Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 909: Do not have children

Dongfu, Xiyuan.

After the doctor had finished the pulse for Auntie Flower, Auntie Flower went to grind Bai Ting'an again. situation……"

Bai Ting frowned, "You said she was ill?"

Is she sick? When did he know nothing about it?

Auntie Hua's face was hard to look at, but the point she wanted to make was not that the woman was ill.

Bai Tingan turned to look at the doctor who packed the medicine box, nervously, "when did your wife get sick?"

"Last night." The doctor turned back. "Mrs. has had a bad head again, and the old slave has already prepared the soup, which is not a problem."

last night? It was he who went to her, so she became ill.

Bai Ting'an's eyes flashed with guilt, and he hurried to Qionghuayuan.

Seeing Bai Ting'an just left, Auntie Hua hurriedly shouted behind him, "Second Lord, don't forget Baotai Dan."

Bai Ting'an didn't look back, and Auntie Hua didn't know whether he had heard it or not, and suddenly stomped.

Bai Ting'an was gone, and the doctor was inconvenient to stay for a long time. He said hello to Auntie Hua, and then carried away the medicine box.

Auntie Hua sat angrily at the table and looked at Baozhi said, "What about Miss Four?"

Baozhi looked at the courtyard and said, "It seems to be back just now. I don't know where to go now?"

Auntie Flower gritted her teeth instantly.

It must be that there is no need to go to elixir, it is really useless waste.

Zhen Liu came in with the newly prepared fertility-preventing pill. "Auntie, the pill-preparation pill is ready. Do you want to drink it while it is still hot or let it cool down?"

Auntie Hua frowned at the fetal pill on Jan Liu's hand and waved disgustedly, "Drop."

"Ah?" Zhen Liu stared blankly at Aunt Hua as if she didn't understand her.

Auntie Hua stared grimly, and said unpleasantly, "Don't understand? Pour it out."


Seeing Auntie Hua getting angry, Zhen Liu immediately wobbled out the miscarriage.

Auntie Hua narrowed her eyes angrily, so she shouldn't drink this kind of poor-quality tire-preventing medicine.

Bai Tingan hurriedly entered Qionghua Garden.

"Second Lord." Siqin, ink painting they saw Bai Tingan, and quickly bowed down to salute.

Bai Ting'an glanced at them and said, "Where is your lady?"

Shiqin bowed. "The county owner just gave his wife a needle. The lady is resting in the room."

Bai Tingan lowered his eyes and went directly into the room.

Seeing Bai Tingan coming in, Shan Yan quickly stepped forward, lowered his voice and called, "Second Lord."

Bai Tingan frowned, and waved her out.

Dan Yan looked worriedly at the second lady in his eyes, and bowed down.

Last night, the lady had a headache and didn't sleep all night. Today, she managed to give the county master a needle and just fell asleep. I just hope that the second elder can stop being angry with his wife.

Bai Ting'an went inside, looking at the tired face of Mrs. Er, and her guilt was even worse.

Knowing that she was ill, he shouldn't shook her face.

Just when Bai Ting'an entered the house, the second lady woke up. At this moment, he felt that he had been staring at her and opened her eyes.

Seeing her awake, Bai Tingan quickly sat beside the bed, "Why did I wake up, did I wake you up?"

The second lady shook her head and glanced at Bai Ting'an Road, "Are you asking me something?"

Bai Tingan flushed, and said, "I heard that you are ill, I'll come and see you."

He had been in Xiyuan before, and no one told him she was ill, otherwise he should have come.

"It's okay, the raccoon came and gave me a needle. I'm much better." The second lady was light and windy, and did not mean to blame.

At the second lady's mention of Baijuan, Bai Ting'an's eyes flashed, "Shejuan ..."

After waiting for Bai Ting'an to finish, the second lady directly interrupted him, "If you want to ask her for a fetal pill, you can speak for yourself, I won't open this mouth."

Seeing that Mrs. Er did not show him mercy at all, Bai Ting'an's face was a little hard to look at once, "You don't want to do this, the doctor said that her baby is very unstable and a bit dangerous ..."

"What does that have to do with me?" The second lady interrupted Bai Tingan impatiently.

She would rarely be so tough. Even if she was unhappy before, she would ignore him at most, but this time, he really broke her heart.

He knew that he had been ill because of him last night, and now he angered her again. He thought she was too long and wanted to anger her.

The second lady's tough attitude also caused Bai Tingan to be unhappy.

Her unreasonable words made him think she was not sensible. But thinking that she was sick, his heart softened again.

Bai Tingan took a deep breath, "She said that the child will be raised in your name afterwards. This is also your child. You can't be more forgiving."

The second lady stayed for a moment and looked at Bai Tingan in disbelief. "You want that woman's child to be raised in my name."

Bai Tingan thought she was very happy and immediately said, "Yeah, she agreed, and I happened to have this idea too, when we ..."

"She dreams!" The second lady stunned before waiting for Bai Ting'an to finish talking, and glared at Bai Ting'an, "She's a **** who wants to be raised in my name, it's crazy. I will never agree. "

All of them thought that she didn't speak, so she was bullying, but she was pregnant with an unknown male and female, and she wanted to hit her. Is it true that she was dead?

"You ..." Bai Ting'an was instantly annoyed by the second lady, and just when she was about to speak, she was forced back by her.

"I tell you, Bai Tingan, if you want to take care of the woman ’s child as a supporter, then you can rest me. I ’ll make room for her. Does n’t she just want to be a wife and her son to be a sister-in-law? I give her a place, you let her come. "

Bai Ting'an was immediately stunned by the string of remarks of the second lady. He frowned and explained, "When did she say she was going to be a lady? You misunderstood ..."

The second lady sneered dismissively. "She wants her son to be a bitch, doesn't she just want to be a wife?"

It wasn't like a day or two for that actor to play in this position. If she really wanted to sit in this position, she could fulfill her.

Seeing Mrs. Er saying Hua Auntie like this, Bai Tingan was upset again.

"She is grateful to you. Besides, this is not without incident. How many people in the imperial city have not fostered their sister-in-law in the name of their mother?"

Many mothers and mothers also voluntarily asked to raise a sister-in-law. How could it be so difficult to get to her?

The second lady stared politely, "I don't care about other people's affairs, anyway, I don't have other children."

If she was as vicious as the hostess of other people, did he think she would quarrel with him here? She has hundreds of ways to keep the kid from giving birth to the show.

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