to deal with, and it often requires more than five human soldiers to fight together to have a certain chance of winning.

That's fine, but the Skogee have learned a special trick during their long settlement life - pretending to be Southerners, these barbarians have learned to use low Gothic to infiltrate expeditions, steal intelligence, and pass on messages .

This forced Forgan to spend some time clearing his army, and at the same time, he first launched the Battle of the Isthmus of Lustria, aimed at clearing the strongholds established by the barbarians in the forest.

This tragic war was fought in the forest, and the expedition force of more than 5,000 people and the barbarian army of more than 8,000 people started a head-to-head confrontation.

Facing the superior force of the barbarians, Fulgrim chose to fight steadily. He personally stood on the front line and ordered the soldiers to build fortifications in a depression, stand by, and give up the high ground.

The large group of barbarian plundering riders saw that the expedition army dared to build fortifications in the lowlands, and they were fighting the ground on the highlands, so they felt that if they rushed down, they must be like a broken bamboo.

The first wave to attack the fortifications was five hundred barbarian raiders and barbarian raiders, who were quickly defeated by Forgan's carefully planned fortifications. The dense rainforest hindered the cavalry charge. The torrential rain of arrows killed almost all the barbarian soldiers.

The second wave of the attack was led by a Chaos Champion who personally led his Marauder Berserkers and Marauder Riders to storm the fortifications and successfully broke through the first line of defense. Under Fulgrim's order, the halberdiers, The spearmen and sword and shield soldiers launched a counter-charge. Through the firm battle and the encouragement of the legion commander himself, the soldiers of the expedition relied on the neat formation and strict military discipline to defeat the barbarian plunderers, and the chaos champion was killed by hundreds of fires. The guns fired at the same time into a sieve.

Several hours had passed by now, and the midday battle had left both sides in a state of starvation, and the Ash Legion, who had occupied the depression, apparently controlled the water, and both sides were exhausted, especially as the barbarians gradually realized When the situation was not good, there was extremely bad news at this time. The deputy commander of the Ash Legion led an elite army of about 500 people to cut off the barbarians!

Everything went as Forgan planned, and the remaining Skogee army had to be caught in a dilemma.

So in the third wave of attack, the Skogee people were forced to overwhelm all the main forces. Dozens of Chaos Knights led more than 300 Chaos Raiders to charge. The barbarian champion warriors and Chaos warriors sang the **** of Chaos. Da Ming, they followed a war mammoth with a shrine of the evil **** to rush into the fortifications, and the barbarian army of more than 3,000 broke through the three lines of defense of the Ash Legion in one fell swoop.

Despite the heavy losses, the expedition managed to kill the war mammoths tenaciously using cannons and muskets, and the 1st Company of the Ash Legion, led by Fulgrim himself, completely overwhelmed the barbarian offensive.

This was a turning point in the war, after the fall of War Mammoth and the Chaos Champion on War Mammoth, the Skogee began to fall into chaos, the morale of the barbarian armies plummeted, the chieftains of many small tribes withdrew from the battlefield, some scattered The Chaos Knight tried to detour around the fortifications to attack the flank of the Ash Legion, but was repelled by the prepared Fulgrim commanding reserve.

At this time, Pilazzo had led the elite troops to successfully circumnavigate the back, and the barbarian army finally fell into a total collapse in the double attack. The Skogi chief Roslinkson-Kur summoned a chaotic giant at the cost of a cruel sacrifice. Demon, he wanted to save the defeat, but the great demon who brought him great confidence was even tragically exiled after only seven rounds under Fugen.

In the end, Skogee Chief Roslinkson-Cool broke through with only a dozen followers.

The war started at ten in the morning and ended at four in the afternoon. The Ash Legion beheaded more than 5,000 people in the Battle of the Isthmus of Lustia, and only lost more than 1,200 people.

After this battle, the Skogis who suffered heavy losses had to withdraw from the forest, but Fulgrim also gave up attacking the barbarian territory because of the loss of his army. He tried his best to get in touch with the old world and use A large amount of gold, silver, and precious stones were used as bait, and successfully persuaded many nobles of Estalia and the city-states of Tyrell to organize three waves of Lustria expeditions again. Of course, Fugan easily used his personality Charismatic and passionate slogans, complemented by the promise of gold, silver and honor, took these armies under his command, and established a stable recruiting point in Miragliano in Tyrell.

The legion commanders of those mercenaries watched helplessly as all their subordinates were infected by Fulgrim's charm and great ideals. They sent troops many times to obstruct the ending because they heard the news of defections. They sent their cronies to assassinate Fulgrim. He also betrayed himself. A Tyrell nobleman even sent his son to assassinate Fulgrim. In the end, his son not only returned to the same path and achieved nothing, but also sang the argument of surrender in front of his father, indicating that he had already Take an oath of allegiance to Fulgan, preferring to renounce your nobility to become a recruit.

"Commander Forgan asked me to give you a message..."

The nobleman was so angry that he committed suicide with his belt in his room.

After a series of replenishment, the Ash Legion now has a size of about 20,000 people. It has successively established many towns on the coast of Lustria, settled here, and continued to abide by Mazda Moody, the great lord of the demon toad. Covenant to continue attacking all of Skokie's territory.

"Legion Commander? Are you listening?" Pilazzo's words interrupted Fulgrim's thoughts, and the Emperor's Son Primarch nodded calmly: "I'm listening, this is indeed a great victory, Fernando, but This is just the beginning."

"That's right, this is just the beginning." Fernando only felt that he was enveloped in endless blood and excitement. The bright sunshine fell on the old mercenary chief. He had never felt so full of glory and faith: "Look, Legion. Long, the soldiers are cheering."

From the forest to the seaside, from the ruins to the high platform, the soldiers of the expedition are cheering, and they are shouting the name of Fulgrim. The war was never lost, and the soldiers worshipped him, loved him, and even imitated his every move.

So handsome, so powerful, so wise, like a god.

War is indeed the best place to accumulate prestige. Many thoughts passed through Fulgan’s mind. He nodded calmly and beckoned. After thunderous cheers, the legion commander ordered each to clean up the battlefield and clean up this area where the barbarians left. The ruins under the rubble are collected, the spoils are collected, the rewards and merits are calculated, and the soldiers who have made military merits are rewarded in turn.

Forgan's heart was not too happy, he knew that this was just a small beginning of his journey. From Ryan, he learned that the army of the Skaven was about to attack Lustria in the near future, and from the lizard. With Mazda Moody, the Highlord of the Raventoads, and Kugarry, the War Leader, Fulgan learned how difficult and powerful the Skaven were.

However, these will become his touchstones for Fulgrim to find his former glory.

The legion commander returned to the tent alone, and Fugan found that someone was already waiting, and when he saw the figure of the visitor, a smile appeared on his face: "What good news did you bring me this time? Hadrian gentlemen?"

Hadrian, the president of the Luigi Chamber of Commerce, this big trench merchant from the southern kingdom is undoubtedly sent by Ryan, and he has indeed completed his mission very well - the new expeditionary force supplement is It was planned and completed by him, and the businessman relied on his own connections to help Fugan buy more artillery and muskets.

"One good news and one bad news, Commander Forgan, which one do you want to hear?" Ocean voyage is obviously a chore, Hadrian's health is not good, his face is pale and pale, but obviously due to the He has made unimaginable profits in the ocean voyage. His spirit is very At the same time, he is still muttering in his heart, why are Ryan's brothers so tall? The one named Angron was nearly three meters tall, and the one named Fugen in front of him was also over two meters tall.

"bad news?"

"The bad news is that I worked hard to find two of the engineers you specified. They can only make the simplest cannons and mortars." Hadrian shook his head and said, "Although the pay is amazing. , but there are really too few people willing to take such a big risk. To be honest, if Lord Ryan was not willing to vouch for it, I would not have spent a few months by boat to this place."

The two engineers made Forgan grudgingly acceptable: "So what's the good news?"

"The good news is that there are five Tyrell dwarf craftsmen who have agreed to come here and accept your employment." Hadrian said with a smile: "As long as you can satisfy their thirst for gold, they will be willing to work for you."

"Very good." Fulgan got a satisfactory answer, he thought for a while, and finally took out a very formal document from under the table: "This is a reward for you, take it, Mr. Hadrian."

paperwork? what? Hadrian was full of doubts. He took the delicate parchment and saw that the text on the parchment was written in High Gothic, and the title was "License of Trade of Rogue Traders".

The inscription at the bottom is Fogan's signature.

Does this thing make sense to me? Hadrian slandered inwardly, but the big merchant still accepted the trade license with a smile on his face, saying that he would definitely take it back and treasure it.

Maybe useful?

After Hadrian withdrew for a period of time, a golden glow lit up inside Fugen's tent, and endless mighty power filled the tent. In the flow of golden light and shadow, several figures were appearing.

"You're doing well, Forgan."


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