Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 109: No dead ends in all aspects

There is no so-called true meaning attached, just a similar substantial sword energy, which is cut along the blade.

It collided with the fierce sword energy that was shot in midair, right in front of Wang Yu.

It's just that Wang Yu's sword qi was weak, and after the sword qi defeated the sword qi, he still had enough power to stab Wang Yu's shoulder, piercing that half of the flesh and blood.

With a grunt, Wang Yu retreated.

At this time, the unified army, a figure volleyed into the sky.

"Why bully the small, I will meet you!"

The other party has masters in charge, and the unified army naturally also has them here.

Liu Ziliang supported Wang Yu and quickly retreated to the rear, the safe area where the unified army was located.

"How's the injury?"

Seeing Wang Yu frowning, Liu Ziliang asked immediately, with a worried tone.

After all, Wang Yu was blocking the sword for him just now, or he was the one who was injured.

"It's quite serious." Wang Yu said wrinkled, this time he was really stabbed by the sword qi.

Hearing what he said, Liu Ziliang felt ashamed.

He quickly and carefully took off the shoulder pads for Wang Yu. The blood-stained outer armor and the thin inner armor were peeled off layer by layer like an onion.

After a while, the flesh on the shoulders was revealed.

Liu Ziliang immediately stared at it, the blood hole that opened looked scary, but after a while, not only did the bleeding stop, but it was almost scabbed to grow new flesh.



Liu Ziliang silently took back the precious wound healing plaster given to him by the family.

He couldn't help but complain: "Get up quickly, there's nothing wrong, what are you doing on the ground."

Almost forgot that this kid is still an inextinguishable person, he is a waste of worry.

Wang Yu scratched his head, put on his clothes and got up.

It just really hurts to say.

This is not to blame him. He has never suffered such an injury on weekdays, and he has no idea that the self-healing ability of this body has become so strong.

"I didn't expect that their superior captain guarding here would not be able to do it so quickly. It seems that we beheaded one of the other generals." Liu Ziliang smiled.

"So, let's make another contribution." Wang Yu said, still moving his injured shoulder a little uneasy.

After a while, it really seems that the fart is gone, but there is still some tingling that has not gone away.

"Of course, you've finished eating your golem meat. This time the guy's head, plus the merits of eliciting the other's superior captain, I'm afraid it's enough for you to exchange hundreds of pounds."

Liu Ziliang now also knows Wang Yu's urine.

This guy completely regards merit as treasure meat and will not be used for other things.

The extra reward for being promoted to lieutenant and the rest of the merit points were all replaced by him with the five hundred kilograms of demon meat.

"The cultivation base has risen so fast, I'm afraid it's because I can eat it..."

Liu Ziliang secretly speculates uncertainly.

The average person cannot digest so many high-level treasures in a short period of time.

He judged that Wang Yu's physique was special and that was the case.

Just like some people are born with supernatural powers, and some people are born with amazing understanding.

Wang Yu is born to be able to eat, um, plus innate supernatural power, no, this kid can still control the sword, isn't he also very good at understanding?

For a time, Liu Ziliang was also sour, lamenting that God was so unfair.

That's why he didn't go deep into the exercises.

It is also because as far as he knows, there is no set of exercises that can make people acquire so many qualities.

Including the more advanced cultivation methods in the hands of all the noble families on the main star, there is no such thing.

In contrast, it is more likely that Wang Yu's physique is like this.

Wang Yu slapped it, the golem meat was of high quality, but he wanted to change his taste after eating too much.

I heard that the military has imported a batch of voiceless bird meat from the main star. It is also excellent, but you can taste it.

Anyway, the immortality method after his magical transformation can accommodate a variety of treasures and meat, and the absorption effect is quite good.

It is also worth mentioning that his immortality method has now been integrated into the core content of the seventeen blood-burning methods.

The scripture in my mind has also increased to 4,572 words.

The further you go, the more difficult it is to integrate!

It often takes a lot of time to deduce the reorganization in my mind, and then keep on trial and error.

If it weren't for the fact that as his cultivation level grew, his mental and mental strength was also getting stronger, and it would have been difficult for him to complete such a huge amount of deductions.

Seventeen sets of blood-burning methods each have their own characteristics, and some can be integrated in pairs to create stronger characteristics.

For example, there are five sets of light-enhancing speed.

Therefore, making Wang Yu less than Rank 6 of Blood Burning is no longer inferior to Liu Ziliang in terms of speed, and is not even inferior to most of the warriors of the Nine Blood Burning Realm!

This is superimposed terror!

The same goes for strength and physique!

In fact, the self-healing ability of the Immortal Law is also the result of the integration of the similar characteristics of the three sets of Blood Burning Law!

If you want to compare it, it has almost surpassed the self-healing effect of a set of inextinguishable methods that have been practiced to the perfection of the ninth-turn extreme state.

In addition, his basic boxing has now integrated the essence of 175 sets of boxing.

201 sets of basic leg skills, 225 sets of basic defense skills, and 250 sets of basic knife skills.

Gu Luo

Different from the difficult integration of the blood burning method, the body forging method is easier to integrate as it progresses.

Now, with an ordinary set of body forging swordsmanship in front of him, he only needs to read it through and practice a little to easily reach the sixth-level extreme state.

And quickly extract the subtleties that are available and integrate them into the general system of basic knife techniques.

Each set of body forging methods is a condensation of the wisdom of the predecessors. Wang Yu integrated it, and on this basis, his four body forging methods have the possibility of infinite extension and expansion.

Even though he had already practiced the basic sword technique to the eighth level, Wang Yu found that he could continue to improve.

Although it is a basic law, it has already gone beyond the scope of the basics.

If he said to Liu Ziliang on the side, mind and control the sword, this is just a set of basic swordsmanship?

Liu Ziliang would curse and spit at him when he couldn't keep up. He was no longer elegant and easy-going.

It is precisely because of so much accumulation that Wang Yu is so powerful in all directions without dead ends.

The proficiency panel makes this unprecedented road feasible, and it is not without effort and effort that Wang Yu does this.

It can only be said that this is the result of the combination of the two.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, did you just hit a knife?" Liu Ziliang suddenly remembered and asked immediately, with a somewhat uncertain tone.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and it happened too quickly.

When the sword qi of the superior captain was about to stab in front of Wang Yu, the sword qi that Wang Yu slashed out in an instant was immediately engulfed by the sword qi.

So much so that Liu Ziliang couldn't see it clearly, and only felt the existence of the fluctuation of the sword energy at that moment.

But that's not possible.

This is the ability to control Qi that only those who are strong in the Qi realm have, but Wang Yu, who is a warrior in the blood burning realm, can't master it.

Wang Yu shook his head in denial, and he didn't care too much, but when the battlefield was chaotic, he sensed a deviation.

Only Wang Yu knew that he had indeed cut out the impossible sword energy.

And this so-called sword qi is just a small ability that comes with the basic sword technique reaching the eighth level.

At a critical juncture, it was a process in which he forcibly melted his own qi and blood into knife qi.

The purpose is only to reduce the damage of that sword energy.

The price of the knife Qi that was forcibly cut out with Qi and blood was that he was now depleted of Qi and blood.

Before the qi and blood are replenished, the second knife cannot be cut.

The two rested for a while, Wang Yu took out the treasure jerky he carried with him, and quickly ate two pieces to restore the qi and blood consumed.

After a while, the two re-entered the battlefield, looking for enemy officers to behead them.

Liu Ziliang was in the Ming Dynasty, Wang Yu was in the dark, and they cooperated with each other. As more officers were beheaded in vain one after another, it caused a lot of confusion to the army on the Canaan side.

"If you break the gate of the town, I'm afraid you will have dozens or hundreds of kilograms of meat!"

As Wang Yu walked silently, his eyes fell on the town gate in front of him.

There are now four superior captains at war,

The dazzling hit, the sword energy, the sword energy, and the punching force are vertical and horizontal.

This also made it impossible for other legionnaires around to continue to attack the door, and even ordinary blood-burning officers could not get close to this battle circle.

Wang Yu was a little moved, but it still felt too risky.

"Forget it, let's be steady."

In the end, due to the delay in breaking through the town gate, the soldiers were exhausted, and in the end, the Allied Armies had to call Jin Jin to withdraw their troops at dusk.

"The other party has put a lot of troops here, I'm afraid it will take a while to break through." Liu Ziliang said as he returned to the ship.

Wang Yu nodded, but he didn't care.

With the rapid increase in strength, he is no longer as fearful of this war as he was at first.

On the contrary, he can gain a lot of merit points during the war, in exchange for a sufficient amount of training treasures.

As long as you act prudently and prudently, there will be no great danger.

For three days after that, just as Liu Ziliang said, the town gate could not be attacked for a long time.

More and more imperial powerhouses joined the battle, and on the fifth day, even the deputy head of the unified army also appeared on the battlefield.

A punch smashed the town gate, and the army rushed into it.

Wang Yu stood on the city wall, holding a big bow, constantly shooting.

Although his archery has been honed on the battlefield, it is still not a unique skill.

With brute force, it unleashes enormous lethality.

Although Liu Ziliang was stronger than him in archery, he was inferior to him in terms of the number of enemies killed.

Who let Wang Yu pierce through several enemies with one arrow?

And although Liu Ziliang shot the arrow to the, the efficiency is not as good as Wang Yu's archery like a skewer.

It made him lose the mood he originally wanted to show off.

In the end, although there were twists and turns in the course of this battle, the unified army still successfully captured this bridgehead.

As an important part of their future transportation of materials and operation of the wounded.

With the continuous advancement of the front line, this will become a new rear base for the front line.

Based on this, it will continue to erode all the islands of the Canaan Empire on the fifth broken star.

Until finally joining forces with the two countries, the Canaan Empire was completely eliminated.

After the Canaanite army on the island was defeated, only the remnants of the army were left to flee.

Presumably the results here will soon spread to the high-level side of Canaan.

In this battle, Wang Yu and Liu Ziliang gained a lot of achievements. If you count the income from touching the corpse and exchange all the treasures for meat, it will be enough for him to train at full speed for a period of time.

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