Chapter 321

The **** was on the mountain peak for a day, and she was abused by all kinds of bugs in the stone forest.

Impatient to wait until midnight, the **** could not wait to fly out of the college as soon as the night.

Within an hour, she flew to the top of Fengshen Mountain.

Standing in front of the previous stone wall, Baitan pushed and pushed, but did not want to fall in this time.

In the stone wall, it still looks like daytime.

The **** blinked and frowned.

Maybe this place is really a fantasy like the man said, so there is no day or night.

There was no black shadow to lead the way, and the **** walked to the previous stone building according to the memory path.

It didn't take long before the **** arrived in front of the stone building, pushed the stone door open, and walked in.

With a bang, Shimen closed.

The **** looked at the empty stone building and frowned frowningly.

"Senior ... Senior ..."

The **** tentatively called twice, but did not agree.

The **** looked down, and his gaze fell on the circular formation in the middle.

I couldn't help stepping in. For a moment, the surrounding area "boomed" and a circle of flames was set on fire.

Looking at the pure sky fire, Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly.

Come, come, try to practice it, maybe you can practice faster in the sky fire circle.

The **** thought, went to the middle of the formation and sat down cross-legged, then took out the Sky Fox God roll to cultivate.

Because it seems to have been practiced before, at this time Baiju training is not difficult, and quickly found the trick, immersed in it.

What Baitan didn't know was that everything she did was in the eyes of others.

The woman frowned slightly as she watched the movement of the raccoon clouds.

"She really understands Sky Fox God Roll."

"This shows that we are not looking for the wrong person."

The hoarse voice finally felt a little lighter.

The woman nodded her head, and those who could understand the Sky Fox God Volume might really have the ability to restore their Sky Fox family.

The old man closed his eyes, turned and looked at the woman, "You stay here to protect her secretly."

The woman frowned. "Is the ancestor going back to the demon world?"

The old man's eyes were narrow, and the eyes were long.

"Blue Blood has realized her presence, and I must go back and find a way to divert his attention."

This girl is not yet capable of confronting Bixue. If Bixue finds her, she will surely die. He must not let the last hope of the Tianhu tribe disappear.

The woman heard the words and said with a worried face, "Blood is insidious and treacherous, and Bai Xiao is there to help, ancestor, please be careful."

The old man sneered dismissively, "Hum, I won't be stupid enough to go against the blood now, as for Bai Xiao's traitor, someone can clean him up sooner or later."

The woman lowered her eyes in silence.

"I'm gone and I'll post a message."

The hoarse voice gradually grew louder, and for a moment, the old man was no longer in the room.

Baitan feels that she has been practicing for a long time, so long that she can't figure out the time.

Fearing that he had disappeared for too long, Master and the elder brother worried them, and the **** put away the Sky Fox God Roll and ran out of the stone wall.

It was still black outside, and the **** glanced around in confusion, and then went down the mountain quietly.

Back at the college, Baitan went straight to Zixia Peak.


Seeing Baitan, Liuyu and Xingyuan raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Why did your wife come back today as early as possible?

The **** frowned and looked at the two. "What time is it now?"

Liu Yan glanced back at the hourglass in his house. "It's time."

What time?

The **** frowned in confusion, she was already dead when she went up the mountain, and it took almost an hour to climb the mountain.

"How many days have I gone?"

Liu Yu frowned doubtfully. "Are you leaving in the morning?"

Xingyuan didn't understand, "Yeah, did you still let us clean up the house in the morning, did you forget?"

Beaver looked down and thought for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

"No, I'm going to rest, you guys should rest early."

The **** said, and entered the room with a smile.

Liu Yan and Xing Yuan face each other.

What's wrong, madam? How weird?

I do n’t know. I missed it.

The white raccoon took a bath in a good mood before happily going to bed.

It turned out that she thought well. The place was indeed a fantasy, and there was no time in it, so no matter how long she practiced inside, the time outside would not change.

In this case, let alone a 300-year heavy weight, that is, a 3,000-year heavy weight, she also hopes to achieve the third weight.

The **** thought he was in a better shape, and he felt better.

I really hope that I can get to the third level before Amo goes out, so that he can give him a big surprise.

The raccoon's face was flushed and the quilt fell asleep.

Before the next day, the **** got up.

Xu was sleeping well at night, and the **** felt energetic.

Liu Yan yawned, "Ma'am, you got up so early."

The **** lip lip, "Just here, help me protect the law, I'll make a few bottles of elixir."

The **** said that he entered the pharmacy, so energetic, wasted without refining medicine.


Liu Yi immediately responded, and respectfully stood at the door of the pharmacy.

Soon, the strong medicinal fragrance, Danxiang gradually diffused with Chengdan.

The entire Zixia Peak was slowly surrounded by the dense Danxiang.

The ultimate scent dispelled everyone's sleepiness.

Especially Liuli and Xingyuan who were in the yard, only felt that smelling the danxiang, not only was his spirit shaking, but even the pain that had been hiding in his body before was like a complete recovery.

After a while, everyone walked out of the room.

Yu Wenbai rubbed his eyes dimly.

"Danxiang is so strong, this Qingdingfeng person is too diligent, come out to practice alchemy at dawn?"

Bei Yiyang chuckled, "What kind of nose do you have, this smell clearly came from our Zixia Peak."

Xue Zheng also pouted his lips, "That is, when you have been at Zixiafeng for so long, when did you smell the danxiang of Qingding Peak, except for Elder Rui's alchemy, we can smell it with a little smell. So thick. "

Yu Wenbai sniffed carefully and found that it was indeed not from Qing Dingfeng.

"It seems to be the smell floating out of Bai Shimei's yard."

Chang Mingze glanced up at the beaver's yard.

Everyone heard the words, and the spirit came instantly.

"Go and see."

Xiang Liyang frowned disapprovingly. "Don't go, Bai Shimei is practicing alchemy, the most taboo to disturb."

Xue Wei smiled slightly, and then smiled.

"We won't go in, just look at the door."

The few ran away towards the cliff, leaving Xiangyang, Che Shengjie, Minglan Qi, and Zuo Yuqing.

Ming Lan Qi looked at the direction of the **** yard and squeezed his fist.

I did not expect that the woman would still practice alchemy. At the beginning, the master also asked her to learn alchemy with Master Shi.

Zuo Yuqing also narrowed his eyes narrowly.

Bai Tan'er even practiced alchemy, Bai Qiyuan really cultivated it carefully.

Several people rushed to the entrance to Baitanyuan.

Hearing the movement, Liu Yan and Xing Yuan were immediately alert.

Chang Mingze sucked his nose and raised his eyebrows. "It tastes so strong, this is it."

Bei Yiyang also sniffed his nose, feeling instantly energetic.

"I didn't expect Sister Bai to practice alchemy, she is so talented."

"Hey, that Mo Shi's life is so good that she can marry a good lady like Bai Shimei."

Yu Wenbai lamented, his voice full of envy.

Xue Yan also grumbled, "Isn't it? We have no direct chance to compete."

Brother Mo is so good, no matter how envious they are, they can only be amazed.

When Liu Yan and Xing Yuan heard the sound of discussion outside, they were all proud.

Madam really has a lot of charm, so long before I came to the college, I recruited a group of bee butterflies. Fortunately, their grandfather was clever and declared sovereignty in front of them in the morning. Now even if he retreats, they dare not harass his wife.

Elder Rui of Qing Dingfeng smelled the faint danxiang, opened his eyes wryly, grabbed the clothes on the screen, and flew out.

Elder Rui looked for Dan Xiang and found Zixia Peak.

Is it here again?

Elder Rui frowned frantically. Last time, he also found the place smelling the smell, but when he arrived, the man seemed to have refined and worried. He asked all the people in Zixia Peak, but he did not find the alchemist.

As if he was afraid the man would run away again, Elder Rui hurriedly ran towards Dan Xiang's strongest place.

"Elder Rui?"

Che Shengjie saw Elder Rui running over like a wind, and he could not help but wink.

Others also looked at Elder Rui in a hurry.

"Elder Rui, why are you here?"

Seeing Elder Rui stop panting, Xiang Liyang immediately stepped forward to support him.

Zuo Yuqing also frowned, "Is it all right to come here so early?"

"Who is alchemy?"

Elder Rui gasped for a while before finally asking a word.

A few people looked at each other, and together they took Elder Rui to the beaver's yard.

Looking at the people lying on the door panel, Elder Rui's face was hard to look instantly.


Xiang Liyang immediately uttered a reminder.

Xue Zheng turned around and saw Elder Rui, and immediately pushed the others.

"Elder Rui."

Several people immediately obediently stood in a row.

Elder Rui smelled the dense Danxiang, and a surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Who is living here?"

"This yard is Bai Shimei." Xue Yan replied.

"Sister Bai?"

Elder Rui frowned, apparently not remembering the number one character Bai Shimei said.

"It's Elder Bu's new disciple." Xiang Liyang reminded.

Elder Rui seemed to remember something, his eyes brightened.

It ’s that girl doll?

Talented people have some talents, and this elder Rui is the typical one. Most people can't catch his eyes here, so he rarely remembers people. It must be hard for Baiju to impress him.

What came to mind, Xue ran over and said, "By the way, didn't you ask us who would practice alchemy last time? This white girl is expected to practice alchemy."

Elder Rui glanced at Xue Yan coldly.

It's so obvious, he wants to say.

Xue Yan swallowed with guilty guts, and said, "You can't go in right now, alchemy is the best thing to be disturbed."

Elder Rui heard the words and stared at Xue Yan again.

Without meaning to enter, Elder Rui stood patiently waiting outside the door.

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