Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1379: If I lose, I give you my life

Seeing Zi Xiuran, both were surprised.

"Why are you here?" Bai Tan's eyes flashed, and I didn't know how to speak, or Mo Beichen asked.

"A raccoon produces, deity come and see."

The indifferent eyes swept towards the beaver, the **** lowered his eyes, and the light of Zi Xiu's eyes darkened instantly.

"She's okay." Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was a bit bad, Mo Beichen smiled: "Thank you."

He should be worried about Tanuki, otherwise he won't come here.

"Are these all?" Zi Xiuran looked surprised at the little guys who were curled up in the curl.

When he came in, there were only five, and there was one more effort at this moment.

"Um." Mo Beichen nodded. "Do you want to hug?"

Mo Beichen said, holding one and handing it to Zi Xiuran.

Looking at the soft look of the little guy, Zi Xiuran couldn't help but smile, and he couldn't help but reach out and tease.

"It's a lot like Shiba."

The six little guys are all little white foxes, like their grandparents.

Like Father Emperor?

The **** laughed at the thought of Bai Yan.

It's like the father, the father is the white fox, but her child as the father does not inherit the father, but like a mother and a red fox. She and A Mosheng these little guys are like father This blood is really amazing.

"By the way, Bixue took all the monster soldiers to guard at the entrance of Hongmeng Purgatory." Thinking of something, Zi Xiuran looked up at the two again.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, but there was bloodthirsty killing in Baitan's eyes.

This blood, it's time she settled with him.

"Let's go out." Beaver got up and hugged two little guys.

"You just finished giving birth, do you want to rest?" Mo Beichen worried about her body.

"It's okay." Baitan looked at him softly. "I'm fine."

Mo Beichen reluctantly hugged the two children and looked up at Zi Xiuran: "Help us hold the two children."

"Well." Even if Mo Beichen didn't say it, Zi Xiuran planned to hold two.

The three of them, holding each of the two children, flew out from the exit together.

The people outside looked back at the deepening vortex and kept back.

Two figures, one black and one red, flew out of the vortex, and a white figure followed them.


"It's the devil and the princess!"

"Look at the children in their hands."

"God, so much."

At first everyone was staring at Mo Beichen and Bai Tan'er. At this moment, everyone's attention was in the hands of the children they were holding.

"Girl Tanuki, are you okay." Hua Yan quickly ran over and asked with concern.

"Sister A Tan." Yu Fan also followed.



Long Yue, Bai Shi, and Jun Yan also followed each other.

"It's okay." Beaver looked at them with a smile, and happily showed Huayan and Yufan the children in her arms.

When I saw it was a small white fox, Huayao and Yufan still stunned, but soon they were turned over by the little guy.

"It's so cute." Hua Yan saw Baitan hug two and took over one.

The cute look of the little guy instantly melted Huayan's heart.

Yu Fan also wanted to hug, but did not dare to ask Zi Xiuran, but could only go to Mo Beichen: "Can you give me a hug."

Mo Beichen looked at Yu Fan's small eyes and gave him a child.

"Thank you." Yu Fan immediately rejoiced, holding the little guy unwilling to let go.

In fact, the little ones haven't opened their eyes yet, and there is nothing really fun. What they want to hold is attracted by the cuteness of the little ones.

Bai Shi and Jun Yan also wanted to hug, but they didn't dare to ask for it like Yu Fan, so they could only watch beside.

Seeing that the little guys were all little white foxes, Shiraishi's eyes were instantly wet.

"Like Your Majesty."

"It's really the same as Ji Xia." Jun Yan looked very happy when he looked aside.

Other foxes were surprised when they saw that the beavers gave birth to little white foxes.

Sure enough, it is the blood of the Sky Fox, just like Her Majesty the Demon Emperor before.

In fact, the foxes are white foxes, and the red foxes like the queen do not belong to the foxes. They are just foxes. The princess has the blood of the foxes. Although she is a red fox, her fox blood is still very pure. of.

His Highness is now all white foxes, which means that their blood must be very pure. No wonder they can attract so many visions.

The other races of the demon world and those demon soldiers were so glad to see so many blood foxes.

The princess was too able to give birth, and she gave birth to six small highnesses. It really was not an ordinary mortal. This really made a huge contribution to the demon world.

People in the Demon Realm are also very happy.

Although it is a little white fox, it is the bloodline of the highest fox of the demon world, and the queen gave them six high princes, but they are the heroes of the demon world.

Everyone was in joy.

There was only blue blood, and after seeing the six little white foxes, his face became even more ugly.

Bai Taner gave birth to six small evil species, and they were all white foxes. No wonder Soto said that this woman was his nemesis, and he was given so many medicines to deal with. This is not what nemesis is.

The snake soldiers were a little flustered when they saw so many Sky Fox bloodlines.

In the beginning, a white **** made them burn their heads and deal with it badly. Now there are so many more. How can they deal with it?

"Bixue, look for me." Looking at Bixue's dark expression, Baitan narrowed his eyes.

"Why, I thought that with so many people supporting you, there would be no fear?" Bi Xue taunted while watching the beaver.

"Do you need someone to deal with you?" Beaver looked at Bi Xue with disdain, and gave him a mocking smile.

The blood-stained triangular eyes suddenly became resentful: "If you have the ability, compare it with the emperor. If the emperor wins, you will be left with your life. How dare you?"

"No match, how do you know it is you who win? What if you lose?" Baitan Quandang didn't know that he was using aggressive methods, and then he said.

Bi Xue sneered in disdain: "How could the Emperor lose you a little 2,000-year-old fox."

The **** raised his eyebrows and insisted, "If you lose."

"If you lose, the emperor will give you the throne of the demon world, and let these demon soldiers obey you." Bi Xue also lost his blood in order to kill Baiju.

But he never thought he would lose.

The **** wickedly smiled, "Well, in front of these three kingdoms, you might not want to talk to the dignified demon emperor."

"Of course." Bi Xue said with a stubble on her neck without thinking, "If you lose, the emperor wants your life."

In fact, what Bixue wanted to say was to kill her and all the little white foxes, but the little white fox is the descendant of Mo Yan and the little prince of the demon world. He now puts it out, I am afraid that people in the demon world will definitely not agree, it is better to solve the **** Besides.

"If I lose, I'll give you my life." Bai Jue looked at Bi Xue blankly, proudly.

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