Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1463: Fanwai: Mo Tianyu vs Duanmu Bingyu (4)

"My third child?" Bingyu thought for a while, and still shook his head. "The youngest child is not good. I think Xiaoyu is better, Xiaoyi is more affectionate and adorable."

Listening to her chick after chick, the third child couldn't hold back: "Change another one."

Bing froze, and said dumbly, "What?"

"Except for the chicks!" The third man was really about to go away.

That's why Bingyu didn't like the name. Why, she thought Xiaoyu was very nice, cute and cute.

However, looking at the third child's look of violent departure, Bingyu finally found that his conscience was no longer Xiaoying.

But what's the name of Xiao Xiao? Xiao Mo, Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao ...

Bing Yan's eyes lightened brightly, and he said excitedly, "I know, what if I call you Teana?

frog! Odagi! !!

For a moment, I feel that my name is so unpleasant.

The third child finally went violently, staring at Bingyu, "Big crab, let's call it big crab."

Yes, he compromised. It's called Otaji, but he might as well call it big crab.

The ice froze and laughed: "Big crabs are also good. Come and eat crabs."

Bingyu passed the roasted big crab to the third.

The third child stared at the crab with a black face, and instantly lost his appetite. He was all crabs, and he could still eat himself.

"You can eat it yourself," said the third man, and gave her the crab in his hand. "Eat it for you."

Bingyu smiled slyly with a crab, "I'm welcome, I just want to eat big crabs."

Bing Yan said and gave him an ambiguous glance, and immediately looked at the third child with a big red face.

"Well, it's hot!"

Bingyu was full of two crabs. "It tastes good, and the crabs are quite fresh. You don't eat them."

The third child shook his head, he didn't eat.

Bingyu was not too reluctant. When he put the crab aside, he went to the third child again: "I haven't introduced myself formally yet. My name is Duanmu Bingyu, and I live in the distant Huangcheng Yancheng. Family, but I have n’t married my husband yet, how about I marry you? ”

The third child is a black line. What's the difference between this formal introduction and the previous one? What's the relationship between her and her husband?

Without waiting for the third child to speak, Bingyu said slyly again: "Okay, if you don't speak, I'll take your word for it."

The youngest stared, and just about to refute, saw her hug his arm: "Father, when are we going to get married?"

...... The third child looked at Bingyu silently, and terribly, he still felt that the husband was much better than the big crab.

"Sleep!" The old man withdrew his hands expressionlessly, and lay down on the stone bed.

Bingyu paused, then shyly said, "We haven't gotten married yet, so it's not good to sleep."

Although the mouth was not good, the body climbed to the stone bed honestly.

The third child looked at her with a black line: "I mean it's time to sleep, I'm in bed, you sleep on the ground."

"Wow, you are too gentlemanly." Bingyu said with a look of disgust, then lay down in his arms politely, holding him like an octopus: "Forget it, I'll make it difficult for him You sleep in a bed, it's cheap for you. "

The third child silently pulled her hand away, she tangled up again, shook her feet away, and she hung up again ...

After tossing for a while, the third child was sweating, the woman in her arms still did not shake off, the most abhorrent thing was that she was still asleep.

He dared to struggle here alone, the most annoying thing was how strong he was in a big man.

Even more annoying is how this woman can sleep so calmly in the arms of a strange man. Was it only for him, or for all men.

As long as he thought she had done such a thing to other men, he was inexplicably angry.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the woman in her arms, the old third's eyes softened unconsciously.

This noisy woman still fell asleep and looked good.

Seeing the little white hand clasping his chest, the third frowned.

When I pulled the tendons before, I broke the palms of my palms. She didn't yell, but she was called by a crab.

The third child sat up, took out the medicine bottle, carefully applied her medicine to both hands, and wrapped her again before lying down again.

That night, Bingyu hugged the beautiful boy and slept well all night. But the third child was bitter, the beauty was pregnant, and she didn't even want to sleep.

Bingyu woke up and saw that the third child helped her to wrap her hands, and was immediately touched: "Fu Jun, I know you are the best for me."

The old man frowned at her, and wanted to stop her from calling her husband, but thinking of the names of the chicks, Ota chickens, and crabs last night, he closed his mouth again.

Forget the husband, the husband, it's better than the big crabs and Odak.

The third child ignored her and went out with a sword.

"Fu Jun, where are you going, wait for me." Bingyu quickly chased out.

"Don't follow me anymore, let's go through each of them separately and go our separate ways."

"So how do you do, you are my husband, you are my life and death is my ghost, I have to protect you." Bingyu is not stupid, the duck to the mouth, she can make it Fly?

Facing this entangled woman, the third child is really powerless.

In the end, one person's experience has finally turned into two people's experience.

But the process didn't seem to go very smoothly. Every time the youngest one chopped the monsters well, Bingyu always went to help, and the result would always be more help.

The third man looked helplessly at Bingyu: "I said, can you sit and watch, don't make trouble if you don't help?"

"How can I make trouble?" Bing Yan said unconvinced, "If I didn't help you, this guy would die."

The third child was silent and looked at the sky. She was embarrassed to say that if she didn't make trouble, he would kill him with one stroke. As a result, the two men killed him for a whole hour. If the bear did not die, he would die.

"Also, don't you always be yours, you, I have a name, Duanmu Bingyu. Then, you can call me Bingbing, or Huo, or Xiaobinger, Xiaoyuer can do it." Stare and tell him eight hundred times. It's always you, yours, rude guy.

The old third looked disgusted, and he didn't want to call any of them.

"Ah, I see." Bing Yan suddenly stared suddenly, and nodded vaguely at the third.

The third child looked at her somehow, what did she know?

"You must want to call me a lady, don't you say it earlier, I allow you to call me a lady." Bingyu bumped his shoulders with a shameful expression.

"I don't want to." The third child was thundered by the thunder, and refused without thinking. "Don't follow me anymore, I'm going home."

With this woman, he can't practice it, he should go back soon.

"You're going home. That just took me back to see my father-in-law." Bingyu was even more excited when he heard that he was going back.


The third child is black. Can the woman's skin be thicker?

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