"Chihaya, have you noticed that those people look at us strangely?"

Uchiha Koichi got up this morning. As usual, he had breakfast and did a little exercise before arriving at the Uchiha Clan's base camp, the security force headquarters, preparing to start a routine patrol of the streets of Konoha with his partner Uchiha Chihaya.

However, as he walked, he suddenly discovered that the pedestrians on the street looked at the two of them strangely.

Not only is there no usual avoidance in his eyes, there seems to be a trace of...sympathy?

How dare he!

How dare you sympathize with a noble Uchiha?

"You're wrong, Hongichi. How dare anyone in this village show such a look in front of us? And even if it is a look, it means showing hatred. What is sympathy?"

Uchiha Chihaya on the side looked at his companion in a funny way, laughing at him whether he had rewarded himself too much last night and was hallucinating.

Uchiha Koichi, who couldn't believe it and thought he had seen it wrong, even secretly opened his Sharingan eye. However, with the excellent insight of the Sharingan eye, he found that he had actually seen it right.

They, a group of ordinary Konoha villagers, actually dared to sympathize with themselves!

"I didn't expect that this Uchiha, who is usually arrogant and domineering, would be punished so miserably by the village secretly, and that he would have to rely on the eyes of his deceased clan members to survive... Oh, it's really touching!"

Relying on the eyes of departed clan members?

Aren’t the eyes of our dead clansmen preserved in the forbidden Nanga Shrine?

Oh... I must be jealous that our Uchiha clan's blood lineage can still protect future generations even after passing away!

"Who says it's not the case? Their current superior status must be the price the village pays to appease them! But if it were me, I would rather die in battle than let my descendants be so careless. drag on!"

Hey hey, what are you talking about?

I, Uchiha, have achieved my current status in Konoha Village only because of the efforts of my Uchiha clan and the little help from my ancestor Uchiha Madara. Why are you pitying me?

At this time, Uchiha Chihaya also noticed something was wrong with the two of them after being reminded by Uchiha Koichi, and folded her arms and listened.

"So, it's understandable that there are so many perverts in the Uchiha clan! If you grew up in this kind of environment and can't even breathe smoothly, then you're either a loser or a pervert!"

Which family has more perverts?

Your whole family is full of perverts!

Uchiha Koichi, who wanted to rush over and take these people who slandered Uchiha back to the security team to teach them a lesson and warn them, was stopped by Uchiha Chihaya.

Having been together for a long time, he immediately understood what his companions meant: listen to what was going on before deciding to break a few of their legs.

"But having said that, killing can only be done with a nod of the head, and when Uchiha Madara defected, the Uchiha clan had no followers. From this point of view, it is fine to punish him, but is it too much to force him like this?"

"Yes! But then again, I don't think Hokage-sama is that kind of person!"

"Hey! What do you know? Those big shots look glamorous on the surface, but in reality they are so evil and cunning secretly!"

Uchiha Koichi agrees with this. After all, in the ranking list of famous names within Uchiha, the first one is Danzo, followed by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Neither of these two guys is good!

"And... I also heard that Hokage-sama is not actually the main force in suppressing Uchiha."

"Really? Besides Lord Hokage, who else in Konoha can shit on Uchiha's head?"


Uchiha Hongichi and the two are also a little confused, who else in Konoha can shit on our heads besides the Hokage... Bah, no one in Konoha can shit on my Uchiha head!

"I heard that Danzo-sama is mainly responsible for dealing with Uchiha himself!"


Nodding up and down, "Heli, this is so Heli!" ×4

"Shimura Bunkyo, I x you x!"×2

Uchiha Koichi and Uchiha Chihaya, who were red-eyed in every sense of the word, immediately caught the two men and took them back to the security department.

As the headquarters of the Uchiha clan, recruiting this prisoner in the security department basically meant that the entire Uchiha clan knew about it.

Soon, the news swept through the entire Uchiha clan like a whirlwind.


"Chief, are the rumors in the village true? Is it true that the sharingan of a deceased clan member was used to restore our current peaceful life?"

"Chief, I don't accept it! Why do the village still look at us like that after we have made such a big sacrifice?"

"Clan Chief, lead us to charge again, Clan Chief!"

At noon, at the door of Uchiha Homura's mansion, the leader of the Uchiha clan, a large group of people gathered around them without eating, noisily asking for explanations from the leader.

Among them, there are young children who have just started ninja training, and there are also young people who have just opened their eyes and experienced the power of the Sharingan. There are also people who have come from the Warring States Period and have truly seen the world-destroying power of Uchiha Madara and are addicted to Uchiha. An old man whose family had a glorious past.

They didn't understand why when they woke up, their own clan became the aliens in Konoha Village.

Although they knew that they were not popular in the village in the past, it didn't matter. They had the strength and the natural limits of blood inheritance, so in the eyes of this group of proud Uchiha, the comments of other people were just nothing. It's just the cry of the weak.

But it's different now. In today's situation, the two poles are reversed, and the Uchiha clan has become a cherished creature that needs pity from others?

How can they accept this?

Under the extreme anger, many clan members even opened their eyes directly, staring at the clan leader's mansion with pairs of scarlet sharingan eyes, looking forward to the clan leader's response.

"Yan, how do you plan to handle this matter?"

In the clan leader's mansion, several clan elders who had received the news were sitting in front of Uchiha Homura, waiting for the clan leader's response.

"Don't forget, the village still hasn't given us an explanation for Jing's death!"

"Why are they both second-generation disciples? Hiruzen Sarutobi became the Hokage, Danzo Shimura became the Hokage's assistant, and even the two guys who transferred to the dormitory, Koharu and Mito Monobu, can become advisors, and the geniuses of our family Is it so quiet after death?"

"We are both disciples, why is there such a big gap? Why hasn't the village given Jing a noble posthumous name until now?"

"Uchiha's life is also life!"

The contemporary patriarch, Homura Uchiha, silently looked at the information placed on the desk, as well as the secret letter from an anonymous foreign affairs officer from the distant Water Country, with various thoughts in his mind.

Are you just swallowing your anger as usual?

Or should we take this opportunity to give it a try?

"Lord Patriarch, someone from ANBU is here."

At this critical moment, ANBU's arrival was undoubtedly to convey the Hokage's wishes.

So Uchiha Homura stayed put for the time being and wanted to see what the village said about this matter.

"Hokage-sama has ordered that the Uchiha clan quickly dispatch people to clarify the rumors in the village. Within three days, the Hokage does not want similar remarks to appear in the village."

The visitor was dressed in a typical ANBU outfit, but exuded a cold aura, as if he were a puppet without emotions, mechanically conveying orders from the Hokage.

"...Is this the end? Are there any other instructions?"

Uchiha Homura and the clan elders listened like this. They originally thought that no matter how bad the village was, they would comfort themselves. However, the command from the "Hokage" was so short and clear, and it was a cold clarification mission. There is no room for imagination at all.

The ANBU ninja seemed to have noticed something was wrong, but for some unknown reason, instead of softening his tone, he stepped forward to press him further.

"Huh? Is it true that the Uchiha clan wants to disobey their orders? Is it bad to deceive the village with its sword?"

Uchiha Homura, who originally wanted to settle the matter, saw this scene, combined with the words of the clan elders just now, and thought of all the injustices the Uchiha clan has suffered in the Konoha village over the years as the founding clan of Konoha. Treatment, the rational string in my mind was instantly broken.

Then scarlet flashed in his eyes, he kicked the table over angrily, and roared:

"My sword is not bad at all!"

"Go to hell with settling the matter, it's time to settle everything!"

"Senju is dead, Uchiha must stand!"

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