Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 363: Have a dream

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Xiyuan, Baitan took a bath comfortably, and stumbled up to bed and fell asleep.

After rushing for two days, she continued to apply needles to induce her, and she was so concentrated that she was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

It didn't take long for the **** to sleep, and there were more people in the room.

Mo Beichen walked gently to the bed, looking at the quiet and lovely face, and couldn't help but reach out.

The slender fingers gently and carefully depict her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, her lips, and silver-purple eyes with thick thoughts and love.

He had only been in retreat for a month, but he seemed to have passed through a reincarnation for so long. Even in retreat, he thought about her all the time.

As if feeling something, Baitan opened his eyes narrowly and sat up alertly.

When looking at the chaotic face, the cold eyes became blurred again.


The white raccoon fluttered softly into Mo Beichen's arms and hooked his neck.


Mo Beichen hugged the **** tightly, buried her face in her hair, and breathed her own breath almost greedily.

The **** hugged Mo Beichen's neck stupidly and habitually took a bite on his neck.

Mo Beichen stiffened, his eyes darkened.

The raccoon didn't notice anything at all, just thought he was in a dream, and hugged him again.

"I miss you, when will you get out?"

Mo Beichen frowned, and looked down at the little fellow in doubt.

Sure enough, she saw that he froze in his chest, found a comfortable position, and closed his eyes in a stunned manner.

Mo Beichen was so angry and funny that she pinched her red lips and kissed him fiercely.


The white raccoon moaned, and kissed Mo Beichen's neck passionately.

The two were originally dry fires and fires. At this moment, it was a thunderstorm and it was out of control.

Mo Beichen held his waist in one hand and held his head in one hand, pressing Baiju directly onto the bed.

The hot lingering kiss also lingered from the lips to the neck.

The beaver's original head was confused by Mo Beichen's enthusiastic offensive.

I don't know if it is reality, or in a dream. Anyway, Baiju feels that he was stripped off by Mo Beichen and kissed his whole body.

In the end, the **** fell asleep in a mess, but the sad Mo Beichen could only take a cold bath by himself.

The morning sun was shining through the screens, and it was so dazzling.

The **** reached out to cover his eyes, and stumbled over.

Amo ...

What the **** thought of, he sat up from the bed wryly, and looked around excitedly.

The empty room, no one but herself.

The **** looked down at the intact clothes on his body, and his face was flushed suddenly.

It ’s terrible. I really want A Mo to be crazy. It ’s so embarrassing to have a dream.

Reached out and patted the flushed face, the **** was lifted out of bed.

After a brief wash, the **** had to go out. When he passed the screen, he saw the water stains outside the barrel and frowned.

Yesterday's water stains have not dried up yet. Was she rude in taking a bath yesterday?

The **** frowned and shook his head before leaving the room.

"Ah ... ha ..."

Next door, Lan Yanyu also stretched out.

Seeing the beaver, Lan Yanyu immediately ran over.

"You got up early enough."

The **** glanced coldly at Lan Yuyu, "Is it early, the sun is going to bask."

Lan Yanyu looked up at the sun in the middle, and laughed dryly.

"It's been too hard these two days and I overslept."

Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly. "Let's go and see Yan Gongzi. If he's okay, we should go back."

The dream I had last night was too real, making her almost miss it. It was more like a crazy vine at the moment. She was so breathless that she would go back to see A Mo, even if it was just through the enchantment. She also had to take a look to get rid of the pain of her acacia.


Lan Yuyu nodded, and they went to Nanyuan together.


Yan Zhuozhuan slept for one night and was awake, his face and spirit were much better than yesterday.

Yan Hongtian and Lin Rou are both very happy and grateful to the beaver.

Seeing Bai Tan and Lan Yanyu coming over, Yan Hongtian immediately greeted him.

"White Fairy, Doctor Lan, did you sleep well last night?"

Lan Yanyu raised her lips comfortably, "It's okay, I slept well."

The raccoon blushed unconsciously thinking of the spring dream last night, and he coughed and shifted the topic.

"Wake up, in the room."

Yan Hongtian immediately introduced them to the house.

In the back room, Lin Rou is feeding white porridge to Yan Zhuo.

Seeing Yan Hongtian bringing them in, Lin Rou immediately put down the porridge bowl and stood up.

"White Fairy, Blue Doctor."

The **** nodded towards Lin Rou, and walked to the bed.

Yan Yanzhuo raised his black eyes and saw the beaver's fairy-like appearance, his small face couldn't help turning red.

Unaware of what Yan Yanzhuo did, Baiju directly probed for him.

The smooth fingertips caught his pulse, and Yan Xiaozhuo's face turned redder.

Lan Yanyu looked at Yan Xiaozhuo's red face, could not help frowning.

The **** did not notice Yan Yanzhuo's face in the slightest, and only carefully explored this pulse for him.

"how about it?"

Yan Hongtian looked anxiously at the beaver, Lin Rou was also worried.

The **** put down Yan Jizhuo's wrist and raised his eyes. "The poison is clear, but the biting heart has been in his heart for a long time. In the future, it needs to be well adjusted to fully recover."

Yan Hongtian breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded, "It's good to be poisoned."

As long as it is cleared up, the poison is cleared, and the conditioning is not a problem. After all, Zhuo Er is still small, and some time can be restored.

Beaver looked up at Lin Rou's face and smiled, "Ms. Yan's body doesn't seem to be very good, can you let me find the pulse?"

Yan Hongtian was overjoyed.

Lin Rou froze slightly, and then rejoiced.

"There is a working fairy."

Lin Rou blessed the beaver, and then sat down and handed his wrist to the beaver.

The **** carefully explored the veins for Lin Rou and frowned, "Mrs. is weak, born weak, and able to give birth to a son, Mr. Yan is afraid it took a lot of effort."

"Fairy-eyed eyes, my debilitating condition really made my husband a lot of trouble."

Lin Rou smiled bitterly, and there was a tenderness between the eyebrows, let alone Yan Hongtian, even the **** had a desire to protect.

Yan Hongtian looked at the raccoon anxiously, "Fairy, is there any way to cure my wife's physical weakness?"

The **** hooked his lips and smiled confidently.

"You are ready to scribble ink and ink."

"it is good."

Yan Hongtian was so pleased that he immediately went to the desk case and handed the pen and ink to the beaver, "Fairy."

Baici picked up a pen and brush and brushed down, writing down a long list of herbs.

"Prepare these medicinal herbs. I'll make medicine for Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan in a while."

Baitan handed the prescription to Yan Hongtian.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Yan Hongtian immediately took the prescription and ran out excitedly.

Soon Yan Hongtian sent all the medicinal herbs needed by the beaver.

The beaver's speed is also fast, and at an hour, Yan Yaozhuo and Lin Rou's medicine were refined.

"These four bottles of Yang Xin Dan are from Yan Gongzi. One capsule per month. After one year, he can recover."

The **** handed four small jade bottles to Yan Hongtian, and Yan Hongtian took it cautiously immediately.

"These two bottles of Qi Shen Dan are for Mrs. Yan, and once a month, you can have children again in half a year."

Baitan winked at Yan Hongtian with a playful expression.

Yan Hongtian blushed and took the jade bottle carefully again.

"Thank you Fairy for your medicine, Fairy's gratitude ..."

After properly collecting the six bottles of the elixir, Yan Hongtian would kneel down again toward the beaver.

"Okay, no mother-in-law."

The **** waved his hand and held Yan Hongtian directly.

"Help us prepare two fast horses. We're going back to the Holy City."

Yan Hongtian frowned, with a reluctant expression, "Are you going away so soon? Are the fairy and the magician no longer living for two more days?"

Baitan shook his head. "No, it has been out for a few days. If it is late, I am afraid that Master his elderly will be worried."

Yan Hongtian thought for a moment and nodded, "Well, then I will send you back to Heaven."

"no need……"

The **** waved his hand, and as soon as he refused, he listened to Chi You.

Yan Hongtian frowned, a little hesitant.

Bai Xianzi and Lan Shenyi had great gratitude to him, and he should have sent them back in principle, but Zhuoer was just right, and Zhier also needed to appease him.

The **** chuckled, and clenched his fists at Chi Youhai. "Then there is the Lord of Labor."

"Troublesome Brother Xian."

Yan Hongtian looked at Chi Youhai gratefully.

Chi Youhai smiled and patted Yan Hongtian's shoulder, "My brother, what's your kindness."

The fast horse was ready quickly, and Yan Hongtian kept sending the raccoon and the blue pheasant to the gate of the city.

The **** stopped and turned to look at Yan Hongtian said, "Don't give it away, we will have a chance to meet in the future."

The ten fierce northwestern ten cities and the blue magical southeast ten cities are her territory, and she will come back sooner or later.

Yan Hongtian stunned, took out three Mingsong and handed them to the beaver.

"Bai Xianzi, you can keep these three Mings. If there is something going on in the future, just call me, no matter where I am, I will definitely come."

The **** chuckled and took Ming Nao, "then I will accept it politely."


Several people bid farewell to Yan Hongtian and ran all the way west.

Yan Hongtian stood at the gate of the city and watched several people go far before turning back to the city.

The party ran nonstop for three hours, and it was completely dark.

Chi Youhai rushed to the beaver, "White fairy, blue **** doctor, it's late, do you need to stop for a night?"

The **** frowned at the night that had completely darkened.

"No more, keep going."

If I stop at this time, I'm afraid that I won't be able to reach the holy sky tomorrow night.

"Following ..."

Chi Youhai nodded, and as soon as she was about to speak to the people behind her, she heard a change in front.

Several people looked at each other and looked forward together with vigilance.

Several shadows flashed, and within a few minutes of work, a group of people surrounded the beavers.

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