Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1499: I lost my face in these two days

Seeing that Gonggong could not chase the black guardian, Long Xiaoqi quickly sacrificed his flying sword and flew up.

Hei Hufa lifted his eyes to look at Long Xiaoqi in the air and immediately accelerated his speed.

Long Xiaoqi chased after him, transporting his spirits to the back of the black protector was a slap in the palm.

Heiju was beaten to the ground unexpectedly, and Gong Jiuge on his shoulder flew out instantly.

"Gong Jiu Ge!" The direction in which Gong Jiu Ge fell was just a hillside, and Long Xiaoqi was startled and jumped from the flying sword.

Gong Jiuge's head fell to the ground at once, and he suddenly fell a little bit. Before he could react, he felt that someone was holding him.

The two rolled down the hillside like a human in an instant.

Long Xiaoqi wanted to protect Gong Jiuge, but she was petite and could not move at all.

Instead, when Gong Jiuge saw that the man holding him was Long Xiaoqi, he subconsciously reached out to take her into his arms and protect her head.

Gong Jiuge's actions made Long Xiaoqi a little dazed.

What happened, didn't she protect him? How could he protect her?

Gong Jiuge's stunning handsome face was close to her eyes, and she took a warm breath and sprayed it on her forehead. The crispy feeling like never before had penetrated into her heart like a worm, making her feel itchy.

Long Xiaoqi Qiao's face couldn't help getting red, and slightly tilted his head aside.

Why does she have such a strange feeling? Before, I practiced swords with my brothers so close. I never felt that way.

Looking at Long Xiaoqi's cheeky redness, she looked like she was shameless. Gong Jiuge couldn't look away uneasily, but she jumped up and down in a hurry.


The two rolled a long **** and finally reached below.

Gong Jiu Ge was dizzy, while Long Xiaoqi was lying on Gong Jiu Ge, as if still thinking about the problem just now.

The gray rabbit crowded between the two felt instantly that Qiqiao had gone to Liuqiao.

Hearing the gray rabbit's heart, Long Xiaoqi finally returned to his mind and scrambled down from Gong Jiuge.

"Are you OK?"

A gentle voice came, Gong Jiuge quickly shook his head, stood up and saw that Long Xiaoqi was holding the little gray rabbit, and shuddered to him.

With a black line, Gong Jiuge wandered back to the ground without any help.

This conscienceless woman.

After Long Xiaoqi checked the gray rabbit, he went to watch Gong Jiuge, "Are you dizzy, can you get up?"

Gong Jiuge gave her a blank look, and handed her proudly.

Long Xiaoqi shook his mouth and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Gong Jiuge had just been together, and before stepping, he heard a "tear" from below.

They both held their arms at the same time, both glancing under him subconsciously.

Long Xiaoqi came back and waved his hands in a hurry, "No matter what I do, I just didn't pull your pants."

Gong Jiuge shook his face with a black face and shook his eyebrows. Why did he encounter all the strange things? He felt that his whole life's face had been lost in these two days.

Seeing Gongjiu's face was not good, Long Xiaoqi quickly calmed down, "It's okay, I didn't hear anything just now, I won't tell others that your crotch is cracked."

Gong Jiuge's murderous knife-eye shot at Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi closed his mouth for a moment, "I said nothing."

A glimpse of the black protector flying down from the high slope, Long Xiaoqi suddenly grumbled his shoulders, "No, don't give up."

"Run away."

Seeing that the black protector was coming after him, Long Xiaoqi quickly picked up the grey rabbit and ran Gongjiuge.

The cool piece below made Gong Jiuge's face flushed.

Feeling that Gong Jiuge was running too slowly, Long Xiaoqi turned back and glared at him with iron and steel, "I said, can you hurry up? The pants are all torn, and you are careful what you do."

I really don't know what he is trying to do, whether life is important or pants are important.

Gong Jiuge glanced back at Long Xiaoqi with a black face. Why did he always feel unlovable every time he was with this woman.

Long Xiaoqi pulled Gong Jiuge into the woods in one breath.

By the time Black Guardian chased into the woods, they could no longer be seen.

At this time, Long Xiaoqi was holding the Grey Rabbit and was playing. "Did you say that person was stupid? Did he think we wouldn't come out when we entered the forest?"

Gong Jiuge gave her a cool glance, "Let's go, be careful and sad."

Long Xiaoqi pouted his lips and touched the grey rabbit's head. "Okay, we're leaving. Go back now, be careful not to be caught by the bad guys."

Gong Jiuge frowned at the gray rabbit in Long Xiaoqi's arms. He thought that the rabbit was raised by her, but it wasn't.

Long Xiaoqi put the grey rabbit into the grass, and the grey rabbit stood up and looked at Long Xiaoqi before turning around and running away.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the grey rabbit and waved reluctantly.

Gong Jiuge's eyes lightened, "If you are reluctant, you can take it away."

"That wouldn't work." Long Xiaoqi shook his head unconsciously, "This is its hometown, maybe there are its relatives here, how can I take it with me."

Rabbit's loved ones?

Gong Jiuge stared blankly at Long Xiaoqi, what was the woman's head thinking all day long.

I knew he didn't understand. Long Xiaoqi gave him a glance, "Animals adore freedom. Who would like to be captive, would you like to be captive?"

Gong Jiuge stared at her with a black face, "It's so grandiose that you don't have so many pets."

Long Xiaoqi also politely rolled his eyes at him, "What do you know, my pets are following me voluntarily, I have never restricted their freedom, they can leave at any time, it is their own Willing to go. "

The two were fighting while walking forward.

After walking for a while, Long Xiaoqi remembered and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Zhou Youcheng." Gong Jiuge glanced at Xiaolong Xiaoyan.

Long Xiaoqi frowned. "Where is Zhou Youcheng?"

"Ah, I have a map." Before Xiao Gong said, Long Xiaoqi pulled the map out of the storage bag again.

"Zhou Youcheng is here." Long Xiaoqi pointed at Zhou Youcheng on the map with a proud look.

Gong Jiuge looked at her smug expression with amusement, "Do you know the way?"

Long Xiaoqi's enthusiasm seemed to be instantly poured into a basin of cold water, and she gritted her teeth. "Who says that I don't know the way, I don't believe that I can't find this week's Youcheng according to this map."

Long Xiaoqi raised the map with anger, facing the road seriously.

"Did you bring the map yesterday?" Gong Jiuge raised his eyebrows and continued to pour cold water.

Long Xiaoqi shook his face with a black face. "The path in the forest is not drawn on the map. If there is a path on the map, I don't have to wander in the forest for three days. I went to Yong'an City to find you."

Gongjiu frowned, so she was late because she was lost?

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