Private Technology

: One hundred and seventy-two Quiz (9/10)

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Satisfied to hang up the phone, Mu's mother is going to educate her daughter again. It's not yet a semester to go to college. This degree of rottenness has skyrocketed.

"Where is your girl?" Raising her chin, Mu's attitude was not peaceful.

Mu Da, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV, turned his head and saw that his wife was still angry, so she said, "I ran out to play, I guess I was afraid you would hit her."

"Do you still be afraid? I have never seen such a bold person! If I do n’t discuss it with me, I wear braces myself. What else does she dare not do?" Mu Mu thought of Mu Xiaoxiao's behavior, and her brain jumped. .

"Hey, why are you so angry, you can't talk about smelly or smelly in a lifetime." Mu Da saw it openly, and said it indifferently.

"She can tell me, isn't our family unable to get the money, can it be lent to borrow money from others?" Mu Mu finally said why she was angry.

Mu Xiaoxiao is a daughter and only child in the family. There is no pressure to buy a house. To put it bluntly, the old couple have not been for this child in their lives. Although it is relatively vulgar, people in this generation will not bring death or death.

"I see, you still don't get angry, I think, Xiao Guan is a little bit interesting." Perhaps there is a chat interest, while Dad Mu got up and poured himself two or two liquors.

For drinking in the morning, Mu's mother has long been used to it. If one day Mu da falls asleep in the vat, Mu is not surprised. Now the factory conducts physical examinations for these technologies every year. For Mu da, alcohol What the liver has long been preventing it.

"What's interesting?" Mu's mother couldn't hold Mu Xiaoxiao, so she could only chat with Mu's father.

"What do you think of Xiao Guan?" Dad Mu took a sip of white wine and said meaningfully.

"Small tube?" Mu mom frowned, looked at Mu dad, and then said: "The person is pretty good, enthusiastic, careful, not a low education, and generally wear, but the family should be a bit able, personal level should be good, at least now The company he works for is really good. "

"That's it?" Mu Da smiled unwillingly, and continued to ask.

"Let's just talk about it, every day." Mu's mother was anxious, like a guessing game. Every day, she guessed that the students did not understand. If she went home, she would guess with her old man, not a riddle, and guess a ball.

"Do you think that the small tube is interesting to our girl?" Mu's father didn't sell offense either, but his voice was much lowered.

"Small tube? Xiaoxiao?" Mu mom frowned.


Guan Ming didn't know what Mu Damu Mu's thought was because he was pushed out of the house by the managed mom in order to make him work hard.

Liu Mengmeng is a deliberate girl, and found that her boss still has to listen to the words of her boss's father and mom. The anxious Liu Mengmeng said to the management mother that the company's revenue may decrease in the future. Why? Because there are homogeneous products, unfortunately the boss is so powerful, but unwilling to update the product, it is a pity.

Then, Guan Ming was pushed out of the house without knowing anything. The above scene took place outside the villa. Double Star did not monitor the sound, so he did not control Guan Ming, but even if it was monitored, it is estimated that Double Star measured it, and Will say to Guan Ming.

After all, Double Star and Guan Ming can be said to be the same collective of interests.

The task was arranged by my mother, and it was really dead.

After entering the company's underground laboratory, Guan Ming found that the hardware and raw materials inside were quite complete, and they were all the latest products available on the market, but he didn't think too much because he often arranged Liu Mengmeng to buy this and that. Maybe when is this scheduled?

Guan Ming missed an opportunity to criticize Liu Mengmeng ...


"Cheers ~"

The goblet collided, making a crisp sound, and the red wine swayed in the glass like a vortex.

"Although we can't be so perfect in software, we are organizing a large number of people to do this project. I believe there must be good results. After all, we are also looking forward to the technology of dynamic projection."

"Of course, tickets are scarce, but they will definitely be yours."

"Then let us, look forward to it together."


Guan Ming doesn't like to just introduce new ones in terms of performance, because in his opinion, this is just a flicker of money. There is no functional breakthrough. It is just a simple update of clarity and running speed.

Guan Ming defined holographic projection as two stages. The first stage is for virtual, divided into static and dynamic, and the second stage is for mechanical manipulation, but this requires at least a matching robotic arm or other.

In a hurry, Guan Ming can only target the virtual chapter in the dynamic projection context.

Guan Ming even thought about using a metal operating end without having to put his feet up, but it was too bad to think about it. After all, I haven't heard of luck in these years, but beriberi ...

On the hardware, Guan Ming certainly can't fight the newly built factories abroad. After all, this kind of thing ~ ~ makes no sense. Guan Ming thought about it and decided to add another function to the hardware to make dynamic projection more life'.

At present, dynamic projection is very popular, but in fact, many reports are saying that if dynamic projection is to be truly national, the period will take at least two to three years, mainly for content production.

No one buys a computer just for minesweeping. The amount of content will greatly affect the sales of dynamic projection. At present, the production of dynamic projection belongs to an emerging industry, and it is difficult to achieve it on a large scale.

Guan Ming decided to implement external device connection on his own hardware. For example, the three cameras can locate the dynamics of the middle person. This violates the original agreement to a certain extent, but the problem is not serious. Guan Ming made a report and finished it. After all, if it wasn't for that matter, Guan Ming doesn't need to update the hardware now.

The castration of civilian technology is not only in hardware, in fact, it is also cast in software. There is no so-called reserved interface, but fortunately, Guan Ming also led this project at the beginning, and is familiar with this aspect.

In fact, Guan Ming is more like a 360 ° camera. For physical filming, at least in the later stage, it can be more easily converted into dynamic projection. However, Guan Ming feels that this technology does not exist confidentiality, and even without Guan Ming, the technology ’s Realization is only a few years.

Guan Ming first called Qian Junhao and talked about this matter, but Qian Junhao said that this needs to be discussed before, and he couldn't give an immediate response.

Guan Ming doesn't mind, anyway, he is not launching now, Guan Ming is still ready to watch the lively, after all, Sequoia Capital is just building a factory, it is best to wait for them to put into production, and even conduct research and development and mass production Relaunch.

Anyway, there are a lot of orders on Guan Ming's side, and the market is not saturated at all, and the introduction of new products prematurely is not good for himself.

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