Private Technology

: 758 targeted revenge

Regarding the number of human brain chips, Guan Ming already knew in the morning whether the number of phase one or two, strictly speaking, there was no difference from the one notified to Guan Ming, but here only the number of human brain chips used for humans For animals, it is several times or even dozens of times that of humans!

There are many disadvantages of using human brain chips for animals, such as the life span of animals, such as establishing a sound view of animals, etc., but it is not without benefits, such as sneaking in, spying, and destroying.

No one will guard against a bird on the border, and no cat will guard against a cat in the city. The natural “weakness” allows the animal group to play a greater role.

When researching and developing any technology, most of them will consider the armament. Facts have shown that the human brain chip also plays a great role in armaments.

"It's 6 hours faster than Syria. If it's four o'clock in the morning, then it's 10 o'clock, and that's fast." Guan Ming pulled out a notebook and connected it to the holographic projection, then pushed the notebook to the major general, He went to operate.

"Yes, although I just came here to watch it with you, there are many other people who are watching simultaneously in other places, also to see the performance of this operation." Find the name of the computer, and then connect to the network through the human brain chip For satellites, apply for an authorization. After the authorization is successful, all operations can be performed instantly through the human brain chip, which can almost reach an instant.

A half-meter-long square is projected on the holographic projection. Inside it is filled with snowflake dots, and then the picture is a little clear, like a water-ink tank, to draw a beautiful picture.

I can feel that the picture is shaking a lot, but because of the fixed relationship of vision, there will be no physical discomfort.

The main picture is concentrated inside a car, and there are 9 drivers in total, considering that there are two cars in the back, Guan Ming thinks this should be an enhanced class configuration.

"The team set off for 3 minutes and 23 seconds. In order to prevent detection, the car is not turned on at all, and even the dial is covered by a black cloth. At present, soldiers rely on network satellites and human brain chips for positioning. Rely on the moonlight. "Perhaps afraid that Guan Ming was too boring, the major general made a guest commentary and began to explain to Guan Ming.

"... The function of the human brain chip is clear to me. There should be no effect on vision enhancement ..." The mouth of the mouth was drawn. Guan Ming never knew that the human brain chip could actually enhance the human visual system.

It ’s so amazing. I ’m a developer who has developed such a powerful feature!

When I heard Guan Ming say this, the comrade Major laughed first. I think the problem is a bit idiotic, but after he laughed, he gave a more objective answer: "There are many types of human senses to the outside world. The visual system It is the most important, because vision can make people more intuitive to find and judge, but after having a human brain chip, in fact, these soldiers can instantly calculate the speed, latitude and longitude changes of every second, even the car in the previous second. The bullets are up, but before the car hits the ground, these soldiers can use human brain chips to calculate, adjust their posture, reduce impact, etc. Of course, their own vision is also very good, after all, they are combat troops. "

This explanation is awesome. Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while.

Even the function of shock absorption has been developed. Guan Ming only feels that these big brothers are too mad. In another ten or twenty years, the special soldiers of the human brain chip will not be able to track the killer through the change of smell. Right, like a dog?

But this cannot be said plainly, society and society, can't afford to mess with, you are all big brothers.

In the first period of time, Guan Ming was full of anticipation for the picture in front of him, but a little longer was not interesting.

It takes half an hour to eat chicken in a round! And no one is talking yet!

MMP, this game experience is also nobody!

Although the soldiers' absolute vision is definitely dominated by darkness, through mutual verification between human brain chips, it is actually very clear to Guan Ming. At least Guan Ming can see a certain soldier very clearly. Eye shit.

Guan Ming thinks this should be true, after all, the information transmitted is verified by each other, so since it is transmitted, it means that in this squad, most people think that this soldier has eye **** ...

In addition to boredom, Guan Ming enlarged the picture on the holographic projection and carefully watched the soldiers' equipment. As for Comrade Major General, he had someone's brain chip, and the viewing effect was definitely stronger than Guan Ming.

"What is this? The mainstream pistols in the army are not so ... chic ..." Suddenly, Guan Ming zoomed in on a soldier's waist, and a pistol was inserted in it, but he was much smaller.

Because it was placed in the holster, Guan Ming couldn't tell the size of the pistol carefully, but it felt like the palm of an adult, at least a few smaller than the gun in Guan Ming's hand.

"Oh, this, this is a stun gun. It is a new weapon developed last year. After getting authorization from your graphene battery, you have developed a small, non-lethal and efficient short-range weapon." Seeing what this major general did, the picture of the holographic projection suddenly increased to one meter, and the half-meter square picture above showed the parameters of this stun gun.

Including weight, length, number of magazines, range and other data.

"Aren't you going to kill the enemy this time? This thing can't kill anyone." After looking at the data, Guan Ming asked his own question.

From Guan Ming's point of view, this thing is more about fighting criminals in the city ~ ~ or the ordinary police. In effect, the role of this stun gun is to 'control' rather than 'injury' '.

"Yes, but this time we are fighting the reactionary forces with a purpose. Indirect targets will not kill." Maybe it is serious, the face of Comrade Major can't help but be serious.

"Our target this time is a group of reactionary forces that are extremely cruel and inhuman. They will even achieve their own goals by killing innocent hostages. In terms of behavior, they are not just as simple as the reactionary forces. It can even be described as terrorism. Three tourists were killed in our country last September. "

Dude, this isn't the first wave of affection.

And is it really good to say to me? Does it really mean that I can't hear it is full of "revenge" ...

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