Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 172: The Charm of Fengshen College

Chapter 172 The Charm of the Wind God College

Until the afternoon, the **** woke up quietly.

My mind was blank, and after narrowing my eyes for a long time, my memory slowly returned to my cage.

What exactly did those clips last night mean? Who is that man in white? Why can't she see his face, and what does that little red fox have to do with her ...

A series of problems poured into the brain, and Beaver's head began to hurt again.

"you're awake."

Mo Beichen opened the gauze tent and saw Baiju rubbing her head, her face in pain, immediately hugging her and sitting up, "Are you still upset?"

Mo Beichen asked anxiously as she reached out and rubbed her temple.

By being pressed by Mo Beichen, Baiju became more comfortable instantly, leaning on his arms and pulling down his hand.

"It's okay, it's just a fragment of the brain, and I always feel like something hasn't come to mind."

Those clips should be her memory, but she didn't know when it was remembered. She couldn't remember, as long as she focused on it, her head seemed to be pinned by a needle, and she was crazy.

"Don't think about it."

Mo Beichen held the **** and kissed her hair gently.


Baitan nodded and re-entered Mo Beichen's arms.

She didn't want to think about it any more, and it should not be a good memory to make her such a painful memory.

"Amo, I learned a new skill."

"What?" Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows.

Bai Tan turned to look at Mo Beichen, "It is mind reading. No, it should be fox heart."

"Fox Mind?"

Mo Beichen frowned. "Related to transformation?"

The **** nodded. "It should be that since I was recovered yesterday, I can hear the voices of others now, but some of me can't hear them, such as you, grandpa, and uncle them."

The **** thought for a while and said, "Maybe my cultivation is not as high as you, so I can't hear you."

All she can hear are those who are lower than her, who are higher, or who are too deliberate, and she cannot hear them.

However, Fox Heart Skills must also be cultivated. Maybe as the level of Fox Heart Skills increases, she can hear more voices.

"We don't need Fox Hearts between us."

Mo Beichen held the **** and kissed him.


Bai Tan raised his eyes in doubt, but did not understand the meaning of Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen hooked his lips. "Fool, we already have the same mind. Where do we need fox-heart surgery?"

The **** blinked, and something flashed in his head.

"Stupid beaver, Master's heart, it is not a little fox heart art to understand."

It turns out that you need to be able to understand each other if you have the same mind.

Then the little fox master wanted the little fox to communicate with him?

Seeing Bai Tan's God, Mo Beichen's silver-purple eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Who are you thinking?"

The cold voice was heard in his ears, and the **** instantly regained his heart, smirking guilty.

"Oh, who else can I miss except you."

"Do not believe."

Mo Beichen shook his head and poked his mouth.

Baijue Yeye's eyes rolled slightly, reaching for his neck and proposing red lips.

The slick lilac tongue traced his perfect lip line temptingly.

With her jerky teases, his breathing grew heavier.

Finally, he couldn't help but hold her messy tongue, entangled frantically.

The **** suffocated and closed her eyes uncontrollably, feeling the hot feeling he gave her.

"Miss, are you awake?"

As the two became hotter, the sound of a beautiful grain sounded outside the door.

The two stopped moving at the same time, and Mo Beichen gasped, taking a bite at the corner of Baiju's lips before letting it loose.

"I go to Tianluoyuan."

The dull voice was especially in the ear, but the person had disappeared.

"come in."

The **** got out of bed and changed his clothes.

Qi Wen, Yun Zhi holding the basin, pushed the door into the house.

Seeing that Baitan had changed clothes, Qiwen Yunzhi immediately served her to freshen up.

It was okay to see the **** watching, Yun Zhi sighed quietly, and laughed, "Miss, you finally woke up. If you don't want to wake up again, you can go to the hospital doctor.

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly, and his lips croaked. "Xu was tired yesterday, so he slept a little bit."

After finishing washing for the beaver, Qiwen reported, "Miss, three girls and five girls are here. Wait for you in the yard."

The **** stunned and gave a strange glance at Qi Wen.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The **** said, and hurried out of the room.

In the courtyard, Bai Ruyue looked at the luxurious and exquisite scenery, and couldn't help sighing, "The big sister's courtyard is so beautiful that it's hard to think without envy."

Looking at Bai Ruyue's envious look, Bai Ruxuan sneered.

"Look what you said, your Mingyue Xuan is not good."

Bai Ruyue's face froze, and she twitched, "Of course ... it's also great."

If she dares to say badly, her mother-in-law must not come to poke her ears.

"If you like it, move in and live together."

A clear voice came, and the two instantly turned their eyes.

"big sister."

Seeing Baijuan, Bai Ruxuan ran to it with joy.

Baitan reached out and rubbed Bai Ruxuan's head lovingly.

Bai Ruyue came over with joy.

"The older sister joked, I was pure envy, but I didn't want to occupy the sister's yard like Bai Ruoyu."

Listening to Bai Ruyue's funny words, Bai Tan hooked her lips, "You and her are different. She can't live in my yard, but you can live."

Bai Ruer likes Bai Ruyue.

In her impressions, brothers and sisters Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan do not often play with her, it may be that the second lady deliberately explained it.

Although they don't often play together, each time they see someone bullying her, they will take the lead for her. Bai Ruyue, in particular, couldn't see Bai Ruoyu and He Siyu bullying her, and they stabbed them like a pinpoint every time, but at that time she didn't know how to distinguish good from bad.

Bai Ruyue and Bai Ruxuan heard the words, and there was a movement in their eyes at the same time.

With just a few words, the kind of affection between the sisters warmed into my heart.

As for beavers, both of them are envious.

Although the **** was stupid before, she was the apex of the old man, and the old man cared for her, which was less than all their grandchildren. There is also the emperor and the aunt, which are also extremely spoiled.

And now, let alone, such a glorious and brilliant person, I am afraid that everyone who stands in front of her will feel that they are dust.

Bai Ruyue returned to God, pouting, "I can't live then, if I move to the older sister's house, I can guarantee that my mother has to slap me back all night."

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help laughing.

Although this is a joke, it is also true. According to Mrs. Er's temperament, I really do.

Bai Ruxuan pulled the beaver's sleeve. "Big sister, three sisters brought you a gift from Shengtian, you will definitely like this gift."

Beaver raised her eyebrows. "Three sisters also brought me gifts."

Bai Ruyue smiled, and took out the woodcarving embarrassingly.

"That's it. I was in a hurry. I forgot to take the box."

Beaver took the woodcarve with a surprised look, "This, is it me?"

"I asked the master to engrave it according to your portrait." Bai Ruyue scratched his head slightly.

Beaver looked closely at the woodcarving and laughed.

"It's very similar, it's very well carved, and it's very similar."

This woodcarving is really like a beaver. Especially that look, the **** at that time should be that look. She draws very carefully.

Seeing Baiju like it, Bai Ruyue laughed happily.

"I made four woodcarvings, like my brother, one big sister, one small Xuaner, and I made one myself."

Beaver heard his heart warmed, "Three sisters are attentive, and I like gifts very much."

Can you remember to bring presents to the former beaver, isn't it motivated?

Hearing Bai Ruyue's own one, Bai Ruxuan's eyes lighted up immediately.

"I want to see the woodcarving of three sisters."

Bai Ruyue took out his own woodcarving, Bai Ruxuan and Baiju came together.

"The three sisters also seem to be that master."

"It's also your third sister who draws well."

When the old man came in, the three were watching vigorously around the woodcarving.

"What are you looking at, so seriously."

A majestic voice came, and the three looked up.


Seeing the old man, Bai Ruyue and Bai Ruxuan both stood upright subconsciously.

"what is this?"

The old man watched the three sisters take a woodcarving with a strange look.

Seeing that both were bowing their heads, they did not dare to speak, Baijuan's eyes rolled slightly, and he stepped forward with a smile and passed the woodcarving to the old man.

"This is a gift from my three sisters."

The old man looked at the very similar wood carving and became interested.

"How about one by one? Mine?"

... Bai Ruyue had a black line and stiffened her hair. "Well, I only did four."

He heard the old man without him and snorted dissatisfied.

Unhappy to see the grandfather, Bai Ruyue trembled, "Ru Yue didn't know that grandpa also liked this woodcarving. Next time he returns from the holy heaven, he must bring him back."

The old man heard that his face looked a little bit better.


The **** coughed and glared at the grandfather, "Grandpa, you can't be so serious, you scared the third sister and Xiaoxuaner."

The old man frowned, looking at Bai Ruyue and Bai Ruxuan with a doubtful expression, "Am I serious?"


They raised their eyes and nodded their courage.

The old man stared grimly, "Why am I serious?"

The two of them immediately lowered their heads when they heard the sound of the old man pulling up.


Seeing this, the old man coughed softly, and said softly, "Why do you keep your head down? I can eat people."

When they heard the words, they looked up together, but did not dare to look up.

The old man sat on the stone bench, raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Ruyue.

"Don't leave when you come back this time, our girl in Baifu doesn't need to accompany others to read. What grandpa do you want to learn to teach you?"

Bai Ruyue heard a touch of warmth in her heart, and raised her eyes, "I have already told the Seven Princesses that I will not accompany the reading. This time, I will enroll myself in Fengshen College.

The old man frowned. "Are you going to the Fengshen School?"

Bai Ruyue nodded, "Well, he will take the exam, too."

Baitan heard the words and said, "Grandpa, I also want to take the Fengshen School."

"Everyone goes to Aeolus Seminary, then I will be with you."

A sudden excitement came and everyone looked up.

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