Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 932: Emperor is critically ill

"Jack! I disagree."

Murong Shuo was so full of smoke that he thought he had finally converged, but he didn't expect to wait for him here.

"Children please, please!" Murong Yan resolutely arched again.

"You ..." Murong Shuofeng stood up and tried to swear, but suddenly covered his heart and spit out a spit of blood.

"Well ..." Yin Hong's blood sprayed like raindrops, shocking everyone's hearts.


Rong Gong was shocked and immediately wanted to rush forward to support Murong Shuofeng, but was robbed first.

Murong Hui embraced Murong Shuofeng, who was in a semi-coma, and frowned at Father Rong: "What's going on?"

Rong Gong wiped the old tears anxiously: "The emperor is anxious and worried. He often has angina pectoris. It has been some days."

Murong's eyes flashed a bit of guilt, and he picked up Murong Shuofeng, and the father of Chao Rong shouted, "Quickly pass the doctor!"


Rong Gong responded and ran out immediately.

"Father Emperor!"

Murong Yun, Murong Yun, Murong Yun reacted and hurried out after Murong Yun.

Some senior officials such as Xue Qingyu and Xu Lingyang also hurried to follow.

Other officials finally reacted, all of them talking with concern.

"The emperor doesn't matter?"

"It's vomiting blood, how could it not matter?"

"The emperor was annoyed by His Royal Highness."

"What can we do now? The emperor is seriously ill, and the prince asked himself to be abolished. Zixiao is afraid it will be messy."

Fu Yan and Yu Yue walked among the officials and said, "Everyone don't have to worry, even if there is no emperor and prince, Zixiao won't mess up."

Zhou Xinji and Yu Yue looked at each other and immediately agreed: "Yeah, we have three princes, who are also capable of writing and bravery. They are brave and brave, no worse than His Royal Highness."

"Yeah, yeah, the three princes also went to Fengshen Academy before, and they are also young geniuses." Officials who didn't know all followed suit.

Soon, Murong Yu's image became taller in the hearts of the Baiguans.


When Murong Hui brought Murong Shuofeng back to the Purple Feather Hall, Murong Shuofeng was unconscious.

All the doctors in the palace were invited to the Purple Feather Hall, where they were treated for Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Huan and Rong Gonggong watched the Taihe healing in the inner hall, Murong Hao and Murong Hao, and Murong Yun were waiting in the outer hall for news.

The queen and Murong Xuefei, Murong Lingshan came first.

After the emperor was too late to ask anything, she hurried into the inner hall, while Murong Xuefei and Murong Lingshan stayed in the outer hall.

The concubine in the harem got all the news and hurried over, but they were stopped outside the Purple Feather Hall. Only Xue Guifei, Yun Fei, and Blue Concubine were put in.

Xu Xun was previously imprisoned, but this time he heard the news of Murong Shuofeng's fainting, and hurried over. The guard didn't embarrass her too much, and let her enter the Purple Feather Hall directly. .

The four entered the Purple Feather Hall, and none of them were able to enter the inner hall, and all remained in the outer hall.

Xu Yan glanced at the closed door of the inner hall and frowned, "What the **** is going on? The emperor is so good, how can he suddenly vomit blood and pass out?"

Xu Yan glanced at Murong Lingshan intentionally, apparently asking intentionally.

Murong Lingshan stared angrily at Xu Yan and did not answer.

Both Xue Guifei and Yun Fei frowned unpleasantly.

The elders did not speak, and the younger generations, Murong Ye, would not even answer, even Murong Ye did not have to answer Xu Ye.

No one paid attention to her, Xu Yan's eyes flashed a sigh of anger, and he said to himself: "How did the palace hear that the emperor was angered by the prince? If this emperor really has three long and two short, the prince is still suspected of the prince. . "

Xu Yan's words, let Murong Yan catch the corner of his lips.

is not that right? A man who kills his father may fear that he will not be able to sit on this emperor's seat.

Listening to Xu Yan's yin and yang's strange words, Murong Lingshan instantly flushed, "What are you talking about? Father Huang Mingming is still okay, I think you just want Father Huang to have something."

"This palace doesn't think so." A big hat was pushed down, Xu Yan's eyes flickered, and he immediately denied.

Murong Lingshan frowned. As soon as she was about to expose her, she listened to Concubine Xue and said, "Don't make any noise. Whoever makes the noise, go out to this palace."

Xue Guifei made a speech, Xu Yan immediately pouted and stopped talking.

Murong Lingshan stared at Xu Yan with dissatisfaction, but never spoke again.

The outer hall calmed down and everyone was anxiously waiting for the news from the inner hall.

In the inner hall, the queen anxiously looked at Murong Shuofeng who was sleepy and did not look at Murongyu next to her.

Murong Yu's face was calm, but she was also very anxious.

The doctors took turns to explore the pulse of Murong Shuofeng, all with solemn faces.

"how about it?"

"how about it?"

The mother and son asked in unison.

Doctor Liu was immediately bowing to both of them: "The emperor was anxious and aggressive, and he was too worried before, so he suddenly vomited blood and passed out."

The queen frowned frowningly and gave Murong a cold look.

Murong's eyes flickered lightly, and she lowered her eyes in guilt.

"Is the emperor seriously ill?" The queen looked diligently at Liu Yizheng.

Dr. Liu Zhengzheng said solemnly: "The emperor has already had the precursor of a stroke. This disease needs to be recuperated. Don't worry about it anymore. If you faint again, you may lose your illness."

The queen was startled, frowning frowningly: "So serious, is there no cure?"

Murong Ye also frowned, and even suffered a stroke, why was it so serious all of a sudden?

"Shu Weichen is incompetent." Doctor Liu looked up guiltily.

"Go and prescribe it." The queen frowned and waved.


Doctor Liu was about to take it, and led a group of elder doctors to go out, and then listened to the queen: "The emperor's condition is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone, and only the emperor is harmless."

"The ministers understand."

Everyone responded.

As soon as the doctors left, Murong Shuofeng woke up.

"you're awake?"

The queen immediately went to the bed and looked at Murong Shuofeng with joy.

Murong Shuofeng was a little confused, so he fixed his mind before he could see the queen. What he thought of, he anxiously grabbed the queen's hand, "Where's the child?"

Feeling Murong Shuofeng's nervousness, the queen patted his hand distressedly and said softly, "He is here."

Hearing Murong Shuofeng call him, Murong Yue immediately walked to the bed, "I am."

Murong Shuo stared at Murong Min with a firm voice, and said with a hoarse voice, "Do you really want to be a prince?"

Murong's eyes flickered lightly. Before he could speak, the queen calmly looked at Murong Shuofeng and said, "How can I, if he dares not to be a prince, I will not break his leg."

The queen said coldly and blindfolded Murong.

Murong chilled his spine and pulled his lips stiffly. "I'm kidding."

"That's good." Murong Shuo breathed a sigh of relief and murmured softly.

The queen chuckled and patted him with a smile, "You can rest assured that you are sleeping, and you will rest assured that the state is in the hands of the children."

Murong Shuofeng nodded silently and closed his eyes again.

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