Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 471: His uncle is not close to women

Chapter 471: His Uncle Is Not Close to Women

As soon as a few people came out, they saw Nangong Huang and Nangong Ying.

When she saw Nangong Huang, Bai Ruyue's eyes lighted up, she immediately wanted to run over, but when she saw Nangong Ying next to him, she was stunned again.

Nangong Huang and Nangong Ying said something and came over.

Seeing Nangong Huang coming, Bai Ruyue's younger daughter ran forward.

"Nangong Huang, I didn't qualify."

Bai Ruyue pouted his mouth, pulled his sleeve resentfully, and fluttered coquettishly.

Baijue looked at Bai Ruyue blankly.

This girl was just happy, and when Nangong Huang came, she looked like this again.

Bai Yihan also had a dark face.

Nangong Huang's eyes flashed a pamper, and she wanted to hug Bai Ruyue, but because of the large number of people, she could only pinch her small face comfortably. "It doesn't matter, you are already very good."


Bai Ruyue raised her eyes, her eyes staring at Nangong Huang.


Nangong Huang nodded seriously.

What came to mind, Bai Ruyue pouted again, "Why didn't you watch my game today?"

Nangong Huang's eyes flickered softly. "I've been here, I've been here just now."

It's just that Sister Huang is here, and he is inconvenient to come over.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows, and instantly understood the meaning of Nangong Huang, secretly glanced at Nangong Ying across from her eyes, wondering if she should say hello.

Nangong Ying originally didn't want to come over, but thought that she had taken three bottles of Hao Yuandan before, thinking that since she had accepted her love, she would never see her, but she had not seen her, so she came over.

"Congratulations to the Lord of Allure County for his promotion."

Nangong Sakura smiled and arched her hand at the beaver.

The Beaver responded politely, "Tong Xi."

Nangong Sakura's eyes flickered lightly, and she was still in trouble. "Thank you for the medicine from the Lord of Qingcheng County."

Beaver chuckled and chuckled, "It's all my own family, don't be polite."

Nangong Sakura naturally understood the meaning of the beaver, but did not answer any more, but looked at Nangong Huangdao with a cold face, "Huanger, we are going back."

Hearing Nangong Ying's voice, Bai Ruyue looked at Nangong Huang, "You go back first, I'll find you later."


A joy in Nangong Huang's heart, he nodded and followed Nangong Ying.

Bai Yihan looked at the back of the two and frowned, "Do you think she will agree with their relationship?"

The **** demon's eyes narrowed, "I'm afraid that Nangong Huang's family affairs cannot be decided by her."

This Nangong Huang is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Even the average princess is worthy of him, not to mention the situation today, the Queen of the Qing Dynasty is afraid that it is impossible to marry him.

Bai Yihan naturally understood, and there was a flash of worry in his eyes.

The white **** turned around and saw the dull Bai Ruyue, and immediately coughed softly, "There is nothing absolute, things are artificial, you are still young, maybe the situation is completely different in two years?"


Bai Ruyue pulled the corner of her lips and nodded.

No matter what happens in the future, she must be with Nangong Huang.

Bai Yihan raised his hand and touched Bai Ruyue's head lovingly. "Go back and practice more. Don't forget your original intention to come to Fengshen."


Bai Ruyue's eyes flashed lightly, and she nodded seriously.

Brother and older sister are worried about her, she can't worry them anymore.

Baitan raised his eyes. "Everyone go back to rest, they all have to play tomorrow."

The crowd nodded and dispersed.

Bai Ruyue didn't return to Green Shadow Peak and went directly to Huang Qifeng.

"You came."

Seeing Bai Ruyue, Nangong Huang came over with joy.

Bai Ruyue flew into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Nangong Huang froze for a moment, then worried, "What happened?"

"No, I just want to hug you."

Bai Ruyue shook her head and hugged Nangong Huang tighter.

Nangong Huang's lips angle was light, and she also hugged Bai Ruyue, and froze gently in her hair.

Zixia Peak.

Seeing Bai Tan sitting by the window, Mo Beichen went to her and sat down.

"What are you thinking?"

Mo Beichen reached out and took Baitan into his arms.

The **** pursed his lips and pursed his chest. "Nothing, I just think I'm too happy, and I'm so unreal."

Xue Fei and Leng Yihan came along all the way, and they were very sad. I don't know what suffering will be waiting for them.

Ruyue and Nangong Huang are also very hard. Can they talk about whether they can be together in the future?

Murong Ye and Yun Shaoning, it is not easy to come together, I am afraid it will be more difficult in the future.

Only she and A Mo went smoothly, always making her feel uneasy. She was afraid that they would go through trials like Xue Fei and Ru Yue.

Mo Beichen's deep eyes shook gently, and he patted Bai's head calmly, "Don't think about it."

No one knows what will happen in the future. What they can do now is to cherish the present.

Bai Tan sighed silently and hugged Mo Beichen.

Regardless of the future, at least they are happy at this moment.

The next day, because he was going to participate in the game, the **** still got up early.

After a brief grooming, he went out with Mo Beichen.

When they arrived at the main square, they met Xue Yan and Yu Wenbo.

"Sister Bai, Brother Mo."

Seeing Baiju and Mo Beichen, the two immediately greeted him actively.

The **** looked at Yu Wenbai's face and chuckled, "Brother Yu is wonderful."

Yu Wenbai heard the words, and immediately nodded, "Okay, thank you, Master Bai, for your medicine. It's so easy to use."

As soon as he used the medicine, he clearly felt that his injuries had improved.

Baici hooked his lips, "Brother Yu will be fine if he is fine."

Bei Yiyang also walked over and saw Bai Tan and Mo Beichen running upside down immediately.

"Photo ... Brother Mo, Sister Bai is early."

Baitan could not help but twitched her lips when she heard the white sister.

Bai Tan whispered to Bei Yiyang and said, "Brother Bei will call me Brother Bai in the future. Brother and sister, listen awkwardly."

He apparently entered the college earlier than them, but he wanted to call his sister, which was really awkward.


Bei Yiyang stared at Mo Beichen with a look of embarrassment.

This is the sister-in-law of the princess. He gritted his teeth, maybe he really called it, but this is called the master of the regent, and he couldn't even say that.

Xue Yan looked at the time and said, "Chen Shi is almost here, let's go to Chihong Peak together."

"it is good."

The **** nodded and went down to Zixia Peak with a few people.

Bei Yiyang was relieved and followed in silence.

"All three of you have been promoted. You may meet Brother Zuo today. Be careful then."

Xue Yan worried as he stepped down the stone steps.

Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly, pinching the heart-burning sword in his hand.

Well, Zuo Yuqing, sooner or later she has to face up.

Either today or tomorrow, she will always play against him.

Bei Yiyang raised his eyebrows indifferently.

Even if he had no fear of Shang Zuo Yuqing, anyway, he didn't want to be a first disciple, and did his best to not humiliate Mo Xue and Beijia.

Yu Wenbai gave a straight pout, "I'm going to meet Brother Zuo, and I'll just give in."

He has a few pounds and a few pounds, and he knows that if he is facing Zuo Yuqing, it will definitely not beat him. Instead of dying, he might as well give in early.

Xue Yan glanced at Yu Wenbai with a speechless expression, "Nothing."


Yu Wenbai stared grimly, angrily, "You have a chance, you come."

Xue Yan pouted, "I happened to meet Brother Xiang yesterday, otherwise I would not lose."

Yu Wenbo sneered dismissively, "Who will you lose if you meet? Even Ren Tianheng, who just arrived, is not a simple character."

Xue Yan said with a stubborn irritation, "You dare to look down on me. Now I don't have general knowledge with you. After the disciples have finished the competition, we are like a match. If we lose, we will give you a night pot. You dare not compare.

"Biaobi, who is afraid of who?"

Yu Wenbai is also welcome.

Although he couldn't compare to Zuo Yuqing, Xue Yan, he couldn't be afraid.

Looking at the boyish two, Baitan couldn't help but twitch his lips.

They all said that the apprentice was like a master, and the two disciples, Elder Tu, looked like him.

Xue Yan turned to look at Baiju, "Sister Bai, you say who of us will win."

Before waiting for the **** to speak, Yu Wenbai scrambled to say, "Do you still need to ask, it must be me to win."

Xue Yan stared. "If you can't win, you'll know it better."

A few people were laughing and laughing, all the way down, and soon reached the Chihong Peak.

There are still a lot of people at Chihong Peak. Whether it is a game or a watcher, they are crowded on the field.

Baici saw Murong Xuefei and Bai Ruyue all the time.


"big sister."

Murong Xuefei and Bai Ruyue also watched Baiju, and they beckoned together.

The **** came over with a smile, "You came early enough."

Murong Xuefei chuckled, "We have just arrived for a while."

"I don't need to play today. I'm here to cheer you on."

Bai Ruyue smiled and held up Beaver's arm. "Not only me, but the disciples in the yellow character class are here."

"The monitor."

As soon as Bai Ruyue's words fell, Ran Yun and they all ran over.

The **** narrowed his eyes with a black line.

It's really coming.

"咚 ... 咚 ..."

The clock rang, and the disciples calmed down instantly.

Bai Tan glanced at Yu Fengling among the crowd. "Yu Fengling, don't you want to play today, too?"

Yu Wenbo heard the words and stared sternly, "Uncle, have you been promoted?"

Yu Fengling glanced at Yu Wenbai coolly before turning to look at Baiju said, "I'll go first."

After Yu Fengling spoke, he turned and entered the field on the left.

"I'll cheer for Brother Yu."

Tao Yilei said a little red face, then followed Yu Fengling and ran away.

Yu Wenbo stared blankly at the back of Yu Fengling and Tao Yilei.

Does this girl like Uncle?

But his uncle is not close to a woman, it's a waste. He looks so beautiful, why no woman likes him.

Soon, Elder Yuan went to the high stage.

"When the time is up, the competition officially begins. The eight disciples who were promoted yesterday, please come and draw."

Baitan took Murong Xuefei to the lottery.

Because there are only eight people, there is no line up, and everyone draws a lot from that lot.

Beaver looked at the number on the bamboo stick and raised his eyebrow.

Murong Xuefei came over and saw the number on the Baitanzhu sign and blinked.

Fortunately, they did not match.

After the draw, everyone stepped down together.

Elder Yuan glanced at the crowd and exclaimed, "Please ask disciple No. 1 to take the stage to compete."

The white raccoon held the bamboo stick and flew directly to the arena. Some people also flew up.

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