Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 806: Bing Lincheng

The beavers soon touched the first courtyard where people were closed. Because the sky was a bit bright, they could tell their position at a glance.

Cao Yue crawled out of the secret path with careless hands and feet. After confirming that there was no danger, he pulled the **** out, and the ten elites behind him quickly climbed out of the secret path.

The raccoon walked lightly to the front yard.

In the front yard, the guarded soldiers either dozed off sitting or standing, and some directly slept asleep against the earth wall.

The **** glanced at them and waved a gold needle directly.

"Beep", those people didn't know anything, they died in the dream.

The mercenaries behind Beaver were stunned by her.

I always knew that the head of their team was extremely high, but did not expect that a golden needle could make people die silently, and it was indeed unfathomable.

Even when the mercenaries were shocked, the **** still retracted the golden needle.

The **** waved his hand, and everyone immediately noticed, and came forward to chop the locks.

The people who were asleep in the room were awake when they heard the movement.

Some people started crying, some people were shaking, some people were protecting the old people around them, some people were hugging the old children around them.

Four rooms in the courtyard were quickly smashed open, and the people in the room were screaming with horror.

The **** frowned, entering one of the rooms and saying, "Calm down, we are here to save people."

The room was very dark and everyone could not see the appearance of the beaver, but the voice of the clear spirit calmed everyone down.

"Are you really here to save us?" A young man spoke boldly.

The **** nodded. "Yes, we will not only save you, but the people in the city."

The people in the room were excited when they heard the words, "Thank you."

The **** lip whispered, and said softly, "Now invite you to enter the secret road with us, please everyone as quietly as possible, so as not to alarm the patrol guards."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

"Let's go."

Beaver was the first to leave the room.

All the people in the room followed lightly.

People in the other rooms were also out of Cao Yue's comfort.

Beavers, they brought people to the entrance of the secret passage, and let them line up one by one into the secret passage.

When everyone entered the path, Baijue and Cao Yue entered the path.

The **** glanced at the two mercenaries at the front and lowered his voice. "You two take them out of the secret passage first."

The two men bowed, and took the rescued people back.

The **** was carrying the others forward.

Several people have been able to save several groups in a row, and others have rescued many people instantly.

More and more people were rescued, and the outside guards took everyone directly to the fairy fox palace.

Zhao Yijun saw Zhao's mother escorted up and ran away in surprise and joy. "Mother, are you okay?"

Mother Zhao smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine. Jiner saved us."

Zhao Yijun's eyes were red and he hugged his mother, "You're fine."

Cao Yue finally met his father-in-law and mother-in-law here.

"Yueer." Master Li and Lin's looked at Cao Yue incredibly.

Cao Yue saw that they were also a joy, and immediately ran over and said, "Father-in-law, you are all right."

Lin immediately shook his head. "It's all right, how is Xinyue?"

Cao Yue appeased, "Xinyue is all right, but I'm worried about you."

Hearing that Li Xinyue was not arrested, Lin and Master Li were relieved at the same time.

"Father-in-law, follow me, I'll send you out."

Cao Yue said, looking at the other people again, "Everyone move lightly and leave here with me."

The crowd nodded and followed Cao Yue out.


As soon as everyone left the room, they met a team of soldiers who had to change shifts.

The people turned pale in a moment.

Cao Yue, while protecting the people around him, let the mercenaries next to him lead them away.

The beaver's eyes flickered, his right hand flung, and dozens of gold needles flew directly to the soldiers.

Only a moment later, that group of soldiers fell to the ground and died.

"Hurry up."

Everyone hurried into the secret passage together.

Cao Yue looked at Master Li and Lin's Road, "Father-in-law, you go out with them first."

Lin quickly hurried to Cao Yue, "Aren't you going with us?"

Cao Yue shook his head. "I have to save others. You go first, rest assured that I will be fine."

Seeing that Cao Yue was unwilling to leave, Master Li had to pull Lin's away.

The **** looked at the others and frowned. "We will soon be exposed and we must rescue the others as soon as possible."

Several of them nodded heavily, and now it was dawn, and shifts would take place everywhere, and they would soon notice the strangeness of the guards.

The **** took out the map and looked at it, frowning. "There are still four places. Everyone breaks up and goes to one place. Be sure to save everyone before they are prepared."


Several people responded and immediately split up.

Just as the beavers thought, the guards were killed outside because of shifts, and the rescue of the hostages had been discovered. The soldiers in the city were in chaos instantly.

A teenager anxiously pulled over the soldiers around him, "Hurry up, report to the general, the hostages have disappeared."


The soldier answered immediately, turned and ran to find Fang Qi.

Fang Qi was surprised when she heard the news, and stared, "What is disappearing, how can a person disappear for no reason."

The soldier swallowed and stammered, "It really disappeared, the guards in the yard are dead."

Fang Qi immediately thought of something, and said anxiously, "Hurry up and see if the people in other places have been robbed. You must not let them succeed again."


Feeling the situation was serious, the soldier immediately ran out.

Fang Qi clenched her fists, her eyes full of panic.

Those people must have unknowingly removed people from the secret passage. It is estimated that the gunpowder barrels in the secret passage should now be completely cleared.

Fang Qi was relieved, but she was too nervous.

If the city owner knew that he had lost the hostages and gunpowder barrel, he would be dead. If he did not report, he would be dead when the city owner knew it in the future.

So whether this matter is reported to the city owner or not, he is dead.

Fang Qi was tangled for a while, and he was still ready to report. No matter what, he was considered to have saved the people of the city and the lives of the 100,000 soldiers.

Fang Qi had just arrived in Zhongjie, and a young man hurriedly came to report, "The general is bad, someone has attacked the city."

Fang Qi's face changed, and she raised her heart violently.

Fang Qi depressed the panic in her heart and turned to tell the young man, "Hurry and tell everyone to come to the city gate and defend the city."


The teenager answered, and immediately called out.

Fang Qi took a deep breath and hurriedly ran into the city's main mansion.

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