Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1130: ] Snow Winter Rain Autumn (on)

"Is it difficult to sing?"

After handing Mai to the house, except for a few foreign devils, the only Duanmu Liushui who was not trembling because of a smile, Loli was a little monster that looked like Loli, and she was a little bit more loli than Loli. The small grievances throw me this really difficult question to answer.

"Not bad ..." The first time I lied so badly. .

Mrs. Duanmu took the water glass from Murphy, took a small sip elegantly, and turned her eyes narrowly, and smiled kindly to me: "You know, a good-faith lie must be deceived, it is good-faith of."

Sure enough, she is a woman hiding a knife in her smile, a rabbit-like harmless appearance, and a sheep-like soft voice, but she exudes a suffocating oppression like a tiger or a lion. Is this what Mrs. Duanmu really is?

Those who can sit in this room are carefully selected from the crowd of people. Even if it is a genius Philip who is unsophisticated and technical, he knows at least Mrs. Duanmu's sister, otherwise he was beaten by me unjustly, and it is impossible for him to appear here with a dark face at the bottom of the pot, except in Duanmu. Madam, probably no one can force him to put down his own shelf, neither can Old Mo.

Mrs. Duanmu had steps, but she had to force me to tell the truth. God knew if I was looking for my stubble, and seeing everyone ’s response. Obviously all understood this way. Be careful, I said, "Compare to me, don't It's awful. "

Mrs. Duanmu gave a stun and then smiled, and there was still a girly coquettishness, "Should I praise you for being clever, or call you smooth?"

I scratched my head and said modestly, "Not smart or smooth, but tactful."

"Gentle, huh, gentle ..." Madam Duanmu glanced at her son, and said, "Chu Nan, are you about the same age as Liushui? He is a little older than you, but he understands you far from you. Too much, if you two change positions, or if someone who dares not offend deliberately makes things difficult and asks him such a question, he will definitely be asked to stop him. "

Master Duanmu's face was suddenly ugly, and he stared at me fiercely, but did not dare to arrogantly in front of his mother. It is estimated that after going to tears at the high-level meeting last time, he went back to suffer, so he remembered it. It also verified the two sides of Madam Duanmu.

This woman also seems to admit that she intentionally made me difficult ...

"No, respect for women and elders is simple. I believe Master Duanmu also understands."

Master Duanmu responds slowly, only thinking that I speak for him because of his mother's awe, and I look forward to others despising my flaming affair like him, but I find that everyone's eyes are full of contempt, but the object is not me, but him, This suddenly dawned on me, and the reason why he and I got together was because of his disrespect for tassels.

I'm not vengeful or boring provocation, but I can't stand fighting with Mrs. Duanmu, showing a bit of water chestnut, and seeing how she reacts to judge whether she is always in love with me and Wuwu, or is pregnant with a certain This kind of negative emotion, unfortunately, I have never seen the depth of this woman ’s city government, my smile is still the same, the tone of the speech and the aura of the breath are deliberately exposing their own wrongdoings, but they have no reason at all, just tell me clearly, She is in control and dominating my mind, but I still have no way at all, because people just do n’t take off the mask or the face, so I ca n’t take the seat right? In case she didn't want to ask me to settle the bill, wouldn't I stop asking myself?

Mrs. Duanmu said, "Can I understand this sentence as your euphemism?"

I stiffened and said, "No."

The lady's smile was even brighter, "Why?"

"You just said that a good-faith lie must be deceived."

This cursing curse, let's say everyone is horrified, my buddy is also facing the sun, and my heart is magnificent ...

In fact, Duanmu Liushui may not be stupid and has a low IQ, but in this room, he must be the dumbest one. Seeing him pretending to be clever and pretentious, he seemed to understand what we were saying. "Chu Nan means that he was just ironic that you did not know how to respect women and elders. He did not deny that he scolded you, nor did he admit that it was euphemistic, just because I would not believe it. He just wanted to spread a kind lie to comfort him. I ’m all in vain ... the implication is how bad you are at doing this and how bad the impression is, it is obvious to all. "

"The surname is Chu, you ..." Duanmu Liushui became angry and anxious.

"Forget it," Mrs. Duanmu's face was slightly cold, and she scared the baby son. "This afternoon, you borrowed a topic to play on the fire and stabbed others hard. They didn't fight back, they only gave you two words, you Still feel that you ca n’t make a loss? Besides, which sentence is wrong with you? Today, these friends of the Moon Valley came to communicate with each other. I use the personal relationship between you and Philip as the reason to let you follow the activities of Mayer ’s department. What ’s wrong? Do you really not understand the intention? I created a chance for you, apologized to the girl Cheng, and explained my suspicions with Chu Nan and Mayfair, so that I can get along well in the future, what happened? What did you do? Not only I did n’t apologize, but poured fuel on the fire, making the relationship more rigid. Even if Chu Nan does not scold you, I still want to scold you. Do n’t say I am biased towards Chu Nan. You must learn to review yourself. He is not my son. You It ’s because you are a mother in public and embarrassed you, why? I just want you to learn more profoundly and be able to learn from it, and you will grow in the future. "

It's really hard to believe that Mrs. Duanmu is a tyrannical woman who doesn't help her relatives. At least these girls like Liu Su and Murphy Ziyuan are grateful for her admiration for her righteousness. It's wrong for me to challenge proactively, woman ...

Master Duanmu murmured quietly: "You are not biased towards the surname Chu, you are biased towards the stinky girl with the same name as you ..."

After hearing him mention Zheng Yuqiu, I just trembled in my heart, but Madam Duanmu was furious. "Someone laughed at you and could n’t help the wall. Is there no light on my face? You do n’t understand such a simple truth? And The stink girl with the same name as Zheng in your mouth is my sister and your aunt. If you think I am protecting Chunan as an outsider because of my bias, you must be more careful. You owe You know how much Xiaoqiu knows. "

Duanmu Liushui actually said to me, meant to tell me that I do not have that kind of personality charm, but also satirized his mother's mouth and heart, seeing Madam Duanmu angry, he was silent, Madam This changed my face and laughed at everyone: "I'm sorry everyone, let you read the joke, everyone continues to sing, continue to sing."

No one dared to move. Tassel slaps on Murphy's hands. No one has ever seen Madam Duanmu angry, so Murphy, who has had the most contact with Madam Duanmu, is the most surprised person. After returning to God, she said: "Who's the turn?"

"I," Lao Hei pulled Sun Kun up and said, "The two of us have" Good Breakup ", which was just stopped by Chu Nan and his wife, hehe."

This product has to be transferred to a branch office. In the future, there will be few opportunities to contact the head of the head office. Therefore, Madam Duanmu has relatively less awe to see mice and cats. Furthermore, she regrets me and Murphy and refuses Stood out to help ease the atmosphere. The singing performances of these two goods are above amateur level, plus the background that I and Madam Duanmu used as a foil, it is simply a genius, everyone applauded, applause, the rendering is a little over, 80% is Take the opportunity to vent a smile that just endured too long.

Mrs. Duanmu also applauded, and then whispered to me, "Did you just sing out of tune?"

"No, I just sing."

Mrs. Duanmu nodded, not knowing if she had believed or not, and suddenly said, "Knowing why I asked you if it was hard to hear me singing?"

I shake my head.

Mrs. Duanmu stared at my eyes and laughed, "I wonder if you would lie to me."

I didn't say a word until she continued.

"Although you are a little slippery, you are still honest," Madam Duanmu said sharply, and asked, "when Xiao Cheng called you, was your sister with you, too? She is already home, or Waiting for you outside? "

I don't know why she suddenly dragged the subject to Chu Yuan, and replied: "She fell asleep in the car, Xiao Ye ... is the policewoman who is always with me and looks at her in the car."

The next sentence of Mrs. Duanmu left me completely scratched. "Oh ... since this is the case, you should go back soon."


The tassel Murphy Aster also fainted. She had a strong attitude and asked me to come, which made us nervous for a long time. As a result, she only sang a song with me and asked me to go back ... Is she just to listen to my singing? Or let me hear her singing? Or do they make fun together as a joke?

I was about to ask, Mrs. Duanmu put down the cup in her hand, looked at her wrist, and said, "It's already this time ... Chu Nan, don't mind taking me along the way?"

We were stunned again-Mrs. Duanmu did not bring a watch at all ...

[Ps: Um, things go against my wishes, I thought I could update them normally, but troublesome things one by one. Except for some problems in the business, I'm working hard to recover, distressed and hurt ...]

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