Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 314: Don't be too light

Chapter 314 Don't Be Too Light

Bai Ruyue's heart trembled suddenly, her face was pale as paper, and her anxious eyes stared nervously at Nangong Huang's dagger against her neck.

Qi Ziling was startled, and immediately grasped Bai Yihan's hand nervously.

Bai Yihan frowned frantically, and there was a hint of tension in his eyes.

"You're crazy!"

Nangong Sakura did not expect Nangong Huang to come back to her to do this trick, and immediately opened her eyes nervously.

Shu Yu also paused for a moment, dare not move forward.

Nangong Huang looked at Nangong Ying sadly, "I won't go back, let alone get married."

She knew what he was thinking, why did she force him?

Nangong Sakura was blanched, her eyes were full of anger.

"For a woman, you don't even have to die. Can you deserve me after your father?"

枉 She usually holds him like a treasure, and now he dares to move a knife on himself.

Nangong Sakura said more and more angry, and could no longer care so much, watching directly at Shu Yu and yelling, "Give me back."

Shu Yu frowned, tangled for a while or came forward.

Nangong Huang's eyes darkened, and he closed his eyes in despair, raised his dagger and pierced his chest.

The moment the dagger fell, Bai Ruyue's heart stopped beating, and people rushed toward Nangong Huang uncontrollably.

"Don't ..."

Nangong Yingyan stared wide-eyed and rushed towards Nangong Huang.

Later, Shu Yu and Bai Yihan returned to God and rushed towards Nangong Huang together.

"Flop ..."

The dagger slashed hard, but not into Nangong Huang's chest, but pierced the palm of Bai Ruyue.

The sharp tingling made Bai Ruyue's face pale all at once.

For a moment, the surroundings were silent, the picture seemed to be forbidden, and only the sound of blood dripping was heard.


Nangong Huang stared blankly at Bai Ruyue who suddenly rushed out, the whole person seemed to be frightened.

Nangong Ying also frowned and looked at Bai Ruyue, but she did not expect that she would rush out suddenly, and she was so fast, ten times more than her distance, and she blocked the dagger faster than her.

Although she used the stupidest way, it left her speechless.

"Ru Yue ..."

Qi Ziling scared a cold sweat, and ran towards the gazebo anxiously.

"Yueer ..."

Bai Yihan returned to God, immediately rushed to Bai Ruyue, looked at her injury, saw that the dagger was still inserted in her palm, and stared at it with distress.

"Not ready to pull the knife for her yet."

Nangong Huang finally looked back, looking at Bai Ruyue's pale face with guilt, and then gently pulled out the dagger.

Even though Nangong Huang was very careful, the sharp tingling sensation still made Bai Ruyue a cold sweat. Even more terrible, she felt that the wound on her right arm was cracking, and she couldn't move even if it hurt.

Yin Hong's blood spewed out like a spring instantly, and Nangong Huang was anxious to tear off his robe and hold Bai Ruyue's wound.

"How are you?"

Looking at Bai Ruyue's bloodless little face, Nangong Huang was distressed and broke his heart, and wished to pump two slaps.

Bai Ruyue looked at Nangong Huang with a guilty guilt look, twitched her lips, and comforted, "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt at all."

Listening to Bai Ruyue's stubborn words, Bai Yihan's eyes flashed with anger.

Pulled her wounded hand and bandaged her wound rudely.

Bai Ruyue had no pain at first, but now she was pulled so rudely by Bai Yihan, which made her feel a pain in her breath.


Bai Ruyue burst into tears, and looked at Bai Yihan resentfully.

Brother, is this gunpowder? Did he bandage her, or did she want to die?

Nangong Huang was distressed, but he did not dare to grab Bai Yihan's work.

Qi Ziling couldn't stand it, staring at Bai Yihan fiercely, "You lightly."

What is this guy doing? Is that why you did n’t see Ru Yue's hands trembling?

Bai Yihan glanced coldly at Bai Ruyue and hummed, "She doesn't hurt, why do you hurt her?"

Bai Yihan said another hard effort, Bai Ruyue pouting and was about to cry.

Nangong Huang couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately hugged Bai Ruyue horizontally.

Bai Ruyue buried her face and hands in Nangong Huang's arms, as if to stay away from Bai Yihan's magic claw.

Nangong Huang looked up and looked at Nangong Ying coldly.

"Sister wanted my life and took it, but I would never go back, let alone get married."

When Nangong Huang finished speaking, he ran back with Bai Ruyue.

Bai Yihan looked up at Nangong Ying, but said nothing, and pulled Qi Ziling away.

Nangong Ying looked at the back of several people, frowning lightly.

Shu Yu stepped forward, looking at the back of Nangong Huang and Bai Ruyue, "It looks like the girl is sincere."

Nangong Sakura's eyes flashed lightly, and the corners of her lips evoked a self-deprecating smile.

"What about sincerity, how much sincerity is there in this world, but how many couples really love each other and agree with each other?"

Shu Yu's face froze, her eyes lowered, and she dared not say anything.

Nangong Huang took Bai Ruyue back to the room and found her something wrong.

"How are you?"

Nangong Huang asked anxiously as she opened her cloak, but was dazzled by the large swath of Yin Hong.

Bai Yihan also hurried to see the sleeves stained with blood, startled.

"What's up with her?"

"The previous wound was cracked."

Nangong Huang frowned and blamed herself.

Bai Yihan's face was difficult to look at once, "I'll go and find the raccoon."

Bai Yihan said, and hurried to Zixia Peak.

"I'll prepare things."

Qi Ziling glanced at Bai Ruyue and Nangong Huang and left the room.

Nangong Huang held Bai Ruyue in her arms and kissed her forehead lightly.


Bai Ruyue snuggled into the arms of Nangong Huang, breathing greedily his taste.

"Don't do anything like that in the future, I'm so scared."

At that moment, she was so afraid that she would lose him, so that she would never see him again.

The heart trembled suddenly, holding her hand slightly to tighten, burying her face between her necks.

"it is good."

Close the wet eyes so that the tears in the corners of the eyes do not slip.

Thinking of something, Bai Ruyue raised his eyes again, and touched his red and swollen cheek with a distressed look.

"Does it hurt?"

Nangong Huang gently shook her head.

"I have a cream. It won't hurt when I rub it."

Bai Ruyue took the cream from the pillow and opened it to help Nangong Huang apply the medicine.

Looking at the cold sweat on Bai Ru's monthly amount, Nangong Huang frowned. "I'll do it myself."

Bai Ruyue shook her head and insisted that she help Nangong Huang apply her medicine.

This slap, he did it for her.

It turned out that when she didn't know, he had already suffered so much pressure. When she didn't understand anything, he was already working for their future.

As for her, she would only be foolishly imagining and longing for it, but she did not know how difficult their future would be. But no matter how difficult it was, she would accompany him.

Bai Ruyue blinked and burst into tears, rushing into Nangong Huang's arms.

"Nangong Huang, I love you, no matter if we can be together in the future, I will be the happiest woman in my life."

Nangong Huang hugged her tightly.

When Baitan entered the house, he just heard such a sentence, and looked at the embracing two, raising his eyebrows playfully.

"Don't you say that the wound is cracking? It shouldn't matter much like this."

Hearing the sound of the **** jokes, the two separated instantly, both of them blushing.

Bai Yihan behind the **** is as black as ink.

"So don't be too light when you start."

... Bai Ruyue stared at Bai Yihan with a black line. Is this her brother?

"I have everything ready."

Qi Ziling came over carrying a medicine chest.

"Go out first, Nangong Huang will stay."

Bai Yihan stared at Bai Ruyue with a black face, then turned and left the room with Qi Ziling.

The white raccoon carried the medicine box to the bedside, and Nangong Huang immediately got up and gave up the position to the white raccoon.

Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Yihan's back and blinked confusedly.

"Is my brother angry with me again?"

Baici glanced at Bai Ruyue coolly, "You say, if you self-harm next time, I guess he will let me cut your hand directly."

In a word, Bai Ruyue and Nangong Huang both blushed.

The **** grabbed Bai Ruyue's injured hand, untied the blood-red cloth tape and examined it carefully. When she saw that her bones were not injured, she relieved her, quickly applied her medicine, and re-bandage her with clean gauze. Come on.

"I ... I was in a hurry at the time, I didn't think about it that much, I won't do it in the future."

Bai Ruyue blushed, and explained.

"You still have to coax Big Brother then."

Baici glanced at Bai Ruyue with a playful glance, and she didn't believe her ghost words. With her impulsive temperament, she specified that she wouldn't commit it again soon.

... Bai Ruyue narrowed her eyes with shame.

Even the older sister doesn't believe her, can my brother believe her?

After wrapping Bai Ruyue's left hand, Bai Tan turned out the scissors from the medicine box and carefully opened Bai Ruyue's sleeve.

Watching the wound that had been growing up again cracked again, exposing the bleeding red meat, the **** was instantly anxious and angry, and immediately picked up the alcohol cotton prepared by Nangong Huang, pressing it mercilessly on Bai Ru Moon's cracked wound.


That sharp sting made Bai Ruyue feel a cold sweat in an instant.

"Does it hurt you to have a long memory? Brother is right, you can't be too kind to you."

Bai Jue did not look at Bai Ruyue, and still dealt with Bai Ruyue's wound rudely.

However, Nangong Huang, who was aside, was distressed and looked at the **** and opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't say anything.

"Get ready and stitch again."

Baitan commanded Nangong Huang without raising his head.

"it is good."

Nangong Huang nodded, and immediately prepared the sheep gut, alcohol lamp, and anesthesia scattered items.

Bai Juyue did not give Bai Ruyue a boil, and directly disinfected the gold needles, and then began to re-sew her wound.

Bai Ruyue bit her quilt, her face became pale, but she didn't dare to shout.

Nangong Huang painfully rubbed Bai Ruyue's cold sweat on his forehead. If he could, he really wanted to suffer for her.

By the time the **** sews the wound, Bai Ruyue is already sweating, but fortunately, the area of ​​the wound is not large, otherwise she may feel dizzy.

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