Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1316: , Megatron Bogenfen

In the battlefield of flesh and blood, Karad is thinking about everything about himself.

He is leading a powerful commando, taking advantage of the Chaos army's natural fear of Ryan and the unexpected offensive, and the blade storm surrounding him slashes the limbs of the beasts, just like the soldiers behind him. It's also like a madman, shouting inspirational slogans to kill.

The Helmgart Plague Five followed behind Callard. Although these five were fighting on foot, it gave the impression that the five of them were an undefeated soldier.

The Beastmen were smashed into groups, the cowardly inferior horns fled desperately, and the horned and large horned beasts panicked.

The Dark Prophet Malago, headed by the beastman, could never have imagined that Karad actually dared to take 1,000 people to rush their army of tens of thousands in the early morning. This is known as the oracle of the Four Chaos Gods, the doomsday judgment of mankind. , who is also the incarnation of nightmares across the ancient forest, was supposed to be the nemesis of mankind, especially the enemy who is good at dealing with the power of faith.

Malago's power is filthy, any of its spells can turn those priests' divine lights into shadows of chaos, and the dark prophet only likes to blaspheme the power of the gods of the old world, from the shattered flesh of battle priests to the nuns Screams of despair, from fragments of sacred books to the burning and demolition of gods' shrines, at the behest of the four gods, Malago's only goal is to blaspheme all the gods of order.

To the Imperial army, Marago's flight down from the smoky sky with countless predatory birds was a sign of terror before the disaster, and in front of Marago, the bravest guards abandoned the impregnable walls. , the most valiant warriors also kneel in the mud and face a fiasco.

But today, the famous general Callard is here.

A confrontation with Karad, the Beastman Bighorn Beast Chapter, the beastmaster of the human castrated, died on the spot. The Beastmaster was cut off by Callard's sword, and he was wounded and defeated. The Beastmaster of Rickwald's bighorn battle group was disemboweled by Callard, bleeding profusely. The Brittany marshal was directly in the enemy's formation Hacking and killing, all the way through is like entering a no-man's land.

"Marshal Shenwu!"

"Marshal mighty!"

The Brittanian soldiers were full of confidence when they saw that Callard was so powerful. One thousand people fought like ten thousand people. They killed the beasts and ran away. The Chaos Army was in chaos, and the Yankees shouted " Ryan is here! Callard is here!" He just ran away.

But at this time, Callard was thinking.

The world is different, the end is happening, the mortal world is suffering.

Once upon a time, Callard was very painful. He can still remember everything he has experienced, losing his mother, losing his brother, losing his father, losing his teacher who respects his brother and father, and losing his sister, in the first few decades of his life. , Callard really lost too much.

Only that title remained, the Count of Garamente in the Duchy of Bastogne.

And this damned kingdom of knights, the nobles are reckless, greedy and rotten, the territory is poor and weak, full of devastation, the serfs are struggling in pain and despair, darkness erodes the corners of the kingdom, the former glory is no longer, backward, ignorant, hungry, poverty.

until Ryan showed up.

"I always seek a goal." In the **** rain, Carard chanted silently, the Brittanian legend was not stained with a trace of blood, he smiled: "A bright future."

"Now, I have it." Callard's mouth grinned slightly, and he turned his eyes to the northeast, where is Charlemagne's throne, the heart of the empire, he may not be able to reverse everything and be eligible to participate in the gods game, but at least he can do his part in this bleak contest.

Once upon a time, Callard once thought that the so-called chivalrous spirit and the rising space craved by serfs could not coexist. Once upon a time, Callard thought that the so-called chivalrous spirit and aristocratic interests were destined to be only two sides of the coin. Once upon a time, Callard believed that Ms. Are the teachings no longer suitable for this era?

Lane gave him the answer.

Is chivalry outdated?

No, no, never, chivalry was always there, the radiance of humanity was always there.

People have changed.

The Holy Grail is always there, and the lady is always holding the Holy Grail, waiting for the brave man who practices the eight virtues to come before her and accept her test.

What does the Holy Grail stand for? Supremacy, great strength, long lifespan, and the highest degree of self-identity.

The kingdom of knights is prosperous again, prosperous, rich in martial arts, Karad has both fame and fortune, becoming the Holy Grail, Marquis of Jin, marrying a wife and having children, marshal of Jin, he can not only realize his ideals, but also not prevent him from getting the share he deserves reward.

"It should have been drinking, eating meat, singing songs, and then doing things." This is Ryan's teaching: "Morality is for asking yourself, not for asking others."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Callard kicked the spurs, and the marshal, who has always shown seriousness and calmness, always kept a smile.

Then, keep going.

"Gaaramente Callard is here! Those who are not afraid of death, come out to me!"

"Follow the marshal ~ follow the marshal!!!" Wu Xiaoqiang followed, and the warriors of Britannia shouted in desperation.

On the battlefield, there was a **** storm, and Karad personally rushed back and forth to kill, and Ser Amanric was responsible for sweeping away the remnants of Chaos in the rear.

So what is Diego doing?

The flesh of the Chaos Warriors hissed in the storm, oozing blood and eternal rage. A drizzle of rust and dust fell from the kaleidoscopic sky, clacking against his grey knight armor, piling up under the boots of the grey knight's tallest mentor, rustling footsteps.

Despite being restricted to a great extent, Diego still acts recklessly in the Chaos Army. The Titan sword pierced through the chests of the Chaos warriors like lightning, and the entire Slaanesh Warband was led by Lucius. Fighting with Diego alone, the sword of Ral of Lucius the Immortal passed through Diego's head, and then the Grand Master slammed the famous Slaanesh fanatic with a punch, His face was smashed in half.

The sword edge swept across, and three heads flew into the sky.

"Yes! That's it, that's it, Modo Modo, let the pain Modo Modo~" Lucius felt his pain, an ecstatic expression appeared on the face of the inextinguishable, he was enjoying the pain, and behind him , the Slaanesh purple cans of the Nashikai team rushed up, and the two Terminators pulled the trigger towards Diego. The heavy noise cannon not only shattered Diego's psionic shield, but also smashed the ten behind him. Several mortal soldiers were decomposed into pieces on the spot.

"You all go elsewhere, I'll deal with this group of people!" Diego immediately motioned the mortals to get out of the way, this is not the war they should face, and the mortals are not ready to face this level of battle.

"Everyone go up to me! Fuck him to death for me!" Lucius didn't care so much. He signaled that the entire chapter would besiege the Supreme Master of the Grey Knights, and he was going to be killed today.

And in awe of Diego's terrifying power, the silver flames burning on his body, the Titan greatsword in his hand, the great sword in the book behind him, and the iron halo behind him, no one questioned him any more. "Ryan Malcador "The true identity of the Chaos Army, unable to hide the fear, looked at the wind and fled.

Zan Aike, the champion of Tsian Qi's Choice, was frightened when he saw this battle, but he couldn't say anything on his face. He immediately ordered all the members of the Raven Guard Corps under his command to surround himself with the warriors of the God's Choice, and guard him in a circle. , At the same time, he began to sing the Chaos Great Spell Doomsday Judgment. When he chanted Doomsday Judgment, the other two hands were still writing spells on the pamphlet very quickly by handwriting, and he was summoning the Tzeentch Demon Army.

Callard rushed for a circle and then rushed out. Ser Amanric, who was also covered in blood, shouted at Callard, "See that?"

"Which one?" Callard played for several hours in a row, it was almost noon, and he didn't respond for a while.

"That!" Amanric slashed down a Chaos warrior with his sword. He pointed to Zan'eke, who was protected by an entire army of Tzeentch warriors on the hillside, and shouted: "We must interrupt him. Spellcasting, otherwise we will lose this battle!"

Callard really felt that a huge storm was gathering around Zan Aik. Before the Brittany Marshal could say anything, Aman Rick continued to roar: "Helmgart's artillery can't reach that far! The enemy guards It's too strong, we can't rush up at all!"

"Yes, we can't rush up, but there is something." Callard motioned for his subordinates to shoot the signal catapult in his arms high into the sky.

The eagle screamed.

A group of cavalrymen flew out from the sky above Hemgat, and Alaros, headed by him, took out three star rockets from behind him. Behind him, about fifty cavalrymen bent their bows at the same time.

"Kunos volley!"

Green meteors fell from the sky, and the place where Zanek was located was blasted into the sky by a hundred meteors shot down by Kunos volley.

"Have you solved it?" Everyone focused their attention on the hillside.

The smoke cleared, Zanek was still intact, and the Tsianqi champion laughed.

The big one is coming!

"TMD! Don't we have anything to stop that son of a **** when the lady is on?" shouted Ser Aman Rick, the Holy Grail of Sanctuary.

"Charlemagne's ASS!" shouted Kruber, one of the five elites of the plague of the last days.

"I'm so happy~ Fire~ Fire~ keep burning~" Sienna, the bright fire witch, created a flame fountain among the barbarian predators.

"Araros' arrows are not good at fighting heavy armored enemies." Kerillian held two swords and shuttled among the Chaos Warriors: "There must be other tricks!"

"Dear Badin, use your treasure chest to find a way!" The Templar Victor Saltzpiré, a Templar of the Order of the Silver Hammer, screamed, hoarse.

"Grony is on top, if I had a way, I would have solved all the plague!" Bardeen held up the rune shotgun and blasted a group of beastmen away: "Look at the Bretons and the others. There's no other way? My Holy Grail Master Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Of course there is!" Callard took out a signal gun from his arms again, and the Brittany Marshal thought that I was sending a signal, not a long-range weapon, right?


Shadows enveloped the sky.

The Breton Dwarf Gyrocopter Squadron joins the fray!

"Paratrooper One Jed Honest is ready!"

"Paratrooper Two Sol Green is ready!"

"The Mustache Helicopter Squadron is here~"

The propellers turned rapidly, and a group of rotor helicopters glide rapidly down the high altitude of the gray mountains. The little Sol Green inside the helicopter wore goggles and recognized the signal. He immediately roared excitedly: "The ground troops apply for the use of armor-piercing armor. Bomb! Oh, as their allies, we can only satisfy them generously."

"Armor-piercing bomb~"

"Tut tug ~ tug tug tug tug tug~" The brimstone machine guns on the helicopter fired at the place where Zan Ayke was, and the eight rotor helicopters spewed flames amid the cheers of the Bretons, and the entire The hillside was shrouded in a storm of bullets.

The first few rows of Tzeentch's chosen warriors were beaten to pieces by brimstone machine guns.

It's not over yet, Jed-Honest pulls the lever: "Chaos chops, you have a special courier~Oh hoo~"

The bomb "Big Daddy" hanging on the rotor helicopter fell from the sky. The logo of the dog with gray fur, red scarf and white belly on the surface of the bomb showed a meaningful smile. The halfling cauldron of hot melt stuck to the armor of the Tzeentch Chosen Warriors like a gangrene of tarsal bones and burned into the armor and flesh until it burned through body and bone.

Zan Aike was hit by a big daddy bomb near him. Tzeentch's spellcasting was interrupted by the oncoming explosion. The backlash of the spell caused him to vomit black blood. Without hesitation, Zan Aike immediately grabbed him. One of the raven guards asked him to block the hot solution from the spattered cauldron. Seeing that his subordinates were burnt to blood in the hot solution, Zanek had no other choice but to order: "Retreat! Retreat! "

Seizing the opportunity, Callard continued to shout: "Garamente Callard is here, who dares to fight me!"

The Chaos army was finally defeated after being ordered to retreat.

Even the Eternal God's Choice Archain did not expect that the large army he sent did not even stop the vanguard of the Knights Road Crusade Army.

10,000 to 50,000, slaughtered in chaos, and the beastmen were terrified.

On this day, the Brittany Army won a great victory. After all, the Carard army was small, and the soldiers were very tired from the early morning to the afternoon. Callard ordered a slight pursuit, that is, to withdraw to Helmgart.

After this battle, many Yankees even developed PTSD. They often dreamed in their dreams that the tricolor flag and Callard rushed towards the top five, and they woke up with fright. The color of the burqa of the Guards) appeared in shadow, and every time I saw it, my heart jumped, and I kept shaking Zan Aike counted the army afterwards and found that nearly eight Thousands of people, the champion of Tsianqi's selection secretly scolded Archaen as a fool, and could only lead the army to retreat into the Rickwald Forest and retreat north.



At dusk, the ruined Count's Castle in Helmgart, the temporary headquarters of the Brittany Vanguard.

Several commanders laughed loudly, drank imperial stout beer, ate roasted whole lamb, and Ser Amanric, the Holy Grail of Sanctuary, slapped his thighs vigorously: "Today's battle was a real joy! It's a pity, if it wasn't for Zan Ai Those guys running fast, Tzeentch God's Chosen Champion, Dark Prophet, Son of Slaanesh, they're all going to die!"

Diego was a little depressed. He fought against a whole Slaanesh fanatics chapter under Lucius today. He was besieged so hard that he could not let go of his hands and feet. Apart from hacking to death hundreds of Chaos Space Marines, Son of the Emperor, he had nothing more to gain. , and the curse of the reborn Mka has not been completely eliminated, Diego can feel that the more his power is used, the greater the power, the stronger the repulsion of the mortal world and the attraction of the warp, so he does not dare to use his full power.

The heir also kept in mind the primarch's advice not to rush forward, so he could only say gloomily: "Yes, almost."

"Victory is gratifying, but don't forget that our main goal is to rescue Brunswick." Callard picked up the wine glass, and the Brittany Marshal was covered in sweat: "The current plan is to hurry up and report to the general. Send it to His Majesty in the rear, we will take a short rest and immediately occupy the front page of the bridge in Bergenhafen, waiting for His Majesty to arrive before making the next preparations."

"Naturally." Everyone was pleased and convinced.

In this way, according to the scheduled time, after spending more than a month, the main force of the Knights Road Crusade finally arrived at the end of the axe-bite pass-Bogenhafen on the eve of autumn.

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