Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 844: He should be returning to the land of God


There was a sound of horseshoes behind him, but Zhuo Qingyun turned back in surprise.

"Zhuangzhuang!" Ye Lin rolled over and dismounted, rushing to Zhuo Qingyun, anxiously, "Are you all right?"

"Is it you?" Seeing Ye Lin clearly, Zhuo Qingyun was disappointed and took two steps.

Looking at the shaky Zhuo Qingyun, Ye Lin quickly stepped forward to support him, "What happened, are you all right?"

Zhuo Qingyun murmured with red eyes, "He's gone? I just go get some water and he's gone ..."

Ye Lin frowned. "Are you talking about the Blue God Doctor?"

Zhuo Qingyun grabbed his jacket by excitement and shouted, "Lan Yuyu is gone, he is gone."

Ye Lin was frightened by Zhuo Qingyun and shouted, "He may be returning to Xianhu Palace, or returning to Fengshen Seminary ..."

Zhuo Qingyun's eyes brightened, and she suddenly left Ye Lin and turned over.

By the time Ye Lin came back to God, Zhuo Qingyun had shot on the horse.

"Zhuangzhuang!" Ye Lin quickly chased after him, but Zhuo Qingyun's speed was too fast, and soon disappeared.

Ye Lin stared blankly at Zhuo Qingyun's back.

what is happening? When was the owner with the blue **** doctor? He didn't find the Blue Doctor at all yesterday.

Was the bride who was carried into the room by the owner last night the Blue God?

Ye Lin seemed to understand a big event, and her whole body was brightened.

No wonder the owner was so excited last night, but now that Lan Shenyi is with the owner, why did he leave suddenly?

Ye Lin returned to Banyue Shanzhuang in the mist in the clouds, and happened to meet Old Lady Zhuo to seek someone.

Ye Lin naturally didn't dare to say anything, no matter what the old lady asked, she didn't know all the answers, but she was so angry.

The old lady was anxious and angry, and quickly sent someone to find her grandson and grandson.

When Zhuo Qingyun ran all the way to Xianhu Palace, it was already dawn.

When the goalkeeper saw Zhuo Qingyun, he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Is he right? This is Zhuo Zhuang, right? Did n’t Zhuo Zhuang get married yesterday? It's too early.

Before the disciple came back, Zhuo Qingyun rushed into Xianhu Palace in a stride.

The disciple didn't stop him either. The owner of Zhuo Zhuang had a good relationship with his own palace owner, and the palace kept his room intentionally.

"Lan Yuyu!"

Zhuo Qingyun first ran to Lan Yuyu's room, and searched inside and outside the room, but no one was found. Zhuo Qingyun's heart of hope grew cold.

Lan Yuyu ...

Zhuo Qingyun squeezed her fist tightly and rushed out again.

"Bang Bang! Bang Bang!"

The manic clapping of the door made the **** cover his head.

Watching Baiju wake up, Mo Beichen frowned and got out of bed to open the door.

"Is it you?" Mo Beichen frowned even more so when she saw Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun went directly into the room and grabbed Mo Beichen's sleeve. "Did you see Lan Yuyu? Did he come back?"

Mo Beichen frowned doubtfully, wasn't Lan Yanyu with him?

Inside, Baitan heard Zhuo Qingyun's voice, and sat up suddenly from the bed, and ran out without wearing shoes. "Isn't Lan Yanyu with you?"

Zhuo Qingyun explained anxiously, "Last night we were together. In the morning he asked me to fetch water, and when I went back, he disappeared."

The **** blinked blinkingly, stayed together last night, and disappeared in the morning. What does this mean?

When Mo Beichen saw that the **** ran without a coat and shoes, he frowned and hugged the person back.

Put on her coat and shoes before letting her go out.

Outside, Zhuo Qingyun was in a hurry.

The **** wanted to hold him back so that he didn't turn around, thinking that he was allergic to women, he retracted his hand.

The **** looked at Zhuo Qingyun and said calmly, "Did you force him to do something bad?"

Zhuo Qingyun's face turned white, then she shook her head and said, "I didn't. If he didn't want him to say it, I wouldn't force him."

More than once last night, he never refused him once, so he only made a noise all night. Is it because of what happened last night that he had to leave.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's face firm, Baijuan frowned in doubt.

It seems that the two had a relationship last night, but Lan Yanyu should not be unwilling. After all, the shameful thing of Baitang was done for Zhuo Qingyun, what else is unwilling, but why he suddenly left Is it?

Mo Beichen frowned, "Will it be Huifeng Theological Seminary?"

Zhuo Qingyun rushed out.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen immediately followed.

The three rushed to Fengshen Mountain in a hurry, without breathing.

At Fengshen College, the three went straight to Tianjifeng again.

Bu Yangzi, who practiced swords on the peak, saw the three of them returning and flew over immediately. "How did you come back?"

The **** ran over, "Master, did you see Lan Yuyu?"

Bu Yangzi frowned puzzledly, "Boy Lan?"

"Um." Baitan nodded.

Zhuo Qingyun also asked anxiously, "Has he just returned?"

Bu Yangzi shook his head. "No, I was practicing sword here when I was young. Didn't I see the blue boy coming back?"

Zhuo Qingyun sank in a sudden heart, and quickly flew to the mountain opposite.

Baiju and Mo Beichen followed suit.

Bu Yangzi frowned as he watched a few people hurriedly back, what happened?

Zhuo Qingyun pushed open Lan Yuyu's room, and there was nothing in the room at a glance.

Zhuo Qingyun walked in unhurriedly, and searched again and again, and searched every corner, but still nothing.

The **** glanced at the empty room and frowned. "Don't look for it, it seems he has never been back."

Zhuo Qingyun leaned against the wall in despair, slipped slowly, and covered her red eyes with her hands.

Watching the tears flowing from his fingertips, the **** frowned, trying to comfort, but couldn't say a word.

"He's really gone, and just leave that letter and leave. Where does he leave me?" The hoarse voice was sad and unspeakable.

The **** frowned. "You said he left a letter for you?"

After a while, Zhuo Qingyun raised her flushed eyes and found a letter from her arms and handed it to Baiju.

Looking at the pinched letter, Beaver frowned, and still took it over.

After reading the letter, Bai Tan also got wet eyes, and at the same time distressed Zhuo Qingyun, she also felt blue distress.

She thought they could be together happily, but it was so cruel.

He should have made the plan long ago, and did so boldly yesterday.

The **** took a deep breath and returned the letter in his hand to Zhuo Qingyun, "He should be returning to the **** continent."

Zhuo Qing frowned frantically. "Look at the continent?"

The **** licked his lips. "The continent of God is another continent other than the continent of cloudscape."

Zhuo Qingyun stood up timidly, "I'm going to find him."

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