Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 444: After the storm, there is a rainbow

Chapter 444 After the storm, it is the rainbow

The horror of screams led to confusion among the people behind.

"Are you all right, monitor?"

"How are you, monitor?"

Everyone shouted anxiously into the mist, and everyone accelerated their pace and ran into the mist.

When the people in front ran like this, the wooden bridge in the back shook violently.

At the end, Bai Ruyue and Beiziyan frowned.

Bai Ruyue looked at the mist with anxiety, and at the same time refilled the mystery on her feet.

Bei Ziyan also spread the mystery of the whole body to Situ Yi and Bai Ruyue.

In the mist, the **** sharply waved the ghost flying towards her, and said loudly, "I'm fine, don't panic, close your hearing, don't be scared by those voices."

As the **** hit the ghosts, he raised his ears and listened to the screams from nowhere.

The sound was not made by them at all. As long as someone entered the mist, the sound would come out.

When so many screams sound at the same time, it will inevitably affect the disciples of unknown status outside, and the disciples inside will be scared by the sudden appearance of transparent ghosts. In fact, these ghosts have no attack power at all.

This first level probably tests everyone's mental quality. If the mental quality is poor, they will fall off the wooden bridge.

People outside heard the beaver's voice, and they calmed down instantly, obediently closing their own hearing.

Soon, everyone shouted that sharp scream.

Everyone couldn't hear a bit more, all followed quietly into the mist.

In the end, Li Yang Bingwei and others followed, listening to the creepy screams, and had to use the beaver's method to seal off his hearing before finally walking calmly forward.

The **** first walked through the mist and looked at the opposite bank in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, after the storm, it was a rainbow.

From the outside they only walked half of the wooden bridge. I did not expect that they would reach the other side after the mist. The people who designed this level were really clever.

The **** quickened his pace and soon reached the opposite bank.

The people who saw the other side behind were all just as surprised as the beaver.

Everyone went ashore, and they all felt like the rest of their lives after the disaster.

Soft-legged, sitting on the ground with one butt.

"You scared me just now."

"I can't stand anymore, I have to sit still."

Everyone sat down in twos and threes, and soon they sat in one place.

Everyone landed one after another.

The **** glanced at Situ Yi and Bei Ziyan.

When Beizi Yan saw Baitan came over, he immediately got up and saluted.

Although he didn't say anything, the attitude was respectful.

But Situ Yi did not look at Beaver, raised his chin proudly, and did not look at Beaver's side at all.

Ignored by Situ Yi, the **** was not at heart.

Who makes the family emperor has proud capital.

He nodded kindly toward the north, and Baiju came to the crowd and raised his eyebrows. "This is the first pass. How do you feel?"

Ran Yun took a breath and raised his eyes. "It's okay. Most of them scare themselves."

The wooden bridge is indeed very difficult to walk, and it is quite a test, but it is not very dangerous.

The Beaver smiled and lipped, "Yes, if everyone can calm down, maybe they won't fall."

Most of those people were affected by the screams and ghosts before falling off the cliff.

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, some things are not as difficult as they thought, just like the wooden bridge, which looks from the outside without seeing the head, but finds that it has actually reached the shore when walking into the mist.

Gao Yunwan blushed and said with a smile, "I found that I wasn't afraid of anything with the monitor."

Zhou Jingya also smiled and said, "Me too, as long as I see the monitor in front of me, I am particularly at ease."

Xie Yu stood up directly in excitement. "With the squad leader in front, no matter how difficult it is, I dare break through."

If it weren't for the squad leader to guide them today, maybe they really couldn't get through, but with the squad leader, they would not be afraid of anything.


There was another scream.

The **** frowned and looked at the fog. "Let's go to the next level."

She didn't want to see the woman Puyang Bingwei and Dong Jialin anymore, and she was really afraid that she could choke them all if she couldn't control them.

Everyone heard the words and got up.

Bai Ruyue stood up and looked at Situ Yi and Beizi Yandao, "Let's get together, too, so we can take care of you."

Situ Yi was expressionless and did not answer.

Bei Ziyan raised his eyes and carefully looked at the beaver.

Looking at Bei Ziyan's requesting gesture, Baitan frowned. "If it is convenient, stay together. If it is not convenient, please do it yourself."

Bei Ziyan heard the words and immediately respected his eyes, "There is nothing inconvenient."

After hearing Bei Ziyan's advocacy, Situ Yi looked up at him with a stern glance.

Bei Ziyan immediately bowed his head in guilty conscience.

Oops, forget that the emperor is still around.

She is the regent princess, and he can't help but ...

The **** glanced at the master and servant for a moment, then turned and took the disciples in the yellow character class to continue forward.

Situ Yi looked at the back of the **** and narrowed his eyes, but he kept up.

When Bei Ziyan saw this, he squirked his lips.

The little fart boy is right and wrong, and obviously wants to follow, but he is not allowed to answer.

A group of people walked in a long line on the cliff.

It didn't take long before there was no road, there were only a few big pier, which could lead to the road below.

Just before them, they stood on the shore through the first pass and studied the method of stone pier.

There are several stone pier in a row, the distance between each stone pier is very large, you must use light work, otherwise you can't jump without jumping.

The people in the front studied for a while, and finally someone flew up to the first stone pier. As soon as he got up, he started Stonehenge, and rows of boulder-like stones fell from the air.

Everyone on the cliff was shocked, and all could not help taking a step back.

The disciple looked at the boulder hanging on his head, and was instantly shocked with cold sweat. He didn't have much time to think about it, so he flew forward like crazy.

He was not slow, but unfortunately missed the best time. When the boulder fell, he disappeared instantly.

The crowd blinked with emotion, and no one dared to take another step forward.

The **** stood by the cliff, studied it for a while, and soon saw the law of the boulder's falling.

These boulder all fell together and disappeared together. As long as the boulder began to fly, it should be safe to pass.

The **** flew to Shizhen, turned and looked at the crowd, "I'll go first, you are all optimistic, how did I live."


The crowd responded, staring nervously at the beaver.

"Boom" was another row of boulder falling, and soon disappeared together.

It's now!

The **** seized the moment and flew out like lightning.

The crowd just felt their eyes bloom, and the **** had arrived opposite.

On the other side, Baitan breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the stone formation, and the boulder smashed slowly.

The **** raised her eyebrows. Is she enough time, or is she too fast?

It took a long while for the people in the opposite party to return to God, applauding together in an instant.


"Yeah, that speed is almost like lightning."

"I haven't seen anything clearly yet, she has already reached the other side."

Everyone looked at the **** with admiration, and the disciples in the yellow character class were even more excited.

The squad leader is just awesome.

The **** raised his chin at everyone, "Whoever comes first."

"I come."

Bai Ruyue immediately raised her hand and flew to the edge of the cliff.

Beaver lip, "Be careful, the stone is over."


Bai Ruyue nodded, and obediently waited for the opportunity at the shore.

Another group of falling rocks disappeared. Bai Ruyue seized the opportunity and immediately stepped on the stone pier and flew across the opposite side.

Although Bai Ruyue's speed is not as fast as Bai Jue's, it is not slow either, and soon she also came across.

"Boom", when the boulder fell, Bai Ruyue patted his chest with a cold sweat.

It ’s so good, it ’s just a little bit slower but it's going to be teleported.

Seeing Bai Ruyue also passed Stonehenge, everyone's tense nerves finally relaxed.

It seems that Stonehenge is not so scary.

After Bai Ruyue, several disciples of Green Shadow Peak passed Stonehenge, and the people behind them became more confident.

Before the people in the yellow class came forward, the disciples in the other classes rushed forward to break through.

A female disciple flew over the stone pier, and Bai Ruyue's eyes brightened.

"Sister Shu."

Beaver raised his eyes and looked at the woman's face carefully, and a figure flashed in his mind.

is her?

The sister who changed rooms with Liyang Bingwei? She had heard Ru Yue talk about her before.

Shu Yan looked up at Bai Ruyue, and flew towards the opposite shore, but she was obviously slower than the previous one. When she ran to the last stone pier, the falling rock had reached her head.

Shu Yan's face was "brushed" white, biting his teeth and desperately moving forward.

"Sister Shu ..."

Bai Ruyue was frightened too, and immediately flew to pick her up.

The **** was startled and pulled Bai Ruyue back without thinking. At the same time, he stretched out his palm towards Shu Min.

Qing You's mysterious power shot at Shu Yifei in an instant.

Shu Min only felt that his body was light, and people flew towards the shore involuntarily.

Just as Shu Xuan took off, the boulder blasted down.

Shu Yi flew to the shore and fell to the ground.

"Sister Shu, are you okay?"

Bai Ruyue immediately passed up and raised Shu Yi.

Shu Yan shook his head and stood up and arched in front of Bai Ruyue and Baijue, "Thank you, Master Ruyue, and thank you for your help."

Beaver nodded expressionlessly.

She didn't mean to save her, she just wanted to Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue scratched his head with a smirk. "It's nothing, everyone is a good sister."

Although she is no longer in the Tianzi class, she used to make good friends, and she can still be good friends now.

Looking at Bai Ruyue's coquettish look, Baijue could not help glaring at her with a strange look.

This girl, is this Stonehenge fun, if not for her, she would have been teleported out.

Receiving the scowling blame, Bai Ruyue vomited her tongue guilty.

Didn't she think so much at that time, she will definitely not.

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