Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 274 What Kind Of Knife Did You Go Through To Make Kevin Like This?

[One hundred thousand blood books, please Mi Huyou sell the fairy Ellie QAQ]

[One hundred thousand people? If the elf Ellie in Kiyana's hands is spread abroad, there may be more than one hundred thousand people who want it]

[What if? I’ve recorded the screen and posted it online, I’ll just wait for Fairy Ellie to go viral, and then “put pressure” on Mi Huyou to sell a batch of Fairy Ellie QAQ]

[I believe that there is no player of "Honkai III" who would not want a QAQ of a fairy Ellie]

【Woooooo...I also want to sleep with Fairy Ellie, and I also want to chat with Fairy Ellie~】

[You all only saw the cuteness of Fairy Ellie, but not the intelligence of Fairy Ellie...

[One thing to say, Ellie's intelligence... is really scary]

[I don't know artificial intelligence, but I think about it........To make such an intelligent fairy Ellie, and design the host to a small enough level........The difficulty is definitely not small]

[Fuck? Mi Huyou also ordered the technology tree?]

[I don't care, I don't care, I want Fairy Ellie, Mi Huyou begs, sell a batch of Fairy Ellie dolls QAQ]

Such a cute and intelligent fairy Ellie directly touched the hearts of all audiences.

And Kiyana's purpose of showing off has also been achieved.


"Okay Fairy Ellie, let's stop here today, Ellie should rest~"

"Hey~ Is it time to take a rest... I really feel a little bit sad~"

"But you have to rest early, the goblin is looking forward to the next meeting with humans~"

As Ellie's voice fell, its bright eyes slowly closed.

This way of shutting down has shown the audience again.

Come to think of it, after today, these viewers may sleep with the cute look of Ellie the Fairy in their minds.

"'s it going? Great, isn't it?"

After putting Ellie the Fairy aside carefully, Kiyana was happy and proud again.


This time, it really made Chong Chong pretend!

Countless viewers sent out (tears) expressions and expressed that they wanted it too much.

Even Mei couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, I also have a lovely fairy Ellie.

"Okay~ everyone, just forget about Ellie the Fairy, after all, the boss doesn't sell it, so you can't get it if you want it"

"Even if it's can grab it~"


Chongchong's words... really hurt my heart.

However, her words reminded many viewers.

Such a smart and delicate elf Ellie... If she sells it, the price will probably not be low.

Just like the first batch of armored COS suits.

Because of the shortage of goods, the price has increased ten times, but I still can't receive it!!

After all, how can someone who can sell a toy for 100,000 be short of money?


Mihuyou account, real-name authentication! If scalpers do not have a high-level account, they will not be able to buy it at all.

At the same time, some viewers' screen recordings in the live broadcast room are also gradually fermenting.

On the Internet, on Douyin, countless people who fished and swiped Douyin during work, and accidentally swiped into the screen recording video, their eyes were full of love.

This Elf Ellie... is really too delicate and cute.

And the comments below are also very consistent.

【When will this Fairy Ellie come out? How much can I buy it for?】

There are even comments that complain that my daughter doesn't play Honkai III, but she still likes this elf Ellie's doll so much that she wants to buy it.

But it turned out... The news revealed so far is———— Mi Huyou didn't plan to sell it!!

If you don’t sell it, why do you take it out? Just to make us players greedy QAQ.

【Evil Mi Huyou!!】

【Otto looks at the sword!!】

The video is gradually fermenting, while the live broadcast is still going on.

At this time, Alicia in the game has just finished her morning exercise.

Her "morning practice" is naturally not as simple as running, but using a simulated war room to simulate a group of Houkai beasts.

For Herrscher-level Alicia, dealing with these ordinary Houkai beasts is naturally simple.

"Come on, take it easy

Alicia lightly rolled her pink hair and smiled playfully.

"For this training report, just fill in [very simple]!"

This wave, this wave is an official meme.

The barrage is naturally a joy.

They just like Mi Huyou's attitude of not pretending to be serious.

And then, Alicia also acted as a maid once, and participated in a "Traditional Night" of Moth Chasing Fire.

The so-called [Traditional Night] is actually just an ordinary dance party.

And at this ball, Alicia and Kevin met for the first time.

To the audience's surprise, Kevin's character was completely different from their impression at this time.

He is very talkative and seems to have a very cheerful personality.

Is it even, kind of... smelly?

This kind of Kevin really surprised the audience.

The barrage is also discussed endlessly.

【Then here comes the question, how hard is the story of the pre-civilization to turn such a cheerful Kevin into an ice bewildered man??】

【Upstairs... a word to wake up the dreamer...】

[Sure enough.....As expected of Mi Huyou, it's still a familiar taste QAQ]

【So, the knife of Paradise this time is to take out the stories of pre-civilization and stab us?】

[Although I have already guessed that the story of the former civilization is a knife...but I still can't help but want to read QAQ]

【Damn you, Mi Huyou QAQ】

Looking at these bullet screens, Mei smiled wryly and shook her head.

Isn't it... The story behind is indeed a knife.

But...not to kill you with stories from pre-civilizations.

Rather... pull out the heroes who have passed away from the previous civilization... and stab you again...


Sure enough, even if you guessed it was a knife, you still can't guess what angle Mo Li will use to stab you...

It is hard to guard against.

in the game.

There are only so many files typed out by typewriters.

The angle of view has turned back to Mei and Alicia.

"`"Is this... the first time you and Kevin met?"

Alicia chuckled and nodded: "Yes, I really miss it, our youthful look - although I am still very young now"

"Kevin has changed a lot. You see, when we first met, he still knew how to make girls happy."


Later, Mei asked about Alicia's birth.

However, Alicia said that she was too young at that time, and only remembered that the place where she was born was called [Vostok-51].

Besides, she doesn't have much memory of what happened when she was a child.

"It's quite touching, you... and Kevin"

Alicia smiled: "Well, what should I say?"

"Maybe this is the... [step by step] process?"

"And the following story will be more ordinary~"

"I grew up slowly, and I grew up into a slim girl, and I met the fire-chasing moth again, and the wheel of fate began to turn at this point..."

"Mea Yi knows what's going to happen next."

Mei: "??"

"Is that all?"

"Hmm~" Alicia smiled mischievously, her eyes slowly skipping over the typewriter on the table:

"If Mei doesn't believe (got Zhao's) words, you can also confirm it?"

"However, Mei actually saw such a youthful memory, I'm going to blush a little~"

"Really? I think you're enjoying it."

"Oh~" Alicia held her face in her hands, looking shy: "What a bold statement~"

"But it's a lie to say you're unhappy~"

"After all, Mei said that if she wants to know everything about me and develop a further relationship with me, then of course I welcome it..."

"Oh, Mei is such a perfect girl, that's the only thing that's not good. If you can be as frank as me, you will definitely be more popular~"


With the end of this dialogue, the game has become a game mode similar to the original god.

At this time, the players also noticed that the height difference between Mei and Alicia... is actually the cutest height difference!!

【This pair of CPs, I am crazy about it!】

【What...Eri is Eden's (angry)】

[Alysia's way of speaking... is really provocative QAQ]

【If I were Mei, I'm afraid I would have fallen long ago~】

【Huh~ So, long live the Yaqi Party and the Aiyi Party~】.

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