Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 946: Show affection

On the first day of the first month of the first month of the new year, the third day of the new year arrived, and a lively firecracker sounded outside.

Because of the New Year, Baitan got up early in the morning and distributed New Year red envelopes to all the people in Xifu.

Bai Ruyue also arrived in the main hall early. "Big brother-in-law, big sister, early."

"Early, your red envelope."

Beaver handed a red envelope to Bai Ruyue in a good mood.

Bai Ruyue was also not polite. After receiving the red envelope, he turned to Mo Beichen again, "Sister-in-law, should you also ..."

Bai Ruyue said to give Mo Beichen a look you know.

Mo Beichen's evil lips, he really found two red envelopes from his arms and handed them to Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue was overjoyed and immediately took two red envelopes with great interest.

The elder brother-in-law is different. One shot is two red envelopes.

"Do we have a red envelope?"

Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun walked in, cheekily.

Mo Beichen gave him a direct white look, "That's for children."

The implication is that if you have children, I will give them.

Leng Yihan smiled gently and shrugged, "You will give it sooner or later."

It means that the child will have it sooner or later.

The **** looked at the two of them and said, "Just right here, let's worship the second uncle and the second wife for a year."

The two nodded, since they were visiting guests in the government, they naturally wanted to go to the New Year.

The couple went to Dongfu to worship Bai Tingan and the second wife, and then went to Jing Hanxuan to find Bai Yihan.

"Brother, **** is early."

"Everyone is so early." Seeing everyone coming together, Qi Ziling immediately went into the room to make tea.

Zhuo Qingyun glanced at Qiong Huashu in the yard and admired: "You are really clean."

Bai Yihan smiled and greeted everyone to sit.

"Drink tea."

Qi Ziling came out and filled everyone with tea.

"It was all here, which caused me to go to Wutong Garden." As soon as a few people were seated, Yun Shaoning and Xue Qingyu came together.

Seeing Yun Shaoning and Xue Qingyu, Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly. "You are just here. I was looking for you to hang a horse."

Yun Shaoning listened, "Okay, I haven't hit for a long time, itching forehand."

Qiwen took the bird brand and happened to meet Murong Yu, so she returned to Jinghanxuan with someone.

"Why are you free today?"

Everyone was surprised when they saw Murong Yu.

Murong Xu glanced at Yun Shaoning, and shrugged his shoulders rarely: "Even the emperor is going to celebrate the New Year, not to mention I am just a prince."

In fact, he first went to Yunfu secretly, knowing that Yun Shaoning came here and followed.

The **** smiled and raised the bird card in Yang's hand and said, "It's just right, you can make two tables."

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows without a doubt and sat beside Yun Shaoning.

Xue Qingxun sat opposite Murong Xun, while Baijue sat opposite Yun Shaoning, the same configuration as last time on the boat, and even everyone's position remained the same, but this time Beaver added Mo Beichen as a guard messenger.


"Wait, I'll touch." Yun Shaoning shouted excitedly when he saw the Dongfeng hit by Murong Xuan.

Beaver's black face glanced at Murong Huan with warning, but Murong Huan didn't receive the look of Beaver, "Westerly wind."


Yun Shaoning just blossomed, and after two consecutive touches, he could draw.

Now, even Xue Qingyun's face is not good.


Another card was played, and the **** finally stared at Murong with dissatisfaction: "Hey, can't you be so obvious?"

This feeding card is too obvious, right? This show is not so good.

Yun Shaoning grabbed the north wind, and proudly knocked the cards down on the table. "Four seniors, give money."

The **** drew his eyes in a black line, for Mao she had a bad hunch to return the money that day.

A table made up of Bai Ruyue, Qi Ziling, cold and cold, and Zhuo Qingyun was in full swing.

"I won't fight."

Qi Ziling looked at the card in his hand, his face confused.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Bai Yihan sat beside Qi Ziling and played a card for her.

Bai Ruyue looked resentfully at Bai Yihan: "Why don't you teach me, I won't fight."

The typical girl does not want a sister.

Bai Yihan raised his eyes and glanced at her door. "You look at the pile of money at your door, how can I still teach me?"

Now it's three losers, and she has won the most. She is embarrassed to say that she won't.

"Haha, thanks to my two lucky cats." Bai Ruyue looked at Yinshan in front of her door and immediately blossomed.

Royal palace, imperial garden.

"Father Queen, Happy New Year!"

Murong Rong and Murong Yun had a rare collection of princes and queens, and wished Murong Shuofeng and the Queen the New Year.

"Okay, there are red envelopes." Murong Shuo smiled cheerfully, his spirit looked good.

The queen took the red envelope prepared by Nuanchun and sent it to everyone one by one, and finally two more.

Murong Lingshan looked around and frowned, "Where is the emperor?"

Murong Shuofeng also looked at the queen, "Where is the child?"

"I said I went to Baifu."

Murong Shuofeng frowned slightly. "He's been running to Baifu a few days."

The queen chuckled. "Go with him. You can't hold him forever."

These days he is tired and grieved, and he is really tired, let him go out and relax.

Murong Shuofeng raised his eyebrows, "Baijia and Qi's girl are married."

Before waiting for the queen to answer, Murong Yu rushed out and said, "Yes, the emperor went to greet his relative that day, which caused me to receive a lot of red envelopes."

Murong Shuofeng glanced at Murong Yan disapprovingly, "You are the oldest. Don't stay out in the wild all day and see which girl is suitable. Marry him early, and it's serious business to open a branch for the royal family earlier. "

He is all old, and he has no grandchildren. Is he easy?

Murong stunned for a moment, speechless.

He wants to be married, isn't that right?

Murong Shuofeng looked at Murong Xuefei and Murong Lingshan again, "Neither of you, if you like anything, tell the father, the father will help you decide."

Looking at Murong Shuofeng as if he was telling the funeral, Murong Xuefei suddenly felt a little sad.

Until now, she did not feel that her father was really old, and she no longer had the spirit of youth. Maybe she should find someone to marry, even if it was to reassure her father.

Murong Lingshan's eyes were slightly dark, and there was a flash of confusion in her eyes.

She always liked only Xue Qingyu, but unfortunately he didn't like her. Before, she never thought about marrying someone other than Xue Qingyu, but now ...

The queen glanced at Murong and several of them, and suddenly said, "Well, wait until the fifteenth day of the first month, when the Lantern Festival is held, call the unmarried ladies and sons of the family, and we will also pick them out. . "

When Murong Shuofeng heard it, his eyes lit up instantly. "That's a good idea."

Murong Yu and Murong Lingshan, Murong Xuefei, they frowned.

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