Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 827: You can go if you can

Beaver also frowned and looked at Dong Ming.

Based on her understanding of Dong Ming, he couldn't leave the woman with such carelessness.

Luo Qi's expectant eyes, and the beaver's trusted eyes, made Dong Ming feel the pressure.

Dong Ming lowered his eyes in embarrassment and frowned.

He never thought about leaving Xianhu Palace and leaving the palace owner, but he didn't want to give up Qimei, a person he had been waiting for more than ten years.

Seeing Dong Ming's hesitant look, Luo Qi started to be sour again.

What happened to the second brother? He never did this before. No matter what happened before, he would stand by her for the first time, but now he can't make a decision.

Looking at the embarrassment on the opposite side, Baitan could not bear it anyway, she sighed and looked at Luo Qi, "I can let him go."

Dong Ming lifted his eyes and looked at the **** incredulously.

Does the palace owner want him?

Suddenly, Dong Ming felt very uncomfortable as if he had blocked a big rock.

Wu Xun and Ping Xing, who were standing outside the gate, also stunned instantly.

What does Gongzhu mean? Why do you suddenly have to leave the army, and what do they do?

Luo Qi also looked at the **** in surprise, this woman would let them go so kindly.

Looking at Luo Qi's inquiring gaze, Bai Xixie hooked his lips, "I have a condition."

As soon as Luo Qi's eyes were cold, she knew that this woman would not be so kind.


The **** looked at Luo Qi's delicate little face and raised an eyebrow. "You must marry him. After you become married, I will let you go."

Although this woman has a bad temper, she still has a face to look at and still has some abilities. Dong Ming's vision is not bad.

After hearing Baird's conditions, Dong Ming and Luo Qi were shocked.

Dong Ming never thought that Baitan would raise such a condition.

The palace master was afraid that he could see his mind, and deliberately fulfilled him. Dong Ming's heart was completely confused and he felt guilty.

Luo Qi glanced at Dong Ming, his face reddish, "What do you say?"

The **** raised his eyebrows, "Of course, my **** is always a promise."

Luo Qi nodded and took Dong Ming's hand, "Okay, then I will marry my second brother tomorrow."

Dong Ming looked reddishly at Luo Qi, a heart pounding because of tension.

The **** chuckled, "Okay, I'll arrange the wedding. I'll let you go tomorrow when I'm married."

"The lord of the palace ..."

Dong Ming looked at the **** and spoke with difficulty. What he wanted to say was like a thousand dollars. He couldn't say anything.

The **** patted Dong Ming's shoulder calmly. "Don't be burdened, be a groom officer."

The **** said, he pulled Mo Beichen out of the room together.

The **** looked at Wu Xun and Ping Xingdao who were standing at the door. "You heard it, and the military division and your seven-headed wedding are up to you."

"Yes." The two immediately responded.

Baici hooked his lips. "Go to the account room to pay for the silver. It's fun for me."

Wu Yan and Xing Xing looked at each other and laughed together, "Subordinates do this."

In the room, Dong Ming absentmindedly packed the room.

Luo Qi embraced him gently from behind, with some grievances, "Second brother, don't you want to marry me?"

Dong Ming turned back and immediately patted Luo Qi's hand comfortably. "No, don't think about it."

Luo Qi burst into tears, how could she not think about it, he was unwilling to leave with her, and now she was so unhappy to marry her, she wondered if she had been wrong for so many years.

As if feeling something, Dong Ming turned around and saw her tearful eyes. He immediately kissed her eyes distressedly. "Fool, how could I not want to marry you, you don't know how long I waited for this day."

Luo Qi felt sweet and looked up at him shyly, "Do you like me?"

The lips moved to her lips, pecked lightly, and teased, "Since you were seven years old, I have been guarding you like a jade for you. Until now, you say I like or dislike you."

He was ten years older than her. He had waited for her for thirteen years. He never expected to marry her, but he was willing to keep it for her.

Luo Qi's face flushed, her hands hooked around his neck, and he looked at him with scorching, "Second Brother, I love you."

She tiptoeed and put on her red lips.

Dong Ming's body was stiff, and the soft touch spread from his lips to the tip of his tongue before he finally woke up.

He took her in his arms with one hand, held her head in one hand, and kissed her eagerly.

Dong Ming quickly turned to be a guest, and kissed Luo Qi without a teacher.

For a long time, Dong Ming held Luo Qi's soft body and stopped reluctantly.

"Breathe." Dong Ming looked at the person who flushed in his arms with compassion.

Luo Qi lay softly in Dong Ming's arms, yelling loudly.

After a long while, she took it easy, raised her eyes and tugged at his beard, "Shave it off."

"Okay." Dong Ming responded pettifully.

Not to mention shaving, it is estimated that Luo Qi asked him to die, and he would die without hesitation.

Luo Qi pinched Dong Ming's neck and muttered, "I'm getting married tomorrow, I'm a little nervous."

Dong Ming smiled and kissed her slightly sloppy lips, "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

"Well." Luo Qi smiled and nodded, buried in his arms.

The two of them loved each other, and the disciples at the Fairy Fox Palace completely drove them out. Even the members of the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps came to help.

"Master Dong Jun is so blessed, I heard that it is a beauty." A mercenary looked at the disciples of Xianhu Palace enviously.

The disciple raised his eyebrows proudly. "That is, our seven parents are marked as Deco, but our military division is also very good."

Another disciple also answered, "Yeah, when Dong Junshi was in the cottage before, he was the first beautiful man in the cottage."

The mercenaries narrowed their eyes in a black line, "No, are you talking about Dong Jun division?"

The bearded face is still the first beautiful man in the cottage, right?

The disciple said while he was sticking the hi word, "Why not, Master Dong Jun just doesn't like to take care of himself. It was very good when there were not so many beards before."

"Really? Why am I a little unbelieving?" The mercenary pouted in disbelief.

The two disciples stared at each other and laughed, "Believe it or not, look at you when you are married."

This is going to be married, and Dong Junshi should shave his beard, otherwise the bride can't stand it at night.

Wu Yan came over and looked at the people who were laughing and laughing, frowning. "They gave me all the arrangements, and the palace owner said that the wedding must be done well."

The couple immediately responded with a smile, "You can rest assured that we will arrange it properly."

This is not the first time for their fairy fox palace to do a happy event. They have experience, and their military division is finally about to marry a wife. How could they be careless?

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