Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 347: No. 6 on the third floor

Chapter 347 Number Three on the Third Floor

Everyone at the bottom heard the words "Hao Yuandan" and immediately boiled.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there was an elixir auction this time."

"Hao Yuandan, Banyue Pavilion is really hiding good goods this time."

"This Hao Yuandan is really a good thing. How can we compete for a while?"

The rising enthusiasm of the crowd was already anticipated by Hongji. As long as the cloudscape continent is a person who learns martial arts, there is no dislike for elixir.

Hongji picked up a jade bottle and walked to the crowd in enchantment.

"I do n’t need to elaborate on the role of Hao Yuandan. Hao Yuandan can help the mixed-yuan masters in the middle stage to advance to the next level. This time there are three bottles of Hao Yuandan. According to our experts' identification, these three bottles of Hao Yuandan each Three bottles, top quality. "

Hong Ji said, carefully pour out a Hao Yuandan, gently squeeze it, and held it to the front for everyone to watch.

The sunlight outside the window was sprinkled in through the screens, and the blue Hao Yuandan was illuminated as clear and transparent as jade. Even outsiders who did not know it could see that the quality of the medicine was absolutely superior.

"Wow, it's really good quality. I heard that the quality of the top quality elixir is twice as strong as the quality of the bottom elixir."

"It's really a good thing, don't talk nonsense and come up with the reserve price."

When they saw the real thing, the people under them immediately couldn't bear it.

Hong Ji smiled charmingly and did not sell Guanzi anymore, carefully putting Hao Yuandan back into the jade bottle.

"Three bottles of Hao Yuandan, not only for the auction, but the starting price is 30,000 yuan for high-level mixed stones. Now the auction will begin."

As soon as the reserve price came out, someone immediately followed the bid.


"Thirty-five thousand."

"forty thousand."


Compared to the unrequited sambos who have just lost their books, this Hao Yuandan obviously has a lot of appeal. Not only is nobody too expensive, the price still rises in turns, and soon rises from 30,000 to 60,000.

Yun Shaoning looked at the people who were still screaming at the price, and smiled and said, "Little sister, you sent this time."

The **** smiled slightly, not much surprised.

Yunjing mainland's elixir is scarce. Even if Hao Yuandan is only a spirit-level elixir, it is also looted by thousands of people. The price is high, so there is nothing unusual.

After some motivating scramble, Baitan's three bottles of Hao Yuandan were finally photographed on the third floor and No. 5 for 110,000.

Hongji bowed to No. 5 on the third floor with a jealous smile.

"Congratulations to the VIP on the third floor, Hao Yuandan will bring it to you soon."

The **** was quite satisfied with the price, but the next blue cricket feather looked disappointed.

"It's only 110,000. If you're killing God, you have to double or triple."

Leng Yihan's deep eyes lightened, "This is why they like to buy things in Yunjing."

Lan Yuyu nodded silently. Yunjing is indeed much more barren than Jishen. Not to mention the gold and the mixed stone, the alchemy, the materials of the smelter, and the necessary aura for cultivation are not comparable to Yunjing. .

Hao Yuandan was quickly sent to No. 5 on the third floor.

Shu Yu didn't let the waiter enter the house, and passed it directly at the door.

"His Royal Highness, something came."

Nangong Sakura tilted her head and glanced at the three bottles of Hao Yuandan, raising her hand lightly, "Close it up."


Shu Yu bowed, and immediately took Hao Yuandan carefully.

The waiter quickly presented the lot again, and Hong Ji still opened the red silk cloth carefully as before.

"This is our twenty-second lot today, holy class elixir, Jin Yundan."

As soon as Jin Yundan came out, the people underneath boiled instantly.

"God is Jin Yundan."

"It is indeed the biggest auction of the year in Half Moon Pavilion, and this auction really did not come to nothing."

"That is, even if you don't have the money to buy it, it's good to look at it. Brother can be seen as a person of Jin Yundan."

In the eyes everyone looked forward to, Hong Ji carefully poured out a Jinyun Dan.

As soon as the translucent purple elixir came out, the lobby on the first floor instantly fascinated the elixir.

"smell good!"

"It's worthy of the holy elixir. The smell is so hooking."

"This danxiang, it smells a hundredfold, and if you eat it, you will definitely be promoted."

Hong Ji was also fascinated by Dan Xiang, and it took a long time for her to return.

"Jin Yundan can help the mixed masters in the early stages to advance to the next level. There are three bottles of Jin Yundan in the top grade."

As Hongji said, she gently pinched Jin Yundan in her hand and showed it to everyone.

The pure and transparent faint purple is as dazzling as a gem, and the rich danxiang is instantly tickling.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Hong Ji enchanted a smile and carefully placed Yun Yundan back to the jade bottle.

"A bottle of Jinyundan, with a reserve price of 30,000 yuan, is now underway."

As soon as Hong Ji's voice fell, someone immediately bid.

"I'm thirty-five."

"I'm thirty-eight."

"forty thousand."

"Forty-five thousand."


Like Hao Yuandan, the price of Jin Yundan climbed all the way, and soon rose from 30,000 to 70,000.


There was a familiar voice downstairs, and Bai Tan's eyes narrowed.

is her?

She wants Jin Yundan too?

Hong Ji smiled and looked into VIP room No. 6, "No. 6 on the third floor, 80,000."

"Nine thousand."

Someone soon followed the price.

"90,000 on the second floor of the third floor."

Hong Ji followed the offer cheerfully.

The elixir really sells, especially this kind of elixir with high grade and good quality, it is definitely not worried that it can not be sold at a high price.

"One hundred thousand."

It's still No. 6 on the third floor, and Gao Yang's voice seemed confident and bound to be obtained.

Hong Ji smiled and quoted, "No. 6 on the third floor, 100,000, is there any bid?"

There was a quiet place below, and no one was paying the price anymore. Even after just chasing the second floor on the third floor, it seemed to see the determination on the third floor on the sixth floor, and no longer argued with her.

The **** narrowed his eyes slightly and spat out two words coldly.

"Double it."

Xing Yuan knew and immediately raised his price.

"Twenty thousand."


Hearing the sound of the next door, Lan Yanyu spit out a sip of tea.

Leng Yihan immediately hid aside disgustingly.

"Ahem ..."

Lan Yanyu coughed and coughed. "You can still play like this, and the woman Beaver is a terrible one."

Leng Yihan's eyes flashed lightly, she was indeed a smart woman.


In the VIP room No. 5, Yun Shaoning looked at the **** in shock.

The **** glanced coldly at Yun Shaoning.

Yun Shaoning snorted instantly and blinked in admiration.

Xiao Shimei is too sturdy, and this head is not a little bit arrogant.

After hearing Xingyuan's bid, Hong Ji was so happy that she immediately made an offer.

"200,000 on the fifth floor on the fourth floor."

The crowd beneath them was exclaimed for an instant.

"Oh my God, the number five doubled again."

"This third floor is estimated to be miserable again."

"Isn't it? No one on this third floor can beat the number five."

"Well, with the number five, even if you buy it on the third floor, it will never be cheap."

In the room on the fourth floor, Zhuo Qingyun glanced at Ye Lin, "Don't you say that No. 5 is a pharmacist?"

"Yeah, she sold these elixir."

Ye Lin frowned, but also full of doubts.

The elixir is her own, and now she is bidding because she does not want to buy the third floor and the sixth floor, or she just wants to raise the price.

"She's smart."

Zhuo Qingyun's evil lips hooked, and there was a hint of interest in the green eyes.

This was the second time he was interested in a woman, except for the woman named Beaver that night.

"Two hundred thousand, is there anything else to bid for?"

Hong Ji held the mallet with a smile, ready to finalize.

Two hundred thousand is definitely a very good price for this bottle of Jinyundan. I believe that the master pharmacist will also be satisfied.

The number six on the third floor paused for a while before bidding again.

"Twenty-one thousand."

It was still the voice of confidence flying.

Hearing the bid on the third floor, No. 6, Hong Ji gave a slight stun, and immediately lowered the mallet joyously.

"Bid No. 6 on the third floor is 210,000."

Hearing the price, the beaver's tense complexion was ugly, and three fingers were raised coldly towards Xingyuan.

Xingyuan frowned, looking puzzled, but still bid according to the beaver's will.

"Three hundred thousand."

As soon as the price of 300,000 came out, it was a stunning moment.

"God, three hundred thousand, that number five is too **** rich."

"No. 5 on the fourth floor offered 300,000."

Hong Ji raised her throat for a quotation and was so excited.

He has been hosting the auction for so long, and he has never met a customer who has increased so much as the price increase on the fourth floor and the fifth floor. The price alone can make people excited.

In the room in the middle of the fourth floor, Ye Lin frowned, wondering, "This price is so high, she doesn't want to sell it."

Zhuo Qingyun raised her eyebrows and looked confused.

Not only was Zhuo Qingyun unable to figure it out, Bai Yihan in Room 4 and Lan Yanyu in Room 6 did not understand the meaning of Baiju.

In the VIP room No. 5, Yun Shaoning also looked at the **** anxiously.

The price is so high, don't scare people away.

The **** looked down with no expression on his face.

"No. 5 on the fourth floor is 300,000. Is there any bid?"

Hong Ji looked excitedly at No. 6 on the third floor. Although she didn't think such a high price, No. 6 on the third floor would follow the price, but he still hoped that he could bid.

It seemed to be a long time of thinking. After a while, the third floor and the sixth floor only bid again.

"Three thousand and one thousand."

Compared with the previous self-confidence, the voice of No. 6 on the third floor seemed hesitant.

Hong Ji was instantly excited again, "No. 6 on the third floor offered a bid of $ 310,000, are there any bids?"

Hong Ji looked expectantly at VIP room No. 5 on the fourth floor, but after waiting for a while, no one bid again, and raised her mallet to finalize.

"Thirty-one thousand times."

"Three thousand and two thousand."

"Three thousand thirty-one times ..."

Hong Jimei smiled and bowed to VIP room No.6 on the third floor.

"Congratulations to the VIP on the third floor of the sixth floor, who bought a bottle of Jinyundan at the price of 310,000, and the lot will be delivered to you shortly."

The **** turned coldly, returned to the table, and filled himself with tea.

"Little sister, you're rich ..."

Seeing Hong Ji finalize, Yun Shaoning turned with excitement.


The **** chuckled his face and patted the teapot on the table again.

Yun Shaoning frowned, "Why are you doing this, why are you so unhappy?"

Qi Ziling and Murong Xuefei also looked at each other, puzzled.

The **** raised his eyes and snorted coldly. "Your hard-working medicine has been eaten by a dog. You are happy."

Yun Shaoning's beautiful peach flower blinked, then she lay on the table with an expression of interest, "Why, you know No. 6 on the third floor."

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