Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 977: never give up

"Father." Seeing the third left defeat, Zuo Fangyi immediately leaned anxiously.

"Left one." Father Zuo narrowed his eyes and finally called the final killer.

The person named was wearing an iron mask on his face and iron protective gear on his hands and feet. Only his eyes and nails were exposed.

He seemed to have been unable to hold back for a long time, and the moment Master Zuo called him, he flew onto the stage.

"Bang!" With a loud sound, the man stepped on the stage, and a strong air flow swept across the stage.

Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu, who were still in the battle, were swept off the stage, including the sixth from the left and the eighth from the left. At the same time, the second from the left who was half-dead by the fireball of Xuan Tianyan was not spared.

"Brother! Brother Xue!" Seeing Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan falling off the platform, Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling rushed over immediately.

"Master!" Song Yan also hurried over.

Nangong Sakura also stretched her neck nervously, observing Xue Qing's condition.

Everyone was frustrated by this sudden change.

"Who is this guy? It's too weird."

"This person is too good, so many people are solved in one kick."

"Good guy, it looks like it's not just Bai Ling that simple."

Everyone was curious about this sudden man.

Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan fell to the ground, both still a little bit ashamed, as if they hadn't figured out what happened?

"Are you okay?" Several people lifted them up in a mess.

"It's okay." Bai Yihan shook his head and immediately looked up at the stage.

"That man ..." Seeing that man's strange outfit, Bai Yihan frowned.

"It was he who brought you out of office." Bai Ruyue stared at the left one, with some hair in her heart.

This person is so powerful, just just stomped his elder brother and Brother Xue were swept out of office.

"The raccoon is afraid of fighting fiercely." Xue Qingxi looked at the left one, his face instantly dignified. He couldn't feel his true cultivation, this person was afraid that he was more than one order higher than him.

Mo Beichen looked at the left one on the stage and frowned frowningly.

On the arena, the **** stared at the left one solemnly. This person gave her a familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember where the familiarity came from.

All the idlers and others were swept off the arena. At this time, only the **** and the left or two were left on the arena.

On the left, he took heavy steps and walked towards the **** step by step.

Feeling the shaking of the stage, Baitan frowned slightly, immediately grabbed the fire ball of Xuan Tianyan watching the scene, and threw it at him.

The left squinted and watched the fireball flying towards him. With a wave of his robe, a strong mysterious force burst out, blocking the fireball directly.

"Oh!" Just a moment, Xuantianyan Fireball flew out like a meteor, and soon disappeared.

Beaver's brow frowned even tighter, and he slowly reached out his hand, and Xuantianyan Fire Bead returned to her hand in an instant.

Xuan Tianyan's fireball rolled in Baiju's hand, and she pinched her palm as if seeking comfort.

The white raccoon retrieved Xuan Tianyan's fireball, and raised the trench to rush to the left.

There was a flash of excitement in the left eye, and he waved a mysterious power towards Baiju. The silver beam flashed everyone's eyes instantly.

Silver spirit?

The **** was startled, and immediately turned around.

The strong silver beam flashed through her ears, and Beaver felt as if he had just seen death.

That dazzling silver mysterious power also caused an uproar in an instant.

"It's Silver Spirit!"

"Oh my god, Yunjing continent has silver spirit."

"Silver spirit has appeared, should the first **** of cloudscape be replaced?"

"The Zuo family is really a hidden dragon and a tiger. Not only there are so many Mo Ling, Bai Ling, even Yin Ling, it seems that the Bai family lost this time."

"I think Bai Juer will give up. No matter how strong her Mo Ling is, she can't beat Yin Ling."

"Yeah, give up."

"It turned out to be Yin Ling, it's over!" From the moment he saw the silver mysterious power, Bai Ruyue had no hope at all.

Silver Spirit is not as simple as a level higher than Bai Ling, but a higher level. When you promote Silver Spirit, you are promoted to the **** level. That is completely different from heaven. Mo Ling cannot win anyway Over Silver Spirit.

The **** just escaped the silver spirit, and another mysterious power split it.

She subconsciously waved the black power barrier, the ink black power hit the silver black power and was swallowed directly, and she flew out instantly.

"Oh!" The raccoon fell heavily to the ground, spitting out old blood.

"big sister!"


Everyone looked nervously at the stage.

Mo Beichen even stopped breathing. He squeezed the handle of the chair tightly and controlled not to let himself enter the arena.

"Believe her, she must have a way." Seeing Mo Beichen's face was not good, Murong Yu rarely comforted.

Mo Beichen's face was dark and dark, and he didn't relax for a moment.

Another strong mysterious force struck, and the raccoon quickly turned over and leaped, and while he ducked to avoid, he raised the trenches and stabbed to the left.

But before she approached, the iron palm took a head shot, and the white raccoon flew out like a drop.

"Bang!" There was a heavy landing again, and everyone's heart was almost broken.

"Beaver ..." Bai Qingyan's eyes were red and her heart was twisted.

"Big sister ..." Bai Ruyue was also pale, and even her lower abdomen was aching.

Mo Beichen's face was all black, and the handle of the wooden chair under his palm had broken into dregs.

Murong Shuofeng's brow frowned and was very distressed.

Beaver felt that her bones were falling apart, but she insisted to stand up.

Zuo Yi did not give Baitan a chance to breathe, and wielded mystery again.

He didn't seem to want to beat Baiju directly, as if he was playing with her on purpose, and he kept flying her.

She fell to the ground again and again, and she climbed up again and again, even if she was hurt, and even embarrassed, she stood firmly on the stage.

"Sister Don't fight, we won't fight." Bai Ruyue couldn't bear it and rushed under the stage, shouting at Baiju.

The white raccoon swallowed the sweetness in his mouth and gritted his teeth.

Want her to give up? No, she can't give up, she can't give up.

Just get him out of the office, yes, get him out of office.

The **** was thinking about the countermeasure, and an iron fist just swung over her head.

"Big sister ..." Bai Ruyue suddenly became pale and shouted immediately.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes widened, and there was only the sound of breathing in the audience.

Mo Beichen stood up stupidly and was about to fly to the stage.

Just when everyone's attention was on the iron fist, a huge hammer suddenly appeared and hit the iron fist.

"Dang!" With a bang, the hammer hit the iron fist, followed by a "click" sound of broken bones.

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