Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 997: Get married

The morning sun was scattered through the window sills to the red tent, and even the first sun in the winter was warm.

The man in his arms was tapping unconsciously, and Mo Beichen reluctantly took down the plush tail hanging around his neck.

"Amo?" The **** opened his eyes stupidly, but what she saw was a pair of dissatisfied eyes, thinking of the candlelight in the cave last night, she suddenly apologized.

She wanted to be human, but he couldn't bear it.

"It doesn't matter, we have time." Mo Beichen sighed softly, took Baitan into her arms, and lightly pressed her bright forehead.

"From today I will work hard to cultivate three tails as soon as possible." Bai Tan held Mo Beichen's neck and promised vows. She must not let him wait too long.

When Mo Beichen's eyes were hot, he turned over and pressed her underneath.

The two got tired and tired for a long time before finally getting up, and the consequence of Mo Beichen's indulgence could only be a cold shower.

Because they are newly married, so Qiwen, Yunzhi they dare not bother to disturb. But Baitan didn't forget to respect tea, so he pulled Mo Beichen and went to the main hall after grooming.

In the main hall, Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi, as well as Bai Tingan and Bai Yihan, are already waiting.

"Just sit here yesterday, why are you sitting here today?" Bai Qiyuan stared at Bu Yangzi sitting next to him dissatisfied.

"One day is a teacher and one is a father for life." Bu Yangzi's utterance of Bai Qiyuan's face was completely darkened.

"Doesn't Tanuki's vision really look bad?" Bai Qiyuan looked back with a calm face.

"I think that girl's vision is good." Bu Yangzi was still smiling, but there was anger in his eyes.

"Grandfather and Master will not fight." Seeing the tension between the two, Qi Ziling whispered a little bit worried.

"Should ... not." Bai Yihan frowned, and was a little worried.

"It's not necessarily." Elder Tu came over and interjected with a playful expression: "They used to be three words before they would do it!"

"They won't have any results like this, only hands can make the difference." Elder Yuan also came over and said with a little gloat.

This side is talking, and there is already a tense sword.

"Do you want to fight?" Bai Qiyuan held his fists, his forehead and blue tendon kept protruding, apparently not angry.

"I haven't met my opponent for a long time, and it doesn't hurt to move." Bu Yangzi raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

...... No, I really want to fight.

Everyone looked at Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi with anxiety for an instant.

"Grandpa, Master, Second Master, Uncle Butcher ..." Just when the atmosphere was tense, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen arrived.

"Here is the beaver."

Seeing Baiju, Bai Yihan finally relieved.

Elder Tu but they were a little disappointed. I haven't seen them fighting for decades. I really want to see them.

"Ah ..." The second lady coughed gently and looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen and said, "Come and admire the tea soon."

Don't let them fight in this happy day.

The waiter immediately brought tea and sent it to the futon.

"Grandpa drinks tea!"

"Master drinks tea!"

"Second Master drinks tea!"

The two of them were Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi, and Rui and his party brought tea. Now the two were not noisy, and they drank tea in peace.

After drinking tea, Bai Qiyuan gave each of them a big red envelope, and Bu Yangzi and Rui also gave presents.

Seeing that the **** was going to admire the tea to the Elder Tu, Bai Qiyuan frowned, "Don't respect him later."

Bu Yangzi also said, "They have already drank a lot of tea, don't respect it."

This time, the opinions of the two were extremely consistent.

... Elder Tu slaughtered for a moment, staring at the two with dissatisfaction.

Why are they not allowed to drink after they have finished drinking? These two are really the same dictatorship!


Royal Palace, Purple Feather Hall.

"Father Emperor, the mother, Xiao Qi is not filial. You ca n’t be filial in the future. Please also ask your father and mother to take care of yourself. Xiao Qi will pray for you in another country!" Respectfully stunned the three heads.

Murong Shuofeng had red eyes and a look of perseverance.

The queen also raised Murong Xuefei with her expression, "If you regret it, you still have time."

Murong Xuefei had a sore nose and looked up at the queen with a smile. "Thank you mother, Xiao Qi doesn't regret it."

The queen looked at Murong Xuefei with a stubborn face, sighed softly, and did not speak again.

Murong Xuefei went to her knees in front of Princess Xue, who was silently tearing, "The child is not filial."

In front of Snow Concubine, Murong Xuefei didn't say much, she just scratched her head.

After finishing three heads, Concubine Xue lifted up Murong Xuefei distressedly, watching her silent, she kept crying.

Seeing Xue Guifei crying so sadly, Murong Xuefei couldn't help crying, "Mother-in-law, don't be sad, the baby is not coming back, and the baby will come back to see you often."

No matter how coquettish Murong Xuefei coquettish, Xue Guifei just cried.

Seeing that she couldn't coax Snow Concubine, Murong Xuefei looked to Murong Yun for help.

Murong Yun looked at Murong Xuefei's poor eyes, and helplessly stepped on the shoulder of Princess Xue Xue and coaxed: "Don't do this, do you want her to feel uneasy?"

In a word, Xue Guifei shed tears in an instant.

"Be careful on the road." Xue Guifei wiped her tears while holding Murong Xuefei's hand.

"I will." Murong Xuefei nodded in tears.

"Come back often." This sentence only came out, and the tears burst back again.

"Well." Murong Xuefei couldn't help but shed tears.

"It's getting late, let her go." Murong Shuofeng opened her eyes with red eyes. He couldn't bear to see the mother and daughter cry again.

"Mother-in-law, I'm gone." Murong Xuefei wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes and looked at Xuegui with reluctance.

Xue Guifei held Murong Xuefei tightly, and went to the sedan outside before finally being forced to let go.

"Don't be willful in the future, write a letter if there is something." Xue Guifei looked at Murong Xuefei with tears in her eyes, only feeling that she had not told her daughter too much.

Murong Xuefei nodded and cried, "I know, mother, take care of you."

"Aunt rest assured, I will send Xiao Qi safely." Seeing Xue Guifei so sad, Xue Qingxi could not help coming forward and relieved.

Xue Guifei looked at Xue Qingyun gratefully, "Trouble you."

"Should." Xue Qingsong finally bowed to Concubine Xue, turned over, and led the sedan with Murong Yue and went outside the palace.

Xue Guifei looked at the sedan car that was going away, crying in Murong Yun's arms.

"Aren't you really sending it?" The queen frowned, looking at Murong Shuofeng who was silent.

Murong Shuofeng shook his head, only half a moment before he opened his eyes and said, "I'm afraid I'll grab her back."

His daughter hadn't left the palace door, his heart seemed to have been dug up, and he could take her away in person.

The sigh sighed, her eyes glanced out of the window, hoping that the child would go well in the future.

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